What a strange night. So strange, that I've been woken up from bed at 2:57am, not feeling sleepy at all, and feeling like I should write this all down.
I went to bed shortly after midnight.
What woke me up is not (maybe) Fola, this time. I remembered dreaming about something in particular. Not sure what it could be, because no memory of it was left with me.
It maybe was important. There wasn't any feelings of fear involved, or any particularly strong emotion, so I am not sure what caused me to wake up like this.
Yesterday, I saw Fola again. Went to the SRF and was there about 40 minutes early. As I sat in my car, I noticed her pulling up a short distance to my right. Wasn't completely sure if it was her or not, but I could tell that the person wasn't white, so it only could have been.
She and I got out from our vehicles at about the same time. 7:50, before the session would start at 8. I walked towards the entrance, and she walked perpendicular, until we met.
First thing she did was the smile, and a "oh" of fake surprise. She asked me if I came here often, and I said no, I was here for the beads I accidentally left.
We didn't say much as we walked upstairs to take off our shoes and coats. As I was finishing up with my clothes, I told her that it was nice to see her again. She didn't say anything to that, and went into the bathroom.
I found myself a place to sit, and she sat in the row to my left. About three chairs over with the space of the aisle between us. If I wanted to, I could turn my head at any time to look at her, but I didn't. Throughout the hour of all this, I looked at her twice and both times she did not look back.
Carolyn, one of the SRF members, was behind me and smiled while giving me the beads. I thanked her.
The rest of the session was.. what it was. I tried following along as best as I could, but kept from singing any of the songs. I didn't know the words, anyways.
There was an interesting speech on activating the chakra between your eyes, and how meditating upon a certain image can help bring you into contact with God. Or it was a sign that you were in contact with God.
The meditation periods were the most interesting for me. I was really feeling a sensation in between my eyes, and though I was trying to keep focused on my breathing; I was plagued with thoughts of Fola. Well, maybe not plagued, but she sure interrupted a lot of it.
In meditation, I could really feel some of the energy enter my body and into my head. With each inhalation of breath, it felt like I pushed my mind up "higher", and made a mental note of myself to attempt this once I am alone, and not thinking of her. There is value to be had in exploring this further.
At the end... Well. We talked inside for a bit near the entrance, and when I asked if she wanted to go for coffee and to catch up, she said, "catch up with what?"
That was when it all started to fall apart.
"Catch up with life?" I answered. "You know. How have you been doing, how has work been, etc."
We did not end up going for coffee, and instead caught up inside and then outside of the SRF.
I was stunned by her. The more we talked, the more I began to see that she actually had no feelings left for me. She had completely moved on. Not only that, but her... answers to my questions were short and didn't reveal very much. It felt like I was talking to a robot at times, being given the most basic of information as possible.
I can't even begin to explain how this all felt, because I'm unable to categorize her behavior. She made me feel like I have never existed, and that the things we've shared didn't leave any kind of impression on her.
This is the woman that I have been blogging about for months, now. The one that I am thinking was thinking about me every day. The one that I felt "connected" to. And here she was, shrugging off our entire relationship. Yawning at me repeatedly throughout the conversation, and clearly uninterested in having it.
It was so strange. Such an eye-opener. Although we talked, it feels like I didn't learn very much. She's been busy lately with her new job. Ivy is okay. Larry is "same old, same old" (fake laugh). And...
I tried asking her about why we broke up, and she didn't have an answer for it.
"But haven't you thought about this at all?" I asked.
Again, her answers were so non-descript and short, that I can't really capture them in this post. They were not memorable enough for me to remember.
All I could think was that she must have found someone else to be with. So much for our twin-flame/soulmate relationship. When I tried to confirm this with her, "we're completely dead then right? This is over?" she replies, "for now, yes."
For now. Yes.
There was a part where she said she still loves me, but I'm looking at this woman who seems hesitant about holding eye-contact and is constantly yawning and fake-smiling and fidgeting to leave; and I realize that she doesn't love me. She never did.
She can't love anyone.
I am truly at loss for words.
She is a woman without a soul. Trying to find it.
And she does this by attaching herself to the people that are soulful, and who are sensitive and loving and giving.
No wonder she latched onto me.
She made mention that she was on the phone while sitting in the car for a half hour. I didn't think to ask her who she was talking to. It was none of my business, but I got the sense that she found someone else to latch onto. It would not surprise me if it was Cody, the guy that she called a "player" and whom she appeared to be surreptitiously flirting with over text when she allowed me to look at her phone.
There was nothing eventful about our conversation, and I was put into a confused daze towards the end of it. Not really believing that this woman is human.
It really did not seem like she had a soul. And I am reminded that of this song she really likes called, "I'm not human at all" by Sleep Party People.
She was not human at all.
I accused her once of having a short memory. Things really fade quickly for her, and I really saw the full of effect of this tonight. Everything good with us appeared to be gone. We did not hug each other. We did not connect emotionally with each other.
There was nothing left between us.
Driving home, I had to pull over onto the road to stop and try and figure out what I was feeling.
I couldn't really feel anything but stunned. Not angry, not sad, not love, not hope or fear or disgust or shame.
Just stunned. I couldn't make sense of the way she behaved.
I've never seen much depth from Fola during my time with her, and I saw even little tonight. There is no substance to that woman. She seems to operate by intuition alone, and mimicking the semblance of humanity.
It was disturbing to think about. I texted Michelle trying to figure this out with her.
We couldn't really figure much out, other than confirming that she was a narcissist; and that she likely did find someone new to be with. Of course she isn't going to be paying attention to me, anymore. Twin flame? Soulmate? She didn't care. Synchronicities? Big deal. Those were so long ago that they've become irrelevant.
And so, I am going to be moving on. I am wondering now about how much of our relationship was really my feelings keeping it going, and not her own.
I am wondering now what is was that I was feeling, when I felt the warmth in my chest and the pressure in my head. Maybe I was still connecting to her, but those feelings had to do with her being with someone else.
Or maybe, those feelings had nothing to do with her at all.
Maybe I imagined everything.
And that doesn't disappoint me as much as I thought it would.
Because I know that I brought my best to our relationship. I gave her my heart and soul.
She had no heart or soul to give.
And that is really the summary of our relationship.
She had no heart or soul to give.
And so I had to give it to her.
(sighs) I am not making much sense with this post. I feel emotionally neutered myself, right now.
I don't think I love her anymore. I don't have...
No. I do love her. That is wrong. I love her in this tragic sort of way.
I love her like I would love a handicapped child.
I love her like I would love a blind and deaf dog.
I love her.
I wish she could be healed of whatever affliction she has.
Maybe she is healed, I don't know. I imagine in her own mind that she would be thinking so.
She must have really suffered some abuse over her life.
Or something.
Maybe she was always like this.
I have to remind myself that she was polyamorous when I met her. She was the one who convinced her husband to do so.
I can't respect a woman like that.
I can't respect her at all for how she behaved while with me.
When I asked her about how "disrespected" she felt over that YouTube video; she shrugged it off.
It is no longer worthy of being argued about. And that was the event that lead to our breakup.
I feel so strange typing all this. I've finally met my ex after three weeks, and it was so uneventful.
There was nothing there.
And I am confused by her. I once accused her of having a short memory, and it is obviously the case. Emotions do not linger with her. No matter how strongly felt they may have once been.
The best sex of our lives, was with each other. I still believe that.
The best chemistry/connection of our lives, was with each other. I still believe that also.
And, yet, none of that mattered anymore to her.
I don't think I will ever understand any of this. I can only apply the narcissist/false twin-flame label onto her and move on. It almost felt to me like she was brain-damaged.
If that is the case, then I...
Yeah. I can't do anything about that other than to be sympathetic.
To love her like I would a handicapped child.
She is beyond healing. She is...
I don't think she is beyond healing.
Perhaps I have helped heal her.
I don't know, and I don't think I should be dwelling on this. Have I made her into a better person for having met me? Maybe. But it sure didn't feel like it.
Whatever had to have happened with us, has happened.
I think I came into contact with a very evil person, and I think I made them less so.
Or more so.
I don't know.
I can't even think of anything to write here.
I can't analyze someone so.. beyond my realm of familiarity with people. I have never met a woman like her before. I don't know who I can compare her with other than Lauren, and Lauren wasn't this bad, I don't think.
I am going back to sleep. I've got a course in the morning to go to, and a new job to start next week.
Life is going to go on. I'm alone and single again, and now I can walk forward without wondering if Fola is still thinking of me or if we are going to be back together again.
I don't care anymore about those things.
She is damaged.
I could not fix her.
Or maybe I did.
Or maybe I made things worse.
It doesn't matter anymore. I know she is not a good person. Never was, and likely never will.
She will always pretend herself to be human, when she is not. Always leaving a good impression on people. But once an intimate relationship starts, then its a completely different ball game.
The "using" begins.
And it all becomes one-sided.
God... I don't know how to feel about all this.
I remembered how baffled I was in the parking lot with her. Something clicked in my mind with her. This feeling that she really didn't have a heart or soul to her.
She really did not think about us much.
I did. And now I think I will no longer have to think about her as much.
I forgive her.
I see now that she is broken.
I did not know how to fix her.
And I am not perfect myself, either, but her damage is... deep and dark and complex.
She is not really human. There was never any warmth to her.
And she wants to be a healer.
I am baffled.
I can only stand aside, and tell God that I have done my part.
This is what I was intended to do. To love her as much as I could, until I couldn't.
I guess that is what my purpose was.
I want to stop this post and go back to sleep, but I keep getting this nagging feeling that I am not writing something. That I'm leaving something important out.
Just now, a warmth in my heart is beginning to develop. Didn't feel much of a warmth yesterday, but I do now.
Little bit of head pressure, also. Just started.
I wonder.
Is it me? Is it her? Is it someone else?
Is it my true Twin Flame doing this to me?
Is she here? Will we meet?
It's 4:28am and I have to be up in two hours.
I don't know how I'm going to survive a day of orientation with so little sleep, but I will be doing my best.
Just like I've always been trying to do my best.
I am still a good man.
I still have much to offer.
I deserve better.
I am worthy of being loved.
And someday I will be.