About to leave for work here soon, but thought I'd mention something important I thought about last night.
In the early stages of our relationship, what Gina and I had was profoundly beautiful and the word that kept coming into my mind, was "tender".
Just seeing her when she opened the door of her house, and the smile and look we exchanged.
The soft way she said hi to me.
Beautiful. God, do I ever miss those moments. And the texts. I wish I could paste a few of them in here, but I'm pressed for time. Our texts... (sighs) so good. So.. What it should be.
I exported our conversation to a text file and went to print them out.
500+ pages, the printer said. And I hit the ok button. Double sided, and I'll be hole punching them and putting it all into a binder.
Probably will print her pictures out, and include it in there as well. Something to remember her by.
I'm not sure about the Christmas present now, and a thought that came to my mind was to send her this binder, but I don't know yet.
We'll see.
Work awaits.
Hope it goes okay.