Tuesday, November 07, 2023


I had an interesting thought come into my mind after waking up today. 

It was a word that is hardly ever mentioned even among the many videos I watch, podcasts I've listened to and articles I've read. I may have heard someone say it once or twice in all the years I've been alive.

It's also not a name I think about.


Who is Saklas? When one does a search it comes up as "Demiurge" or "Yaldabaoth" but it actually refers to a malevolent and cruel entity that is at the right hand of the "ruler" of this world.

Consider Saklas to be a type of minion working for the controller of this realm.

Even if Saklas IS the Demiurge itself or an extension, I find it interesting that such a word popped into my mind and I began putting pieces together to try and understand why it came to me.

Lately I have been thinking about this place as a type of prison for our souls. More specifically, the physical bodies we wear constrain and keep the soul from being able to leave until death arrives.

That is in essence, what a life sentence is. We are sentenced to "life" on this planet until we awaken to who we truly are.

Don't get me wrong, I love a lot of things about this place. I appreciate the beauty of nature, of animals and of women. A heart to heart connection with a woman during sex is about the best thing there is. That is why sex is somewhat of an acronym for "sacred energy exchange".

Yet as Christ tells us in 1 John 2:15-17:

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

And this is hard at times to fully grasp but it makes a good amount of sense. When we love what evil has produced, including these flawed bodies of ours and the act of copulation we are in essence giving our approval towards that which is not of God or the Father.

This is why the Cathars were exterminated by the Vatican. They did not love the world they were in, they spoke out against procreative sex (but were perfectly fine with sex in general and considered it a tool for the exchange/amplification and transmutation of energies). They were well aware of what this place really is. A trap for our souls. A fallen realm.

Love not the things of this world. This makes sense. Still, we shouldn't hate these things either but we must be mindful that we are living on a planet that is run by an entity that desires to keep us enslaved and cater to its whims.

In my studies of the Old Testament, I keep coming across evidence that Yahweh is not who we think him to be. Proof begins with Genesis 1:26  and the following quote:

King James Bible
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

 Notice what I underlined there?

OUR image. Meaning a reproduction but not an exact copy. Indeed, if we were made to be exact copies of the "Gods" (Elohim = plural) we would surely have lifespans that extend into the hundreds if not thousands of years.

As I was in bed thinking about all this, I went over a few observations I've picked up over the years.

We are DEFINITELY inside of bodies that are manufactured and are not products of evolution or chance. This can be determine by the variety of blood types we all have and the races (black, white, asian, indian, etc) of which the differences between are so stark as to be incompatible with the theory of evolution.

Add to that, 90% of our DNA has been called "junk" DNA as they do not appear to serve any particular function such as coding proteins. 

No transitional fossil exists of any monkey turning into Cro-magnon man. 

The origin and earliest evolution of the genus Homo perennially fascinate and frustrate in equal measure. Our fascination stems from the near-mythic qualities of uniqueness with which we tend to imbue the evolution of our lineage [4], whereas the frustration stems from critical gaps in the fossil record that actually bears on the first appearance of these features. 

"Critical gaps" in the fossil record they say. I wonder why?

Because we are 100% manufactured. If we had naturally evolved to this planet, our bodies would not be as frail as they are. We should in theory have hairy black Eskimos that resemble Bigfoot living in cold climates. There is no reason why Asians have the eyes they do or the obvious difference between a white European man and an Australian aborigine.

It also makes no sense how anyone managed to live on isolated islands far from the continents without having access to maps or a land bridge of sorts. Yet we are lead to believe that an island like Hawaii was somehow discovered and people didn't seem to think it was worth hanging around on the North and South American continents that they decided to load up their canoes with large numbers of people and head out to an island in the middle of nowhere. 

But I digress. Back to Sacklas.

If we were manufactured and this world was designed then reality is not what we have been told. It was not a happy accident and it was entirely intentional to have been created. Of course many who are religious already believe that God created this realm, the real question is who and what is God? 

Was there more than one as Genesis and the Sumerian texts describe?

In thinking about the Demiurge it made perfect sense that such a being would employ "helpers" from the highest (the Archons - rulers of the 7 planets) to the lowest (celebrities, politicians, CEOs, etc) in order to maintain the illusion of this place and to impose control over us.

Now we know why certain people engage in human/animal sacrifices, it really was to solicit favor from the "Gods" which is somehow appreciated as evidenced by what God instructed Moses to do.

(Numbers 15 1-3)

The Lord told Moses to give the Israelites the following laws about offering sacrifices:
Bulls or rams or goats[a] are the animals that you may burn on the altar as sacrifices to please me.[b] You may also offer sacrifices voluntarily or because you made a promise, or because they are part of your regular religious ceremonies. The smell of the smoke from these sacrifices is pleasing to me.

 If we look at the Cannanites, they worshipped several Gods including Baal along with Jehovah but this one fellow came along and switched everything up with the following words:

(Deuteronomy 6-15)

for the Lord your God in the midst of you is a jealous God; otherwise the anger of the Lord your God will be kindled against you, and He will wipe you off the face of the earth.

 Jealous of what exactly? 

Psalms 78:58 describes what it may be.

For they provoked Him with their high places
And aroused His jealousy with their graven images.

Graven images = other Gods.

Were there other Gods besides God himself? As mentioned earlier, we were apparently created by more than one.

Saklas is also described as a "creator of humanity" and Gnosticism provides a peek into the psychology of this being.

From his lonely position where his madness and conceit could go unchecked, the demiurge gave birth to the archons (“rulers”[10]), beings who were like him and could help him administer the material world. He then created the material world, which, like all creations, was a reflection of the personality of its creator.

The demiurge then created Adam and Eve and imprisoned divine sparks from Heaven within them. He told them that he was the only god and issued the Ten Commandments, even though he himself broke each and every one of those commandments. For example, he lied when he claimed to be the only god and that Adam and Eve would die if they ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil; he insulted his mother and father by refusing to acknowledge their existence; he made a graven image of the divine when he modeled the material world on his corrupt and ignorant misunderstanding of Heaven; and he committed adultery by attempting to rape Eve.[11]

Who is the true ruler of this world? It is explained in the New Testament as shown by the following excerpt:

After all, the Gospel of Luke (4:6) and the Gospel of Matthew (4:8) assume that Satan is the ruler of the world when Satan offers Jesus the world in exchange for his worship. Likewise, the Gospel of John mentions an evil “ruler (archon) of this world” in no less than three places (12:31, 14:30, and 16:11). Luke (10:18) and John (12:31) both speak of Satan or a Satan-like entity ruling the earth from the sky and being vanquished by Jesus’s ministry.[14] 1 John 5:19 is even more blunt: “We know that we are God’s children, and that the whole world lies under the power of the evil one.”[15]

 Now that we've established that humanity has been manufactured by what appears to be a jealous and vengeful "God" it then begs the following questions:

Should we have sympathy for our captor? For this blind Creator?

Are we to drive out this being from the planet? Is this even possible to do?

Where and who is the "real" God that we assume to be loving, compassionate, omniscient, and omnipotent?

I believe I am coming close to figuring out the answers.

The "real" God is US. The living consciousness of souled beings across the planet connected in a type of internet which has been greatly weakened through poison in our foods, air, vaccines, etc.

The real REAL God is "source" from where all energy emanates. A man who builds a house is simply a builder not a creator. A creator would be able to produce the wood, the glass, the nails and screws. A builder cannot create any of the substances needed to realize a particular vision.

I do not yet know if we are to drive out this being from our realm. Perhaps it is beyond our capability to do so. History has shown that when too many people "wake" up to what this place is, a reset happens where large chunks of the population are removed or relocated. Perhaps destroyed and modified to start anew.

Should we have sympathy for this demiurge being who wishes to enslave us? Imagine us playing a video game and we decide to recklessly kill pedestrians by driving them over in our virtual vehicle. Do we really care about their fate? Does it hurt our soul to step on an ant or to crush a mosquito?

Perhaps that is how humanity is perceived by this dark Creator.

If this dark force enjoys sacrifices including the death of children, then no. We should surely not be in love with the world that it has managed to somehow inherit.

It makes sense why celebrities are involved with the most abhorrent of behaviors and still manage to escape prosecution. It makes sense why wealthy bloodline families are the human hands of the controllers and are allowed to stay in power. It makes sense why someone like Angelina Jolie or Bob Dylan claim to have sold their souls to this force.

I am then reminded of this particular video involving what looks like intelligent entities floating around in space.

Is that... are those SOULS? Many descriptions exist of orbs and energy crafts that are intelligently maneuvered and perhaps this is what a soul would look like.

Some Near Death Experiencers claim the same. Saying that orbs are what we look like without our human bodies.



Once we realize that the true ruler of this realm is NOT benevolent and desires to suppress the expansion of human consciousness, it makes sense why this is a spiritual war and why resets keep happening and how humanity starts again over and over.

It's to keep the illusion going. Because once enough people understand what this place. it's time to end the game and begin a new one. Wipe the board clean. Start with new technologies, genetic composition and governments, etc.

Another version of Westworld.

If we were to ascribe a benevolent aspect to Saklas, perhaps it is to be thankful that he acts as a "tester" of those who wish to elevate themselves beyond this realm. Those that desire to transcend (trance-end) and move to higher realms. Whether that be "heaven" or elsewhere.

So this place might be a test. That is how Satan is described. An adversary, a tester.

And when we bring children into this world, we perpetuate our own existence along with theirs. Even after death we would continue to hold attachments to this place and will likely incarnate for yet another round and a memory wipe.

When we think sex is SO GOOD that nothing is as good anyplace else, we are limiting ourselves to only what  the imagination can conceive of.

There is a reason why Jesus/Yeshua/Buddha/Krishna frowns upon this world.

There is a reason why we are told to store up our treasures within us and that His kingdom is not of this world.

There is a reason why it would be necessary to have an enlightened consciousness incarnate into this reality to tell us these things. There is a reason why we are told about the "great" reset before it is to happen. 

Because interestingly enough, Saklas operates by a set of rules. If it wanted to wipe the Earth clean, it would, wouldn't it? Didn't it already do it with the great flood?

But humanity continues to survive and persevere. No matter what cataclysm comes its way.

Yet, wouldn't the most liberating of all experiences be death? Release and freedom from this place? To go elsewhere? Somewhere even more beautiful than earth? With creatures that do not kill each other in order to survive? Where we don't have to eat dead flesh and to grind for 40 hours or more each week in order to keep a roof above our heads?

The thing is about death is that there is no way of knowing for sure where do we go if we decide or have earned the right not to come back here. To hell.

When I look back on my life, I see a good person that has been manipulated into becoming cynical. I would draw in unavailable women starting with my first love, Tina who married far too early in life before her and I could date and then later tried to start a threesome with me and her husband which I refused because it felt like I was committing adultery despite her husband's permission. 

Then Barbara, a co-worker made her interest known for us to have sex. She was married also. Then Melanie who invited me to her apartment to play "video games" telling me her husband wasn't going to be there. Then Fola comes along with her husband giving me permission to be with her. Then Karlee, whose husband didn't give me permission at all.

Would I be admitted to higher realms? Is it adultery when husband throw their wives at me? Is it adultery when a woman is separated due to being in an abusive marriage?

I feel like those were tests for me and I don't know if I passed them. I refused 3 of the 5. 

I don't even know if the commandments should apply or act as a kind of criteria in determining whether or not one is a good person. That is why I think intention is everything. Actions do speak louder than words but in some situations it is not clearly black and white.

Thou shalt not murder. Does this apply to animals? What if I paid a hitman to murder someone? Is it murder by proxy? What about accidental murder such as running over a man in my car that I couldn't see at night?

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife. This one is... quite impossible to follow. Many married women are coveted and do not act to cheat. Neither do men but they are coveted just the same. Is it the secrecy that makes adultery shameful? Where does the blame truly lie? On the person who is single and unmarried who is tempted by one that is? Or the married person themselves who swore a vow to love until death does them part? I didn't break any vows. I didn't even approach these women knowing that they were married. They approached me.

Honor thy mother and father. Is it possible to honor an abusive or absent father? What about a promiscious and inattentive mother?

I guess I could go on and deconstruct the rest but Carlin already did a decent job of it.

So.. Saklas...  I am conflicted.

If we are here by choice and not coercion, this would probably be a testing ground.

If have no choice, then...

Well, that means we're stuck here and our job would be to try and make this world into a better place. Improve and help expand the consciousness of others.

Still though... The hidden hand will always be around. It has been around for centuries. It created usury.

AI and digitization of the world's resources means we will have less freedom than ever.

So that's enslavement. 

Throw enough money at someone and they'll do whatever you tell them to. If they don't, take them out somehow and replace them with someone willing to do as commanded.

So... I'm not sure if improving this world is really anything we should be putting our focus on. Improving ourselves and hopefully others in our orbit seems to be about the best we can do.


Those are my rambling thoughts.