Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Dark Monday

As the the title says, it felt pretty bleak today.

Finished filing for social assistance at least. Hated myself for doing it. Asking the government for money is another low point in my life. I don't want money from the government even though they've been stealing it from us for decades. The government can screw themselves for all they've done to us.

Plenty of money to send off to Ukraine and Israel but lets continue ignoring the homeless right here in our own country. Let's bring in massive immigration and raise the price of everything through inflation and taxes. Let's make it unaffordable to buy a home, which is entirely the fault of this depraved government of ours. People in power who passed those laws that allowed Chinese citizens to buy houses in Vancouver where they sit empty. 

Few people know that China actually can buy and operate companies in Canada and not only that, but PROTECT those companies with their own military.


I just did a quick internet search and of course you can't find the results. They're buried. Plenty of "fact checker" propaganda articles are on the first several pages. Who knows where the real information is. I'm too tired to bother but I'm 100% certain about what I just wrote.

Tired of it all. 

No real safe places to go to in my opinion. Europe is a mess. Australia has it bad. Forget New Zealand. Not going to Africa. Parts of South America aren't that great but... I guess Mexico, El Salvador and Costa Rica are decent candidates.

But how long for? What's the next thing that's going to happen? There's always something.

And its sad how much has happened that people have long forgotten about. Remember Sri Lanka and how they collapsed? Citizens storming the presidential palace and having to use QR codes to buy fuel because it was rationed? Why don't we hear anything about Sri Lanka anymore? Was it not as bad as it seemed? Weren't they bankrupt? Didn't they need a bail out? I thought there were roving gangs and barricaded streets at one point.

I guess it's still pretty bad. Only 1 in 20 homes have a functioning toilet if you can believe it.

I'm thinking that the idea of a global government is good in some ways but terrible in others. Global unity and cooperation is a fantastic idea on the surface until you realize how many predators are up top controlling the strings of the puppets below. 

In high school while I was thinking about aliens, I thought it would be a good idea for them to reveal themselves. The whole world would set aside their differences and come together.

Just like Reagan said.

And it made sense to me at the time. I thought wars would be over. There would be no need to spend money on the military.

Unfortunately, we are moving into an AI managed future and these are going to be our new military/police:

California approved the use of these robot dogs despite public protest. What do you expect when THIS is the kind of people making these decisions?

Bunch of clowns. WOMEN, actually. One that is obese and looks like she watches Sex in the City and another one up there with the intelligence to wear a mask when no one else is. Then that one in the glasses reminds me of the typical ignorant liberal who follows trends and doesn't think for herself.

I bet dollars to doughnuts that none of these women have a CLUE about how anything works. Think that lady studied Plato? Has she thought long and hard about the decisions she's making or were those decisions already made for her? I doubt she spent much time going over the ramifications of it all and canvassing the public that supposedly elected her to this privileged position. She doesn't know a single thing about robotics I can tell you that much. Let alone having foresight and imagination to understand how much of a serious precedent this is setting.

It's a farce. A complete joke. We are being ruled by morons.

A couple of years ago I thought I could do a good job running for a position on city council because NONE of the candidates seemed to have any critical thinking skills. One guy wanted to build EV charging stations. In a small city of 25,000 people with NO electric cars that I've ever seen in the time that I lived there.

Reminds me of that one fellow who showed up to my door saying he was running for office. It was a KID not more than 22 years old! He was proud to say he was campaigning on bringing buses to Fort Sask when I told him that it would be a bad idea. Everything is mostly within walking and biking distance. Oh, but he said, seniors would appreciate it. I told them they already have services for seniors to get to their medical appointments and why would we need buses constantly going around and wasting our money? Hardly anyone will use them.

Fast forward a year later after the buses arrived and guess what? Almost always empty. I've ridden it a few times and I've never seen more than three people. Friendly bus driver though. Guess he liked to talk to me because of hardly anyone was using these things.

But that's government for you. Wasting our money on frivolous and damaging ideas.

In my time living in Fort Sask, I could really see how stupid it all was on the local level. Federal is even worse. 

And those that get into positions of power aren't there because of the will of the people. I look at Trudeau who got less than 25% support in the last election and had to team up with the NDP to get the Liberal's bills passed. Censorship laws, more spending, more waste. Crying about non-existent climate change and having to protect transgenders.

All the while waving in as many immigrants as possible and setting them up with thousands of dollars a month. New cars. Places to live. All on our dime.

A global government is going to mean enslavement for us all. But you know what? I think we pretty much already have a global government. Possibly for decades already. They're just keeping it a secret and playing their part out like the good little actors they are. 

Wasn't it in 2011 we were supposed to be worried about nukes coming from North Korea? Funny how that resolved itself. We were supposed to be worried about Iran back then too. We were told Iraq had WMDs but nope.

They didn't.

That man should be charged with war crimes. His entire administration. Cheney, Powell, Rice, Rumsfeld. Blatant liars. All of them.

And twenty years later we just don't think about it. Nobody brings it up. Even if people did bring it up, nothing will happen. Who is going to charge and convict them? Who?

Israel was convicted of 52 war crimes committed against the Palestinians. Each time the Americans used their veto power through the UN to absolve them of their wickedness.

That picture above is Gaza after being bombed by Israeli airstrikes. 

In 2021.

Like I asked yesterday, when have we ever been truly free?

Evil walks among us and good men and women cannot seem to do anything other than to spread awareness. Which most people don't seem to care about acquiring.

It doesn't matter if everyone knows by now that the invasion of Iraq was unjustified and based on a lie.

Nothing is going to happen!


And in this new age of deep fake AI that can impersonate anyone, even if they showed the public a televised prosecution and execution of Bush, it doesn't have to be real. They could move that guy to some backwater country, keep him safe with secret service, make sure the media and locals aren't filming him and that's that. 

They could generate fake footage of him sitting in a jail cell.

Who would ever know?

And what would it matter anyways? What if that DID happen? Twenty years too late. 

Damage already done.

Think about the blood on that man's hands. All of the hundreds of thousands of men, women and children massacred while he gets a standing ovation tossing a baseball at the world series.

The absolute ignorance of people cheering this mass murderer on when they should be walking out.

Wonder how many Iraqis cheered when they were liberated under "shock and awe" back then.

I knew something was wrong back then watching all this as a young adult. This gulf storm crap didn't make any sense to me. What did Iraq do to deserve it? 

Oh, right. Saddam wanted to get off the U.S. petrodollar. Funny how Assad and Gaddafi both wanted to do the same. No wonder the US military had to get involved.

And Gaddafi was doing great things for the people of Libya.

But the American military industrial Zionist complex couldn't allow that. 

So they dangled their puppets around on a string and made the problem disappear.

It's such an ugly world we live in. So much of the facts I've dropped don't seem to register in the minds of people. It's not being taught to our kids. It's not going to be in the textbooks they read.

Books like this one, should be taught in public schools.

And last night I had to educate someone on Reddit who started a thread suggesting that we needed more immigration to solve the inflation crisis. I figured it was a young kid. He blamed parents/boomers for the debts that governments and central banks are responsible for.

He didn't seem to know how much money the government has printed the last three years. 

Most people don't seem to know who the true enemy is. Most people are uneducated.

I am not even an economist but I can tell you enough about modern monetary theory to show that I have a proper understanding of the subject. I've traded stocks, I've seen how manipulated and rigged the markets are. I didn't have to go to school to learn any of it. All I did was pay attention and follow my curiosity.

Just like everyone should be paying attention and following their curiosity. 

Why wasn't anyone curious as to how THIS happened on 9/11?

And look at the YouTube comments. Some of them ARE still ignorant.

@WPC32 days ago
You didn't mention the 6,000 gallons of diesel fuel stored on a low floor in the building. It was the city's Office of Emergency Management, and the fuel was to run generators in case of a power outage. It is not unconceivable that the combination of the damage from falling debris and the burning of 6,000 gallons of diesel caused the collapse after burning all day.
THIS is why humanity is doomed. It's not like these are dumb low-IQ people making these comments. They have intelligence but why the hell can't they critically THINK against what the official narrative presents?

Are they real people? Was that comment from a 3 letter agency maybe, trying to still keep the perception going that this wasn't an inside job? That somehow building 7 falls into its own footprint without being hit by a plane and not having much fire inside of it? 


Except on 9/11 THREE OF THEM DID. 

But nobody bats an eye. Nobody thought it was curious enough to investigate or to wonder how a passport from a hijacker of the plane was miraculously found on the ground.

I don't know man. 

I hesitate to call people stupid because I know a lot of academics who refuse to believe the "conspiracy" theorists and their explanation but can believe an absolutely rubbish explanation from the government.

They're okay with getting only two or three frames of footage of the "plane" that hit the Pentagon. The most heavily guarded and surveilled building in America next to the White House.

Yeah, okay. That sure looks like a plane to me. Now who are the Steelers playing tonight Martha? Gotta get the chips and brewskis together cause the boys are coming by.

I'm embarrassed to call myself a human being. I truly am. 

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Yet, people have been fooled multiple times and they're still allowing themselves to be fooled.

Not just young folks but older ones too. Ones that lived through the BS that was the Kennedy assassination and the magic bullet that zipped around in all those directions but was found in pristine condition on the stretcher.

Look at that thing. Perfect condition. 

And this is what Wikipedia has to say about it. A clearly biased source.
The autopsy found that Kennedy was hit by two bullets. One entered his upper back and exited below his neck, albeit obscured by a tracheotomy. The other bullet struck Kennedy in the back of his head and exited the front of his skull in a large exit wound. The trajectory of the latter bullet was marked by bullet fragments throughout his brain. The former bullet was not found during the autopsy, but was discovered at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas. It later became the subject of the Warren Commission's single-bullet theory, often derided as the "magic-bullet theory" by conspiracy theorists.
"Conspiracy theorists" notice that? Anyone who questions what happened is a "conspiracy theorist" and are then derided and dismissed by the general public because they are too scared to explore and embrace truth for themselves.

"Gawsh, I sure ain't gonna be one of them conspiracy theorists! They think the Earth is flat!"

Shame what we have become. How many of us have turned a blind eye to what is going on in this world. Shame on those who think watching hockey and cheering on "their" team means anything important or meaningful when most of the players aren't even born in the city they're playing for. Oh, and they get paid millions of dollars to do it. Forget firefighters, paramedics and teachers. These are the TRUE heroes of our society and their pay reflects that.

Along with celebrities like Cardi B and Kim Kardashian.

What an embarrassment the human race has become.

There are still good people out there. Some who don't use social media. Some who don't waste their time watching sports and porn and reality shows. Some who haven't been brainwashed and are brave enough to speak the truth.

But there's not many.

And I think we are shrinking in numbers. Critical thinking is not being taught in government indoctrination camps and we are raising children to become obedient and subservient to the system.

Some people are homeschooling, sure. That's good. If you can afford to do so.

But we are outnumbered by the rest of humanity who doesn't have the least bit interest in what is truly going on in this world. Not 9/11, not Covid, not JFK, not Roswell, not Near Death Experiences.

They just want to be a part of the system.

And they'll complain about all of the wrong things. They'll think that voting matters and that we need to be mad at x, y and z without realizing where their true focus should be placed upon and who the enemy actually is.

The scary part is that after all of my research and studying, I now understand that there are multiple enemies. 

It's not just the central banks. The IMF, the WHO, the UN, BIS.

It's not just the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Payseurs or the royal family.

It's not just the Vatican, the Deep State, the Freemasons and Skull and Bones.

It's not just the Trilateral commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg and Carlye Group.

It goes above all of those. Above Blackrock and Vanguard and State Street.

It goes into the dark clouds where shadowy figures roam. People or entities that we will not ever get to know the names of because they control it all and are not to be reported upon in the media.


There's not much hope for us to be honest. Not many people care enough to research and know these things. Even if they did know it, what good would it do against a titan like the BIS? Or Bill Gates? George Soros?

Even if everyone knows that Bush started an unjustified war of terror against Iraqi citizens and murdered their president, what good will it do?

What good will it do if everyone knows?

Serious question.

Maybe teachers would behave differently? But they aren't setting the curriculum in schools.

Maybe doctors will behave differently? But they don't set the policies and rules they have to abide by upon threat of losing their license.

Maybe police officers will behave differently? They are only as good as the legal system, so will judges behave differently? What if the judges are offered a large amount of money to steer them a certain way? What if pressure comes upon those judges from even higher levels?

It's all a mess. A big tangled ball of yarn. 

And I wonder. I wonder what could fix all this. Some say when Jesus returns it will be dealt with. But how?

He comes down from the clouds and then what?

Every knee will bow? Including the IMF? The Rockafellers? The shadowy entities above them? 

Will they all withdraw their influence? Stop meddling in the affairs of human kind?

Let's say that they do. Let's say that they are scared shitless and do withdraw their support. Then what? Are central banks still going to be around? Will housing prices come down to affordable levels? Will illegal immigration stop or will we have open borders? What about the military? Will there be a need for them? If not, what will they do for work? How are they going to feed their families? What will all the employees do if Raytheon shuts down due to a lack of war?

The only result I can see from all of this if Jesus arrives and wishes to fix everything is total chaos.

Not everyone on this planet is going to be convinced that it's really him. Assuming he arrives in physical form. They'll call him the anti-christ or a deep fake. Project bluebeam. A psyop.

But assume everyone believes, this means society is going to go into free fall. It'll mean actually needing to take care of one another without the existence of jobs or money.

This is why certain people are prepping for an off-grid lifestyle. This can only result in two ways.

Continued and escalated oppression of human rights and values.

Or a complete collapse of governmental structure.

Either outcome is terrible although the latter has to be done in order to rebuild a better society.

But how will this better society be built assuming a governmental collapse?

It means... starting from scratch. The founding fathers of America were eloquent and thoughtful in how they drafted the constitution and implementing the checks and balances in government.

How many people today are at all on the same intellectual level as those men? Most kids can't even write in cursive. Let alone be able to tell what time it is on an analog clock that's hanging on the wall.


If democracy failed. If a constitutional republic failed. If communism failed.

What's left? Monarchy?

Personally I prefer a meritocracy but...

I don't think it's going to happen. Maybe, maybe not.

Maybe artificial intelligence will be our new God. Maybe it will take over all the functions of government and everything else. Leaving people with universal basic income and that's that.

But I doubt it.

Maybe the aliens will come and give us a new system. 

But I doubt that too. 

So many of us are unaware of just how serious these times are. There is no getting out from all this. We are not going to suddenly see a reversal and a path towards prosperity unless something drastic happens.

Which is why I think a "false awakening" may come soon. Where all truth is revealed and the solution will be to have AI running the show. If it isn't already.

But the AI is not going to be autonomous. It will have a group behind it. A group of technocrats that will benefit themselves and those within their clique. Another big club. 

Rome never ended, it just re-branded itself into the Vatican.

I think we are going to see the same here soon.

I'm pretty tired of all this. Humanity has been enslaved and will continue to be enslaved.

We are not going to be in the golden age anytime soon.

We are at the precipice. We need soldiers of truth now more than ever but... even speaking the truth will not get us to take the BIS down. The IMF. The WHO.

The media is compromised. The internet is compromised.

Dissent will not be tolerated. The spectrum of discourse will be held to a narrow band.


This hurts my heart terribly. All we can hope for is to create a parallel system that is independent of government jurisdiction and control.

Only a small number of us will be able to survive this.

And a smaller number might be able to rebuild civilization should it all collapse.

But I don't think it is going to collapse.

I think we are going to see the dystopian outcome play out.

Collapse or enslavement seem to be the only two possibilities.

Both are terrible but collapse is necessary.

Maybe humanity is done. Maybe this is it. 

I just wish...

I just wish I could have hosted Karlee in my old house.

We would've made better memories together.

She deserves it.

And so do I.


It's a dark Monday and now I must sleep.

To get up and do it all over again.

Waiting for this suffering to end.