Monday, November 20, 2023

Broke and Battered

The more I look into the state of the world, the more I am realizing that humanity is being treated like cattle.

When have we ever been truly free? The 1950s, kinda? Well... It was the decade after recovering from a brutal world war but were we truly free to move and live as we pleased?

Without being under the thumb of the government?

Serfdom was a form of control also, prior to the wars. Farmers were taxed. They couldn't get ahead far in life so were pretty much left alone.

But... I'm seeing that we have been reduced to commodities. Our birth certificates are sold on the market with an assigned value to each of them. Weird as it sounds.

An excerpt:

Then why is income tax money collected if it is not used as government money to pay for government expenses?  Your federal income taxes do not go towards financing the operation of your country. United States citizens pay their taxes to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The IRS is not an agency of the US federal government.  It is an agency of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Canadian citizens pay their taxes to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Likewise, the CRA is not an agency of the federal government. It too is an agency of the IMF. All income taxes paid by all Americans and all Canadians eventually end up being deposited with the World Bank/IMF.

Let's research this part because I am intrigued. The IRS is an agency of the IMF and so is the CRA?

I've just wasted a half hour trying to find evidence and haven't been successful. I did get to looking at IMF numbers and boy, it looks like America is in a world of poop as far as being in debt goes. Worst of the worst by more than 3 times the 2nd place country which is China.

But, no. We are not free. Our birth certificates are bonds that are valued and used as an instrument of exchange. The more populated a country is, allegedly the more wealth it has through these bonds. Hence the flood of immigration coming in and jacking up the numbers for illegals who then become citizens.

I'm not keen on talking financial stuff in this post. I just know that we are in a financial meltdown.

50 cents went a long ways in the 1950s. You could buy five bottles of pop with that money. Now, you can't even afford one. Purchasing power has been on the decline ever since.

How do you like them apples? Bet you could buy a whole basket of them for less than a quarter in the 50s.

Look at this:

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, prices for apples are 2,018.32% higher in 2023 versus 1950 (a $26.44 difference in value).

Oh, JUST 2,018% higher? Wow. What was the average wage at the time?

Ah, here it is

During the 1950s, the United States was experiencing a period of rapid change. According to a 1959 Department of Labor survey, nonsupervisory and office workers made between $1 and $3 per hour. 

Let's go with the lower number. A dollar an hour. 

8 hours a day, 5 days a week = $40 a week

What can someone buy with $40 in the 1950s? Let's see what a typical house costs first.

One week of wages, at the lowest average of $1 an hour equals to making a mortgage payment on a nice home in about one and a half weeks of work. Not bad.

A loaf of bread was 14 cents. With one day's labor at the lowest average wage of $1/hr equals six loaves of bread per hour.

What about today? The minimum wage of the average American is... wait for it because this is crazy.

$7.25 an hour.

I told you it was crazy. Got it from here

How many loaves of bread can one buy with that per hour? Assuming no taxes deducted?

The price of a loaf varies between $1.65 and $5.98 in Hawaii.

My laptop battery is dying. I better make this quick.

If you lived in Hawaii, that's one loaf per hour.

In Nevada, it would be 4. That doesn't sound too bad except you don't want to know what an average mortgage payment is in Nevada do you?

Of course you do. It's $1,950 to rent an apartment. Forget about houses. An apartment.

That $7.25 an hour is about $50 a day. 5 days equals $250. 

Not even close to making the monthly payment for that apartment.

Not close at all to even making the payment for an entire month of work. You still need to earn double the minimum wage just to have a roof over your head. Never mind the loaves of bread. It's either eat or have a roof over your head. Which will it be?

It sucks. A reset is going to happen and we're really going to be screwed when it does. They'll make it out to look like a good thing with possible debt forgiveness but of course, conditions apply.

Probably won't be able to own your own house. You'll be renting it. At a reduced rate of course.

People will no longer be able to build up equity.

I don't like it here.

Get me out.

Get everyone out.