Friday, November 10, 2023


 It's been a pretty lonely day for me.

Sitting in my car, listening to the latest TFH episode on how our history has been tampered with and I messaged the guest on the show with a link to a video that he appreciated and said would include in his upcoming documentary. That part was nice.

What wasn't great was the monotony of sitting on that couch looking at my phone. Get up to have a cigarette and sit back down to find more things to distract myself with.

I feel like I have absorbed so much information to satisfy the skeptic in me but I cannot dismiss the conclusions I am coming to but hesitant in fully accepting.

This world is... in a lot of trouble right now. So many people are going about their ordinary lives not realizing how serious of a predicament humanity is in right now. Specifically western society but eventually will encompass the world because like any other country/company, it gets captured. The big fish eventually eats all the little fish in the pond until only it remains.

So what do we do in a time like this? I had made preparations to leave the country but that's now off the table. Can't do it without any money and made ever the more difficult with being in a foreign country not knowing anyone there. About the best I could hope for is Poland and even then, I see with the latest election of liberals that they are going to suffer along with the rest of us once immigrants are let in across the border and everything goes "woke" which it already seems to be doing judging by some of what I've seen happening in Poland.

It's really a virus that has infected us. Not the scamdemic, but a type of psychic contagion that Jung warned us about. A psychic weapon has been delivered and deployed on us.

However, I decided to write this post with the idea of solutions in mind. I know how tough they can be to come across but if I were to win 6+ million dollars in the lottery then I better have a good plan on what to do with the money to help humanity. It won't be for me to buy a Lambo or Ferrari with. It'll be for me to figure out what the best possible use of that money can be for the collective.

So... As hard as it is to brainstorm solutions with that amount of money, it seems like establishing a app to be run on Linux devices would be a good start. This app would allow for decentralized and encrypted communication and would have a Telegram-like interface where links can be safely shared and video uploaded using PeerTube. If a Telegram interface is a little too ambitious (for six million dollars) I would go with using Reddit source code to develop a decentralized forum for people to be able to anonymously post as long as there are measures taken to keep AI bots off so that only real people are able to comment and leave messages.

That's one idea. Not sure how much this would cost to do or how long it would take to code and then release and promote, but I would definitely be looking into it.

Another is to set up something like Headtwerk which I have mention on here and on my Medium page. A decentralized music app for independent artists which also has a Reddit interface. Again... I'm not sure how expensive it would end up being but it would also be given a look and perhaps investors can be solicited.

If either of those options don't work out, another idea is to set up an umbrella brand where Truthers can publish their content. Jeff Berwick already is sort of doing that with and Alex Jones has but what this would be is a one-stop place for people to network and congregate around with curated content. Should I meet Berwick, I would float the idea to him as he has already established his platform which only needs a few tweaks to get it to where it needs to be. I think I'm most excited about this one. He'd have to revamp the interface and develop an app. One that is optimized for Linux.

Honestly, it's hard thinking of the best way to create positive impact on the most amount of people. 

I think what is most missing is a one-stop shop for Truthers. All that really requires is a good platform to host content on and effective promotion. I think the Headtwerk model I mentioned can tie all of these ideas together.

Still, though. The ship is sinking regardless. Too many conformists in this world. Too many are unaware or uninterested or preoccupied with day to day living that they can't find much time to do research or to think for themselves.

A unlimited money option would be to develop small decentralized self-sufficient communities but really... that's going to take quite some time to do and we are fast running out of time to do it with.

If I had six million dollars... I couldn't possibly buy or build small homes for dozens of people but maybe I can. Maybe there's a way to set up a little community of free-thinkers who are creative types that are willing to live there and keep the human spirit alive through art and music and books and whatever they are inclined to produce.

I think joining things together is a step towards finding a good solution. It's about gathering people together and hoping over time it grows into a brand that is compelling and draws even more people into it.

Basically, create a kind of spirit virus. Imagine if Tom Mcdonald, Ryan Upchurch and Dax were all in the same community and could collaborate with one another? Imagine if we also had the authors of the Tuttle Twin series of books to be there as well and Jeff Berwick and Max Igan and other Truthers.

Logistically that would be hard to pull off I'm sure. Especially if I only had six million to work with.

But... Something needs to be done.

It's hard thinking of very many creative types out there these days.. I don't think I could name a single painter that is creating anything worthy of inspiration. No one is doing anything with puppets. Music seems to be very limited in terms of how many are being especially creative with their art. Authors are hard to name. Filmmakers are rare also. 

This thought exercise is a lot more difficult than I thought.

But Headtwerk seems to be the most useful idea. Shame that I have no finances and no energy to do any of it with. I used to own the and .com domain but it has expired last year.. 

I really believed in it until I lost all of my money which took my dreams along with it.

Six million dollars would help me to recover and reinvigorate myself enough to give it a good try.

I won't be able to solve homelessness with six million but I might be able to at least develop this idea and hope it becomes viral.

Still though, it feels a lot like pyutting  a band-aid on a gunshot wound. Will it make enough of a difference at this point? 

 Some days I feel like there's no point in swimming against such a raging current that is taking us downstream and towards a steep waterfall.

Some days I feel like maybe we should let go. 

I used to say "those that keep trying can never fail because it is only when we stop trying is when we can admit to having failed."

I wonder if we should just admit that humanity has failed.

Let's be realistic about it. The momentum that evil has right now is... nearly impossible to reverse. 

It's difficult to slow down, too.

What good is protesting? I saw a video of a man being arrested because he held up a British flag at a Palestinian rally in the UK. The police told him he was engaged in hateful conduct.

Another guy got a visit from the police because he criticized on social media all the Palestinian flags he saw hanging on his street in the UK. He was calm and didn't use inflammatory language.

Maybe we are too far gone to save at this point. I don't know.

Even if a community of like-minded individuals banded together, would they survive for long? Maybe a few years? A decade? Before they get priced out of where they live or are forced to submit to their local government for some reason or another? What would keep such a community from becoming like Waco?

Are they going to reverse the indoctrination our children are receiving in schools? Maybe, maybe not.

If there will be a big political upheaval through a Trump or Pierre Pouliverre, they might engineer what looks like a reversal of all these destructive leftist policies.

But it would still be scripted, like I wrote about yesterday.

It would still be professional wrestling only this time, the heel is going to become the babyface and we would still have to deal with a different flavor of BS.

In these times, it is very easy to lose faith in God - in humanity.

I am reminded of it each time I see someone alone in their cars or walking outside with a blue medical mask on. The absolute psychological damage those last three years have caused is incalculable.

And history has proven we have been reset over and over.

Only two or three companies control most of the corporations of the world. 

And behind those companies are private shareholders, likely linked to royal bloodline families who have been manipulating us for years. The Federal Reserve is no different.

The Commonwealth countries are no different either. They're controlled as well.

America, Australia, France, Canada, New Zealand, the UK...

All seem to have been captured. 

Israel is bombing the heck out of Gaza and killing innocent children because of "Hamas" which... the latest casualty numbers are showing to be 10,000 innocent civilians vs less than 100 Hamas.

It's brutal and disgusting and evil beyond words. I can't bear to watch those videos of dead children on the streets with their parents wailing. The absolute anguish they must feel.

I don't know man... 

Six million dollars can't fix any of all this.

But at least it will give me an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the few people who matter to me most.

And to pursue this Headtwerk idea.

I wish I could think of better ideas.

I wish there was hope somewhere to draw from.

Maybe we're done as a species. I don't know.

Look at what we're up against.

No accountability for the worst of us. Hunter Biden's laptop.

Again, I'm anticipating a pro-wrestling move. If Trump and Pouliverre gets in, it will look like they're going to make a difference in deportations and possibly moving us into crypto/CBDC but...

They are still going to do the bidding of their masters.

No one can penetrate these high levels without the permission of the parasite class.

I reject this kind of world. I know there's beauty in it but I fully reject how it is structured. Politically and... even biologically at times. I mean...there's evidence of genetic tampering within our DNA and chromosomes. Telemeres have been shortened along with our life spans. 

It's good that the truth is coming out more rapidly but...

The bulk of humanity continues to sleep and censorship laws are still being passed.

I think they are setting us all up for the big one. The day when bad stuff is happening but there are no reports on it. Or very minimal reporting.

Let's be honest, how can any journalist do their job these days? Even the independent ones aren't going to find out the truth if the truth is being hidden from them. Should they report on whatever damaging info they've uncovered, guess what happens to them next? Censored, monitored, framed, killed or jailed or deleted at the push of a button by kicking them off of social media.

Sure they can hire a lawyer but they likely won't win the case. These platforms can allow whoever they want on them and can boot whoever they don't like. We all click those terms of services agreements without reading them. It's not a human right to be on Twitter or Facebook or YouTube or Rumble.

But it is a human right to be able to express the truth of our opinions and of facts.

It's dark times out there.

They say its always darkest before the dawn but...

The dawn might not be here for decades.

I'd be long dead by the time that might happen. Most of us could be.

If it ever arrives.

This is a spiritual war and it requires spiritual solutions.

I'll have to think on this further but real change starts with myself.

Maybe... I'd design a good homeschool curriculum. Adapt and modify existing ones. Perhaps again, a centralized location for all these things are necessary to have.

Still. It would be a band-aid solution. Kids will be better educated and informed and not as "woke" but they would be growing up in a world that is increasingly decaying and becoming more dystopian.

My heart has crumbled awhile ago already. I feel a kind of numbness in thinking about all the pain going on in the world. Pain that I cannot seem to resolve given that I am in much pain myself and doing my best to ignore it.

We're all on a sinking ship. Already people are drowning. The number of homeless on the streets is growing not dwindling.

Chasing after a buck working as many hours as we can to support ourselves and our families is becoming more and more futile.

They'll probably introduce universal basic income and people will cheer it on. Thank god for relief. Finally!

Then, subsidized homes/rentals for those people. As long as they are in compliance with government policies. Which may include having to take an injection every now and again. It's already happening in Brazil. No social support unless you're up to date on your shots.

I have a good imagination but even I can't imagine how this is all going to get fixed. A Second Coming of Christ... well...

It would have to be a drastic and massive change in the collective consciousness. It can't be a single figure or being.

We can't be looking for individuals to save us.

Even if they do resemble Jesus.

Maybe we are done. Our rulers have already won most of the countries in their game of Risk and we are seeing only a handful left, hoping they'll somehow reverse the tide.

But it seems like all players of the game are pretty much on the same team, anyways.

Russia? China? Iran?

Maybe they are the good guys but maybe they're been captured themselves.

This evil empire needs to end.

Somehow, someway.

I don't blame anyone for not wanting to bring children into this world. I understand why birth rates are plummeting. I don't want to cheer it on but maybe it's best we stop having babies no matter how "awake" we can help them become to be.

It's selfishness at this point wanting to bring a child into all this.

Unless one is wealthy and self-sufficient living off-grid in a remote area...

Even then it's going to be hard to survive. The kids will resent you for keeping them isolated. They might not have friends. Being homeschooled means they won't be exposed to their peers and are we going to be successful in keeping them away from electronic devices that are filled with propaganda?

It is ironic that in the early 2000s I put together three music compilations that I called "The War For Your Mind" and it is ironic that I wrote a novel in the early 2010s about what the future would look like and how Bill "Gaetz" would release a virus that targeted a certain ethnicity and that we would all be chipped and sterile and living in these 15 minute cities.

It's ironic that I titled one of my novels, "No Love Left On Earth"

Sure seems like I knew what was coming more than a decade in advance.

And... stuck in this frequency prison living with my mother in this liberal city where the homeless wanders and people wear purple hair and the roads are degrading and the weather is lousy.... can't see the sky clearly at night, can't connect with myself, with God with the love that I once felt for myself...

It's... so hard at times.

Earlier today I prayed again. I spoke out loud this time in my car, repeating my list of wants, needs and desires. I asked for a second chance. I know that something is listening.

And... there's no shame to be brave enough to die in a world like this. Would being homeless and struggling to feed your family be an acceptable alternative? Can one connect to God when all they can afford is junk food and drink unhealthy water and live in a stressful environment?

Yes, maybe there will be only 140,000 of us remaining in the end. Whatever the end may be and if prophecy as described in Revelation comes about the way it is written.

Maybe this is really all in my mind and I'm the main character in an elaborate video game.

But if that is true, then I ask with every bit of faith I can muster, to be provided with the list of needs, wants and desires that I repeat to myself every day.

I ask and I am willing to receive.

I want to smile and laugh freely again. I want to connect to the divine and to be guided by it. I want to help humanity somehow even if it is in a small way.

I'm just exhausted at the moment. Well, exhausted for more than a year now.

This place I am in is not building up any faith in myself.

I just want to visit Tyler. Lena. Karlee.

Jeff and Max.

I want to feel alive again and have a reason for living. 

Right now, with this level of stagnation and restriction...

I'm dying. 

I'm shrinking.

I'm caring less and less about all that I'm seeing on the news. There's something terrible every week.

And even if I could toss away my phone, I would have nothing to do because I can't do anything to improve my situation.

Can't even go for a walk. There's bad energy in this city. It doesn't light me up. And it's not warm anymore outside.

I need deliverance and renewal.

Six million dollars... I believe the possibility exists for my receiving that.

I'll keep that faith alive for a little while longer.

There's not much else I can do.

Help me to help others.

Help me to believe in humanity again.