So, yeah. Met with Robin and Tyler at Tim Hortons just an hour ago, and...
I am either going to suffer a lot for this, or gain a lot. Still not sure which, but my gut is not opposing anything really that I've heard so far.
What is particularly interesting, is that shortly before our meeting, I started feeling like my heart chakra was opening up and my "third eye" was kicking into overdrive. The heart warmth didn't happen until around halfway through the meeting (I think), but the third eye really got going on my way there and while I was listening to Robin speak.
The clarity I was feeling. The confidence in myself. The alertness. Everything came together smoothly and I held onto skepticism as well as open-mindedness throughout the entire talk.
I arrived at Tims about ten minutes early and found us all a table. Sat there reading "Way of the Superior Man" by David Deida (re-reading), and... Robin comes, sits down by himself and I wasn't sure who he was. Tyler texts me he was going to be ten minutes late, and as I'm reading my book, eyeing the one guy by himself wondering if that was him; my suspicions were confirmed once Tyler came in and introduced us.
A little awkward, but whatever.
I pride myself on being able to detect bullshit from people, and honestly, there wasn't much I saw from Robin that gave me reason to walk on out of there. I felt really connected to him, and not because he was young and charismatic and managed to fool me or anything like that; but because he would hold eye contact with me, and neither of us flinched.
That's a big one for me. You can tell when someone is being deceptive if they aren't able to look fully into your own eyes, or if they often look away, but he didn't. He seemed legit.
So, this whole talk was about grooming me for further meetings. Apparently there is a company Robin owns, and the whole premise of the business idea was about investing into "people".
Trust me, I asked all the right questions. Not a pyramid scheme, but it could be an MLM play. Also, there was no money for me to be paying at any time. We have a second coffee date scheduled for Tuesday night in which further details would be discussed, but in the meantime, I would have to read this book.
Called, "The Go-Giver" by Bob Burg and John David Mann.
Since I'm pretty quick with reading, I should have this done by Tuesday for sure.
I'm really interested in seeing where this trail of breadcrumbs is going to lead me. Finding a set of park keys, meeting Tyler, having the conversation I did with him, and then him introducing me to Robin was an interesting series of events. After the meeting was over, I managed to talk with Tyler some more and I was surprised by how honest he was.
One of my questions were, "have you paid Robin any money at any time?"
He said no.
"Have you made money from whatever this all is?"
Yes. He made about two grand from it and wiped out 9k worth of debt. Thanks to Robin.
"How long have you known Robin for and been involved with this?"
Two years. Two and a half, to be precise. Not a ringing endorsement at all with this idea. Two years and a few grand to show for it?
Still, though. I am honoring my gut with this one, because the book I was given to read seems legit. The idea behind it is to "give" in order to get. If I want to be successful in life, I have to give. And this model is the basis behind what Robin and his wife appears to be doing.
As we were talking, he made mention about how his wife is as voracious a reader as I am. I then opened my backpack and displayed the five books I was reading.
A Beginners Guide to Unlocking Your Psychic Powers
Way of the Superior Man
Isis Unveiled
The Ocean of Theosophy
and Rich Dad, Poor Dad
When he saw the cover of the psychic powers book, and noticed the Eye of Horus symbol on the front; he said his wife has the exact same symbol tattooed behind her ear.
I thought that was awesome. I've considered getting a tattoo like that for myself at one point. Except I have never had the driving urge to get one, since my tastes are fickle and tattoos generally look tacky after a few years. And tacky in general, for the most part.
So... Interesting conversation. Not much in the way of details revealed, but this is so to keep me from getting overwhelmed, and I suppose it was part of the vetting process. There was mention of people quitting, and Tyler himself saying that he couldn't commit himself as much as he wanted to.
So, there are some red flags, but I will decide for myself if their business plan makes any sense.
The book is completely legit, however. Just from reading the dust jacket, I can tell already that I like the idea behind it all. I'm just curious about how it will be implemented.
So Robin's story is that he was 700k in debt, and erased it all within three years. No real details on how, except that I'm pretty sure working 24 and 4 up north for 5 years may have helped him in this regard.
His wife hasn't worked in a few years, and that's a good thing he says. And he's still working at Dow Chemical as an electrician.
So... I'm not exactly sure how much success could he be having if he is still working in the trades.
|But then again, this might be the beginning of a larger movement. The ground floor. The place where it all starts.
Apparently around 50 people are involved in this, whatever it is, and Robin claims not to ask for payment from either of them. He gets rewarded only by charity, it seems, and from what I see of this book, I can understand how this could be lucrative in of itself.
It seems to be about networking. Getting yourself into a group of like-minded individuals who all bring something of value to the table, in the spirit of wanting to bring value to others. Innovative. I really like the premise behind all this.
But the business idea that Robin will eventually pitch on me, well, that remains to be seen and assessed.
Again, no alarm bells on my end. Driving home from all this had me feeling a little excited, to be honest. Well, more curious than excited, but excited nonetheless.
Could be something, may not be something. Guess we'll be finding out.
Oh, and big news. Got this text last night as I was writing the blog post yesterday:
First one in weeks. She ignored my earlier one.
Interesting that she left the door open for a further "encounter", whatever that means. I didn't bother writing her back. Kind of wanted to, but didn't. I wrote a draft of something and deleted it. Well, left it the way it was, because I wanted to be 100% sure if and when I'd send it. Doubt I will send her anything, though.
She's still not a good person.
But, in reading Way of the Superior Man, I realized my blunders. I wasn't the guy she wanted me to be. The guy I was when we first met, kept getting broken down by her petty arguments and irrational anger. I realized now that there are ways of responding to that, and I can't expect to sooth her with logic. She's all intuition, and a logical argument would be pointless.
She made mention of "many lessons learned" and I am kind of scratching my head at that, wondering what exactly did she learn from our time together. I have learned things myself, but haven't fully integrated them yet. Getting there, though.
Way of the Superior Man suggests I find myself someone who complements and challenges me and brings out the passionate side of myself, and Fola definitely is the perfect gal in this regard. She would be an excellent woman to keep me on my toes and being the best that I can be. But that requires discipline, focus and commitment to my vision.
Whatever my vision is. Hrmph. I don't know if my blog is going to be the end game of all this. I just know that I need to write. On this blog, and on the other one.
Books and stories are a lot different to pull off than writing about my day, or short essays/articles on the other site.
But, yeah. I feel good. There is momentum gathering towards something. Those physical sensations today appeared for a reason. I believe they acted as a kind of guidance system. We'll see how they play out, and whether or not I am wrong to be thinking this way.
We'll see. But so far, so good.
Anyways. Got to email Kelly a few more things and I should be getting information soon about flying out to Fort Hills. Thats another new chapter in my life. Working non-union, and doing something that isn't insulating. Plus the schedule of 7 and 7 should be handy. I'm looking forward to a whole week off in between shifts.
Hope it all goes well. I'm still believing in good things, and I still believe that I am a good man.
I still believe in a God.
A Creator. A force of intelligence.
That is bringing me the things that I need and want.
Great wealth and prosperity.
Being lovingly guided to a higher and happier purpose.
Fola acknowledging and apologizing for the mistakes of the past and loving me unconditionally.
(although she hasn't apologized or really acknowledged anything yet)
It's still coming along. Rome wasn't built in a day. I just have to keep calm and uhm.. chive, jive on.
We'll see.
My mom told me to buy lottery tickets yesterday because she had a dream about me winning. But when I met her today and asked for details, she didn't actually dream of me winning the lottery. She dreamed about me pooping, and said that she interpreted it as my winning the lottery.
I had to give a LOL WHUT to that. Shit doesn't make any sense. Pun intended.
My mom is cute when she is crazy like that. Love her weird ways.
She gave me a hundred bucks earlier, too. Didn't want it. Didn't ask for it. Knew better than to fight and refuse to take it, so I took it.
(sighs) She has a lot of faith in me.
I need to be able to say the same.
And prove to her that it was well-founded.
Time to read that book.
And remind myself that for Fola and I to be together, I would have to accept her damage and her baggage.
Warts and all.
Who knows.
Maybe people can change.