Well... Halloween came and went. I used to enjoy passing out candy to the kids of the neighborhood I used to be in. Making them smile. Decorating the place.
Instead today I sat in my car at the park from about 2:30pm to 8pm.
Listened to a few podcasts. Watched a video on the horrors going on in Gaza. Watched a video on Moksha and how to escape the wheel of reincarnation but it was a terrifying video. The "remote viewer" claims we are trapped here and have to escape at a 45 degree angle and we will be "helped" out of this place by sympathetic beings on the other side.
Every day I am absorbing information and it has been a heavy burden at times. My beliefs get pulled in different directions. What I am seeing right now on a spiritual level is that this planet has been hijacked by nefarious entities non-native to Earth many thousand years ago. I keep seeing/hearing different people repeat this narrative across various categories. Explorers of history bring up things like the Nazca lines that could only been seen from high in the air, they bring up the technology of the pyramids and the stone handiwork that we cannot recreate with modern machinery. Incredibly detailed statues that seem impossible to be replicated today. Architecture that is equally as impossible, particularly for the horse and buggy days around when it was first claimed to be constructed.
Science then backs it up in a weird way. Saying that we have "junk DNA" which doesn't make any sense in addition to not finding a transitional species for the hominoid species where man went from Cro-Magnon to what we are today and science tells us we came from monkeys which do not even share the same number of chromosomes as we do. We have more DNA in common with a jellyfish, mice or pigs than we do with chimpanzees. I don't even have to get into the ridiculous notion of us having been into space because every photo of the Earth appears to be a composite/CGI and there are no pictures of satellites in space. No video of Earth from a distance. No video of the ISS being built and why can't the Hubble telescope be turned around to face Earth? Or why can't something be launched into space that can film the Earth 24/7 and livestream it onto the internet? Science still can't figure out gravity.
And then the political stuff. Politicians all seem to be hijacked and are doing the bidding of their masters. Whether its dictated by lobbyists for giant corporations or other influences like Soros and whoever else is up at the top pulling the strings. It's all theater. There are no honest people in high positions of power and influence.
At least not from what I can tell. Everyone either is corrupted, threatened or bribed into following the agenda of whoever is behind all this.
Gods of Eden by William Bramley and the Eighth Tower by John Keel both paint an illuminating picture of the "extraterrestrial" influence/infiltration that humanity has found itself in. Bramley points out the historical evidence whereas Keel describes the spiritual nature of these beings and how they operate. It lines up with that Moksha video I mentioned earlier. It lines up with religion and history and science and spirituality.
But what seems to be happening right now is a changing of the guard. Some people think this is about depopulation and perhaps part of it is as the middle-class gets squeezed ever more tightly as inflation and interest rates continue to rise along with the cost of rent and mortgages.
And perhaps depopulation is a part of it but it doesn't seem to be the main agenda. You can tell this because there are far more effective means of killing off a large number of people.
This then brings in the notion of karma and I have noticed that during the pandemic it was our free will that had us lining up for the shots. People that wanted to travel or to continue working at their jobs were told this was the way it had to be. But they didn't need to take it. Nobody put a gun to their heads.
So... karma seems to be a part of all this. Early on in 2020 I could see that this was a spiritual war. There was no question about it. But a war between who? Good and evil? Light and dark? That was the way it is presented. Duality. Choose either the door on the left or the one on the right. Either choice brings you into the same room.
Which is what I have been contemplating lately. This dualistic universe is important to understand in terms of a spiritual lesson. One must know what evil and darkness looks like before one can fully understand what goodness and light appears on the spectrum. For the longest time, many of us have not faced the dark in our lives. From 9/11 on. From the horrors of the invasion that occurred afterwards that was unjustified and resulted in the death of tens of thousands of innocent people.
We still could not see the darkness that was going on.
But now, with this genocide in Gaza, people are starting to understand. Despite the many social media sites that have positive "comments" in favour of Israel some which is done by automated bots looking to favour a particular narrative. Many are realizing the unwarranted attack on innocent Palestinians. Most of whom are children.
It has always been an information war. A war for our minds and by proxy, our hearts and souls.
It also has been shameful to see how easily misled so many of us are. From covid to Ukraine and now Gaza...
It's difficult to find sympathy these days for a good chunk of humanity that prefer to live in the illusion of an old world that is rapidly growing more distant in our rear-view mirrors.
I can't say I blame them on one level because who wants to dive deep into all this? The horror of our enslavement? To realize we have been deceived and manipulated for hundreds and likely thousands of years.
And nothing is exempt. Not even religion.
Was the Bible manufactured? Was the Qu'ran designed as a control system?
William Bramley says that it is. And so do many others.
Isn't it interesting that Jesus said to turn the other cheek when you get slapped so that the assailant can slap the other cheek? Or to give the shirt off your back to one that demands it by force? To give onto Caesar what is Caesar. I highly doubt he said any of those things. If he was angry enough to flip the tables of the money changers in the temple, he certainly didn't "turn the other cheek".
We have false passages and quotes inserted into our religious texts. Those ones are a few of them.
I believe the truth is that Yeshua existed and was the rebel that Judaism today insists that he was. A "dangerous" rebel to be more precise. One that they claim is currently being boiled in excrement in the pits of "hell".
My heart gets heavy writing all this. I know how much of a slippery slope it can be when one sees the Bible in this way or other religions. Either we believe the entire thing or we start cherry picking looking for truth between the lines and not always sure which is what.
And that undermines faith.
Yeshua was not one to be idolized or worshipped. He was a human male that had a high degree of spiritual wisdom contained within himself. He was infused by the "holy spirit" which I believe is a feminine spirit named Sophia which the church conveniently left out in the original gospels and teachings. The holy trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit really is a flawed equation.
Father, Child and MOTHER is the correct way of looking at it. Creator, Creation and the Womb or means of Creation. Thesis/Anti-thesis = synthesis. Positive polarity (sun), negative polarity (moon) and neutral polarity (ether?).
They've perverted and corrupted our religion. Would it have been so bad if Yeshua was married and had kids? Was he a virgin up until his death? The Qu-ran said he did not die on the cross and Mormonism and the Cathars claim that it was a hologram which resembled him. So which is it?
Is Jesus based on Zeus? Je-Zeus? Horus? Is Christ derived from Krishna?
Just how much have we been lied to? History, science, religion, medicine, the monetary system, politics...
It's tiring carrying all of those pieces inside of my mind. I am careful to construct the puzzle without jumping to any erroneous conclusions but...
We've been infiltrated. Something is here with us and it does NOT value human life. In fact, it looks down upon it. We are cattle to them. Herded along according to their plans and design.
Other pieces I've accumulated suggest that these beings are the "Gods" who chose to remain hidden. The legends of Greek and Roman gods and indigenous cultures all discuss superior beings that resemble humanity. No one talked about little green men back then. No text describes a traditional "grey" alien.
In the days of old, Noah was able to live to be a thousand years. Several other Biblical figures have had long lifespans also.
Could this be the "gods" doing? If Noah was able to live to that length, what about the gods themselves? How long could they live for? 10,000 years?
Let us imagine humanity progressed along with technology and 500 years from now we have "solved" the mystery of immortality. We can rejuvenate and renew all the cells of the human body. Eliminate disease and cancers. Lengthen telemeres.
Once we reach that stage of technological and medical proficiency, do you think ALL the humans of the world would be given the means to live to be a thousand years old? 10,000?
No. This development would likely be kept a secret from the masses. Only the very rich and influential would be given access.
And even then, one cannot be a public figure and be noticed to live for a thousand or more years. Secrecy would have to be maintained. Deaths would need to be faked.
Perhaps the secret to immortality is as simple as transferring consciousness from one bodily vehicle into another. One that perhaps was grown in a vat and is "perfect" in every way. Those who "die" simply have their minds placed into this other body. Given a new identity and away they go.
If we reached that point where only a select few gets access to this technology, then why would they continue to live among the unwashed masses? Would a 10,000 year old being live in Beverly Hills and shop for groceries at Walmart along with the rest of us?
Or, if this select group was also exceedingly wealthy with unlimited money (because they control and print the money) wouldn't it make more sense to design a utopia for themselves? Somewhere away from crowded cities and towns? Preferably in a place where there is NO contact between them and the rest of humanity?
You can see where I am going with this.
And if humanity catches on to their slaveowners, realizing that they are being used to provide resources for them, measures would be taken. A "reset" would happen. Parts of history will be erased and replaced and a new generation of humans would be taught in a certain way.
All the while, this select group of near-immortals or full immortals are pulling the levers and pulleys of civilization from a distance where they are not threatened by us.
Where would such a place be? Is it not strange that we cannot explore Antarctica? Why did Admiral Byrd claim that there was another civilization there? Living in a tropical climate? Inside the Earth?
What are UFOs really if not advanced technology developed by these immortals? These supposed "gods" ?
If we can imagine humanity making it into the future will all of these toys and technology, it is not a leap of faith to imagine that only a small group would have access and would want to keep it for themselves. This is why Prometheus was punished for giving man fire. This is why the serpent tempted Eve in the garden and thereby condemning them to know the "truth" of their enslavement. Which is why they fled this supposed paradise ashamed of who they are. Lesser versions of the gods.
Frankstein's monster.
"God" is a multiplicity of beings. It is a group, and we see this by the word "Elohim" where in Genesis God had said "come, let US make man into our own image" ... this is plural.
We have been lied to for so long. There is another race of beings here with us. They look human but are incredibly smart and not creative. Assisted by technology that is decades if not centuries ahead of our own. If quantum computers are impressive now, imagine adding another two hundred years of technological advancement. Could the weather be controlled as well? Of course. We already have the patent on it in the 1950s.
What else is there? Can one take over the mind of another human? Yes. I have witnessed it for myself. Voice to skull. Possible full motor-control.
500 years from now would we have figured out time travel? Certainly we would have flying crafts that resemble traditional UFOs. Look at how much progress humanity has made in a hundred years.
Imagine if it were a thousand.
So... the speculation that "aliens" are us from the future is not too far off. What is more accurate, is that aliens were always here on this planet, advanced themselves to a certain point, demolished/destroyed most of the lifeforms/technology and retreated into their own special little enclave. Their own Mount Olympus to formulate how to rebuild "man" from their own image.
Except, they do not desire to create an equal. So this new being could not be immortal or to live 1,000 years. It also could not be too smart or clever so as to challenge their authority.
And that is where the genetic tinkering began. The false history presented. The religions we are given to explain where we come from and why we are here.
I can see the real possibility that these "aliens" have made us. They also would look like us. We might be a version of Mini-Me from Austin Powers.
And the aliens we hear about in abduction stories was adding to a false mythology because to believe in outer space and a limitless amount of planets that are able to support life, we have to believe that "aliens" are from another planet. Again, 500 years from now we will be able to create androids that look like anything. Even little green men. Reptilians. Mantis beings. Robots with a human body and an animal head. Giants. Fairies.
The truth is, these advanced immortals are trapped here along with us.
And if we really knew that we could not leave this planet, people would begin to question the nature of their existence. There is no "out there" but rather "in here" and that is what the controllers do not want us to focus on. They do not want us to focus on the things right in front of us. The big questions.
Why haven't we fully explored our own oceans? Antarctica? The magnetic north pole where Mount Meru allegedly is? Decode the language of dolphins? Whales?
And just how the heck could evolution be true when we have the platypus?
The intricate construction of the human eye is not simply a product of random chance.
What in the world is our tailbone for? What is this "junk" DNA within us?
Why is the sex instinct so strong in our early years? To "go forth and multiply" ?
No wonder there has been such a push towards LGBTQ+ and transgenderism these days. Breaking up the family unit. Porn that can be accessed for free online by children. Making men into women and women into men. Swapping the polarities to create division and strife.
It is because lesbians and gay men and those that willingly sterilize themselves can no longer have kids.
For those that can have kids, the division between men and women results in a 60%+ divorce rate. Turn the women against men by "empowering them" and claiming they have been oppressed while making men feel guilty, used and treated as ATMs. Harshly dealt with in family court.
Destroy the conservative community. Start with churches.
Then allow for mass migration of differing cultures and beliefs to mix in with what was once a homogenous community. Fracturing it so that we do not even know who our neighbors are. Nor do we care to know them, for they are different than us.
Dog eat dog. Everyone is in competition with everyone else.
What is taking place is not the work of ordinary humans. Ordinary humans who are billionaires do not have such grand designs for our civilization. To destroy it. Their wealth assures them a lifetime of security and comforts. For their children and their children's children and so on.
Until they became powerful families... Keeping the most important knowledge to themselves...
From the Smithsonian to the Vatican. Until 500 years from now most of humanity has been destroyed and these families are in their own little enclaves living far away from what we have listed on the maps we were given.
They are the new "gods" and require a worker race of beings to serve them.
So therefore, they created man.
And the cycle repeats.
I believe our future is hidden in our past. The chaos we are witnessing now is engineered. And if my theory is correct, this is the timeline where a lot of us are going to suffer and die.
If we do not comply with the slavemasters who require digital ID and tracking of every single resource on this planet. Including human beings.
Which includes complying with whatever medical treatment we are expected to take so as to continue participating in this system.
Otherwise at the push of a button, an individual can be found in non-compliance and will not be able to provide for themselves. They will not be able to use a credit card. They will not be able to rent a home, let alone buy or build one for themselves. If CBDCs debut and it looks like they will -- man will be fully under digital control. There will no longer be a need to deploy physical soldiers, police officers or to hire a "hitman" to eliminate a non-compliant being. They would simply be blacklisted and prohibited from having a job and even being able to take the bus. How can one apply for a job if its all done online and your internet service provider refuses to give you access? How can one put gas into their vehicle if only debit cards exist and your bank account is frozen? Will we even have gas vehicles in the future? Gas stoves?
Clearly they are electrifying the world. This is a key component of their plan. Make the internet for everyone to use. Make it so much fun and essential and...
Begin closing it off. Censor content. Start making demands. "Scan your face to login to Facebook" "use your thumbprint to access LinkedIn" "speak into the microphone for voice verification if you wish to post on Twitter"
One will not have the option of living in a rural area off-grid, either. Eventually supplies will need to be purchased. Food can be grown, but can you get aspirin? Do you know how to treat a brain tumor? How can you buy gas? How will you earn a living if you are outside of the system? Property taxes will need to be paid and they aren't going to be accepting six dozen eggs.
It's so obvious to me what is going on right now. Our time is limited. It always has been and we are slaves.
We've always been slaves.
This is the part where I stop and wonder what one can do about any of this.
All I can come up with is, enjoy the time we have left. Get into nature with like-minded souls and stick it out for as long as possible.
Perhaps we will be left alone. The chances improve with greater numbers. The military will not be dispatched to take care of a family of 5 living in the deep woods when there are other families of 5 scattered in multiple areas. In America, such families are likely to own weapons as well.
The big cities are more easily controlled. Rural, not so much.
And still.. this is only avoiding the problem. Perhaps we can get 10 years or a little more of rural living.
And then what? Will our children pick up where we left off? Will they be on our side or would they prefer living in the city? With other people?
Can small rural communities thrive on their own? They cannot stay self-sufficient and homogenous for long.
And what of the "solar flare/Carrington event" that we are allegedly overdue for? The pole shift? The civilization-ending asteroid coming from "outer" space? The one that wiped out the "dinosaurs" ?
What of the book of Revelation?
From what I understand, these are blueprints to destruction. If suddenly we are without power on a mass scale, we could be told it is a "Carrington event" or an EMP that caused it. Censorship of information on the internet may mean we will not know for sure what is the truth. Nor would we be able to share the truth of what is happening if we are geofenced in and not allowed to upload video or to communicate with others outside of a prescribed zone. We can be attacked deliberately at will and the media can choose not to report on it, or instead put out a false narrative that people will forget about in a week.
So... perhaps in Russia they are witnessing tremendous miracles taking place but we would not be able to know. How would we know the truth about Russia today? Can any of the news outlets be trusted?
Look at what happened with Snowden when he exposed the US intelligence apparatus and how they were spying on American citizens. Look at what the punishment for Julian Assange was for leaking important information about what was going on.
Face it. We are slaves living inside of a closed system. That is the truth of all of my study and research on the matter.
It is a depressing realization to have. I'll tell you that much.
Because I don't have much faith in a lot of us. So many people don't care to do their research or to learn or to realize that they are being manipulated.
Six boosters and "I support the current thing" with Ukraine or Israel flags hanging off their cars.
So many people have failed to use their own intelligence and discernment to realize that they are being preyed upon and USED. Starting from JFK but made more obvious with 9/11.
So obvious with 9/11.
Painfully obvious.
And then 2020 came around and we really got to see how many of us fell for their tricks.
Allegedly at least 70% worldwide has had 1 or more jabs.
What does that tell you about our capacity for discerning bullshit? The vast majority has been duped and is continuing to be duped.
The wolves will eventually eat their own, as we are now seeing with Israel. Contrary to what many would say, the Jews are not the ones behind all this. It goes higher. They are patsies no different than Lee Harvey Oswald.
The Jews are being used just like the rest of us.
God's "chosen" people are the most compliant and greedy among us. Money can make a man do anything. Particularly with Jews who are credited with creating usury in the first place, although I am doubting that they were responsible for the monetary system. The "gods" were, and used them as a tool of enslavement.
Once the puppets serve their purpose. Guess what happens? They are discarded.
So if it wasn't the Jews, who is it? The Rothschilds? Rockafellers?
Both families are patsies as well.
The Royal family? The biggest landowners in the world? Patsies and puppets.
The Vatican? Francis is a puppet. Seen the video him kissing the hand of the Rothschilds? Do you know who the black pope is? Do you know how much power the grey pope has?
It goes higher than we know.
Who are the private shareholders of the Federal Reserve?
Who are the private shareholders behind Blackrock and Vanguard? The two companies that control most of everything on the planet?
Who owns the central banks?
Even if we knew their names, we couldn't do anything. We don't seem to be doing anything about it.
Bill Gates could be pointed at as the greatest criminal of all time and responsible for the scamdemic, yet he walks freely among us and not a single hair on his head is harmed.
What good would knowing the names of the Council of 13 be?
What good would knowing who Pindar is?
Would YOU do anything about it? Would anyone?
And why would the obscenely rich among us place themselves at risk in public without security and protection from us plebs?
Look at Justin Trudeau. No harm has come to him.
Worse thing that's ever happened was that Gates got a cream pie to his face in the 90s. Bravo to that hero who did it.
Still though, patsies. Not only patsies, but multiple heads of the hydra. Cut one off and another takes its place.
Every man and woman has their price. There will not be a shortage of people eager to become rich at the expense of their soul.
Jacinda walks free. Dan Andrews walks free. Biden continues to walk free.
There is no fear emanating from them. Because they have the confidence of their protection.
They certainly do not fear us.
However... Trudeau did fear the truckers....
So... a massive uprising could still make a difference.
But... the window for that is closing. Communications are tracked and cross-referenced by artificial intelligence. A blog post like mine already has key words in it that will send up a flag, potentially for human review of how much of a threat I pose. Once it sees my bank account balance and my bankruptcy situation, it might consider me a threat if I had a firearms license which I do not. It may consider me a threat if I was geographically moving towards a "protected" target and track via cell phone. There are a number of technological protections in place for the parasite class among us.
Once everything goes all digital, you would not be able to move anywhere without tracking. Even if you left your cell phone at home. When cash disappears, you will be tracked. You are already tracked via license plate if you are driving. If you are not driving, you may come across a facial recognition camera and will be tracked then. Artificial intelligence may flag an individual for irrational and unusual behavior. Why did Pete go from being in Minneapolis to DC without having his cell phone on? Why did he not show up at his job? His earlier communications involved looking at conservative websites and his social media posts are anti-government.
You can see where this is all going.
The window for action is closing as society collapses. What can really be done is to get everyone on the same page as quickly as possible. We MUST KNOW THAT WE ARE SLAVES and a majority of us NEED to be educated on everything from history to politics to mass formation psychosis, media manipulation, bloodline families, aliens... the whole kit and kaboodle.
But, fat chance of that happening.
It is somewhat interesting that the government is holding congressional hearings on UFOs.. UAPs.
This is a neat little wrinkle but it is likely a distraction and even if aliens are revealed, they aren't going to be the truth of who is actually enslaving us. Instead, they will claim to be from another planet/galaxy and...
..Whatever. Another psychological operation that they can spin any number of ways. Good or bad aliens is still two wings of the same bird.
Remember that the true enemy is in the shadows and they have been here for thousands of years.
Now... the big question is who are THEY? And what do they believe in? Where do they come from?
More importantly, how are they allowed to get away with all this?
There are multiple theories to this. I can only speculate but ultimately I will not ever be able to prove any of it.
Can I prove Atlantis existed? No. Can I prove there is a breakaway civilization living in Antarctica? No.
Who made the gods? Can I prove that? I cannot even prove who made us.
There are clues, though.
Religion is where we go for answers. The Vedas, the Qu'ran, the Old and New Testament. Dead Sea Scrolls. The teachings of the Buddha. The Tao. Shamanism. Zoroasterism.
Who are THEY? ... A breakaway civilization of an advanced race of beings that resemble humans?
What do they believe in? Clearly they do not believe in freedom for humanity for we are their slaves. Therefore they believe themselves to be superior and we as cattle. If they worship a greater intelligence of any kind, it cannot be one that has morality attached. If it does, they do not seem to fear the spiritual repercussions.
Where do they come from? They were always here. Unless...
They are fallen angels.
Would fallen angels look like human beings?
Would they be superior to us genetically?
The reason why angels are portrayed as having wings does not mean they can flap them to fly.
It means that they can soar to great heights. Or have already soared to great heights.
They have achieved great things.
Perhaps they cannot reproduce. Maybe they cannot reincarnate.
Maybe they are what the legend of vampires is based upon. Immortal beings that feed off of human blood.
If we eat cattle, what do the fallen angels eat?
Think about that.
How sure are you that they are not PHYSICAL and present and living among us?
How sure are you that a bullet to their brain wouldn't kill them?
Now you can see why they have isolated themselves from us. And why they fear us.
They have been here thousands of years.
And this is a spiritual war.
Fuck halloween.