Met with Robin and Tyler for coffee again tonight. Second meeting.
Hmm. I still don't know what to think about all this. If this is a scam, its a pretty good one.
Basically, they are leading me through multiple steps in order for me to create a company and to sell products online. The way they make any money, is as a bonus off of whatever I sell. Percentages go from 3% to 26%, and are fixed by income brackets.
Everything is legal, and apparently they have partnerships with various companies. Including Apple and Nike. Somehow. Someway.
My gut was what lead me to Tyler that day. Tyler led me to Robin. Robin gave me this fantastic and inspiring book (The Go Giver), and today gave me a Robert Kiosayki one about forming your own business.
If this is a scam, it is brilliantly done. Except...
I don't know.
The sticking part is Tyler himself. He admitted only having made a small amount of money from this, and not only that, but he's known Robin for two years. Still doesn't have a house or any real money, I don't think.
So, it doesn't seem like its working very well for him.
But his truck looks nice, I have to admit, and he was genuine when I first met and spoke with him. He was a genuinely nice guy, it seems.
My gut lead me to him, and now my gut has me leading to whatever this all is. Forming a company to sell products online so that Robin and his wife gets to make commission.
There's still more involved to this that I have not yet begun to see, so once I get back from work next week; there will be another meeting scheduled in which they will present a business plan.
What I don't understand about all this, is my reading the Go Giver. I don't understand how it factors in. Robin asked me what my biggest takeaway was, and I said it was that my success is his success, and vice-versa.
He agreed with my answer, I suppose. Even though I've memorized all 5 laws that were presented in the book, I don't see why I would need to be involved in his business model in order to practice the concepts behind the Go Giver.
I naively thought that maybe these were genuinely good people who were looking out to help me. Maybe they still are. I don't know. If I tell them about my life situation and my debt; would they be able to help me? Would they earnestly do their best to see me succeed?
That's what I thought the Go-Giver was about. But...
I'm still going to go with my gut on this one. There were no flinching. Although tonight did trip me a up a little bit, because I kept wondering why Tyler had to be present with us throughout these meetings. He doesn't serve any purpose that I can tell. He's not learning anything, I don't think.
He's definitely involved.
But he doesn't make or earn much money from this. Whatever it is.
In two years?
We all want to realize the dreams of being rich someday. Well off. Able to afford nice things and to guarantee our security. But, as Paulo wrote in the Witch of Portabello, "Never place your dreams in the hands of those that can destroy them."
Which... I shall not be doing. My enthusiasm is tempered.
I initially thought this was something more about mutual giving and networking, but it seems to be about setting me up as a source of income from which Robin will be benefiting off of.
He said they have 50 people underneath them. Sounds like a pyramid scheme, right?
Apparently he's not doing all that well either, if he is still working full time at his job.
Yeah. This does sound scammy. But...
I'm going to see where it all leads.
I at least have been given 1 amazing book that I'm grateful for receiving, and I'm interested in the 2nd one that I have now. Business of the 21st Century. If nothing else, I am getting good reading material.
But as for being rich.
Someday. Someday soon.
I am blessed with great wealth and prosperity, by which I benefit myself and those around me.
One of the things I have asked for in the ritual I performed early this month.
I'm not going to sever this connection with Robin. I haven't been given a good enough reason to, and skepticism certainly is necessary.
But so is faith.
Physical stuff happening with me right now. I don't know if it's Fola related. Again.. I keep thinking its Fola related and maybe it really isn't.
But, I have these sensations regardless.
I can feel almost nothing for a few hours, and then the heat comes in. Or the third eye pressure comes in,
Or the ears...
There are energetic exchanges happening. I am unsure as to what they are, or how they are triggered or where they come from, or what is at the cause, and if they are externally impressed upon or internally generated.
Common sense would say internally generated.
A psychologist would say psychosomatic,
A mystic might have a different idea. Activated chakras. I don't know.
But, I don't feel particularly amazing when I feel those feelings. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I don't.
What I am, is conscious of them. More self-aware, I suppose.
Time feels slower, too, I think. Life is more meaningful.
That's a good thing. I can't complain about it.
I have a destiny and a purpose to realize.
And... meeting Fola...
Having the relationship that we did...
Changed me.
For the better? I am not sure yet.
But I am certainly not any worse than before.
It was a magical experience, that much I can say. The effects of it still lingers.
(sighs) I'm never going to be able to figure myself out in the grand scheme of things. I can't possibly hope to explain these physical sensations, or why I met Fola or why I met Tyler and where I am supposed to go and what it is I must accomplish.
I ask God for guidance on these things, and I have not had clear answer yet.
Which is fine, because I understand that clear answers are rarely if ever given. Unless I listen very carefully. In perfect stillness and self-acceptance.
Then, a voice emerges.
But... who's voice is it? Mine?
It is mine.
I have always known it was mine. I have always known that wisdom is inside of me. The kingdom of God is within, as they say.
If this is so...
Then I invoke it. I must trust it. I must roll with it.
I'm... tired right now. My last night of freedom before I fly out tomorrow. I'm thinking of smoking pot for the first time in over a month. I don't feel particularly compelled to, but...
Maybe further insights can be had.
I feel so strange... It almost feels like.. a presence or energy has attached itself to me. And it ebbs and flows by circumstances and thoughts that I cannot connect well enough to understand the cause of.
All I can really do is shrug.
And do my best to keep smiling.
Knowing that inevitably, the Truth will reveal itself.
And I must be prepared to accept it.
I deserve better.
But I need to first believe it.
Step #1.
Believe in your worth.
Step #2.
Keep conscious of your awareness
Step #3.
Always keep an open and receptive mind.
Step #4.
Always keep an open and receptive heart.
... Step #5 is the one that I think I am hung up on at the moment.
Step #5 is to fully surrender myself
Working on it, God.
Working on it.
Could use some encouragement.