Well, it looks like society is screwed.
I kind of knew this a few years ago but its really evident now that I think about it.
Here in Canada and other places like Australia, our mortgages are up for renewal. They have a five year term to re-finance accordingly to whatever the interest rate is at the time.
This is largely why I wanted my mother to sell her house before this situation unfolded. Once mortgages are refinanced at the new interest rates, the payments will be substantially higher. Especially in places like Toronto where houses can be in the millions of dollars for a comparable property of half the price elsewhere in another province.
What I think is going to happen is a big sell-off. Property values will plummet and people will be moving elsewhere. From Toronto to Alberta/Saskatchewan/Manitoba and outside the country into places like South America.
The Americans are going to fare better than we do but still, places with 5 year term mortgage financing like in Australia, are going to really get hit hard. And the psychopaths in power all know this and have prepared for the scenario to unfold.
What is going to happen is the properties will plummet, people won't be able to afford their mortgage and the conservative government led by future PM, Pierre Poulivere is going to come up with a solution that has already been designed with this scenario in mind.
You can keep your house but you cannot own it. If by chance you have a multi-million dollar property, you will not be allowed to live on it if you are a single person but a home will be provided and rented out to you.
It's all about renting. I've been seeing it unfold for a while now. Renting, not owning is going to be what the future holds for us.
Basically, we'll own nothing and be happy. The motto of the WEF.
It's all such a scam. This whole system is built on deception and lies and manipulation and corruption and enslavement of the human race.
All of it. From the stock markets to real estate, banking, education, religion, media, the food supply chain.
This is the apocalypse. The great revealing and the ushering in of a new paradigm. One that will drastically restrict the freedoms we once took for granted. Travel will not occur as plentiful in the past. Certain food choices will no longer be available or will be too expensive to purchase. Media is already controlled and we will not see movies like Indiana Jones or Rocky or Commando ever again due to DEI initiatives and a lack of human imagination and creativity. Content will be AI generated. The actors we have now no longer resemble the stars of the past. No Marilyn Monroe, no Elvis, no Harrison Ford, no Sylvester Stallone, no Steve McQueen or Jean Claude Van Damme or Christopher Walken.
We'll never get a Cosby show again. Something that celebrates family values that isn't snide and disrespectful and lacking in warmth. No Family Ties. No Alf.
No cartoons like the Looney Toons either.
Nothing wholesome and sacred is being produced these days. Disney has allowed DEI to infiltrate its studios and we now get a black Little Mermaid and its... done.
It's all done, folks.
The saying that it takes a village to raise a child is very much true. Parents by themselves aren't going to help and shape a child's personality, outlook and interests in life. That's dictated by the culture they are surrounded in. Which means anime, video games, consumerism and freely available porn.
How many kids get taken to church these days? How many teens?
Everyone and their mother has an ugly tattoo now.
Women disrespect men while men disrespect themselves.
There is so much that has gone wrong with this world. With humanity and it's not entirely our fault. The village raised us. As a child growing up in the wholesome time of the 80s, I know how important a happy childhood would be. Playing outside, making friends, exploring the neighborhood. They don't seem to happen as much anymore. Where I used to go to malls and the arcades, kids tend to keep to their small social circles and often stay home. Yes, clubs exist but listen to the music they now play. It's a far cry from what we had in the 80s and 90s. Nothing wholesome.
And with the news having constant negativity in it and continual fracturing of our culture and homogeneity, I don't think we will return to the "good old days". Most of the media is controlled by five or six entities. There is no hope for a teenager to become a rock or a movie star these days. It's not as easy as we once thought it would be.
The death of creativity is the hardest one for me. I just don't enjoy much of anything new. Not the music, not the movie or tv shows. There just isn't that depth of storytelling and attention to detail that we once saw.
I can't say any of this is irreversible because maybe it is, but it will take a long time to repair all that has been broken. The trust we have in institutions, governments, media and religion is dissipating.
Only fools, the blind and naïve could possibly have optimism for the future.
So that leads into the soul. The only place left where we can find refuge. The only thing we have that is worth protecting and understanding.
It's the big question of who are we?
Followed by where are we and why are we here?
We're not intended to become a hive mind under this sick system. Unfortunately, that is exactly where we are headed.
Anyone who complains and gathers an influential following is going to be dealt with.
I'm reminded of Joe Rogan how he claimed the moon landings were fake and appeared on a radio show with an astrophysicist to debate all the incredible facts he's accumulated. This happened around 2010-2011. Years later when he had Neil Degrasse Tyson on the show, NDT apparently "convinced" Joe that we really did go to the moon. That it's easier to go to the moon than to fake it, which makes no sense.
So... As a society we are screwed. Broken. Anyone who can smile through this chaos either has a tremendous amount of faith or are just plain ignorant.
The marines motto is to improvise, adapt and overcome. This is what is occurring now with some of the more intelligent and influential people I know. Curtis Stone has his homestead, Owen Benjamin has his farm, Joe Rogan has millions of dollars and raises chickens in his yard. Andrew and Tristan Tate both have built bunkers for themselves.
The system is about to undergo a great transition and there are only two choices.
Assimilate or be left to your own devices.
For most people, we cannot simply go find a patch of land to live on and grow food to sustain ourselves with. Independent from the power grid and having our own water supply. We won't be able to purchase fuel and tools and whatever else we might need if the system switches to a trackable digital currency, which it likely will.
And for those that can, property taxes will still have to be paid. Meaning, they would need to generate income that pays them in the digital currency that the government will issue for us.
Either way, off-grid or on-grid, we're going to be in the new system.
Imagine giving birth to a new baby if you were on an off-grid property. You'll have to register it, get a birth certificate, a SIN number and for all these things vaccinations are likely to be needed. You cannot raise a child to become a part of the system but you cannot also keep that child on your property for all of its life. Unless you are part of a like-minded community, such as the Amish or Hutterites.
I didn't care for brand-name clothing like Nike, or expensive watches and ornaments. My prized possessions are cheap and many things have come from thrift shops. All I cared about was having a good computer, an entertainment console and equipment to enjoy a movie and music with.
I didn't care about having a brand new car with all the bells and whistles. I had a new car once, it was fun for awhile but I kept obsessing over it. Every little scratch made me sigh.
I don't need much anymore these days. I barely even eat. Most of my clothes are second-hand.
So... I really don't care anymore. I just want to be in a place that I can call my own, away from all the ignorant people and craft a life of love and creativity. Preferably someplace warm and inspiring to be in.
I... I don't want to say the words. That there is no purpose left.
I am tired of saying that I am tired.
It's a good thing that I don't have any children or anyone who relies on me.
But my mother is not going to live forever. Neither will Princess.
Eventually we all die and pass on. Hoping we left the world a better place than we've found it.
And I...
I don't want to admit the words.
I know if I chose to come here, I was intended to do good things. But I didn't do as much as I hoped. I didn't move the needle much.
The best years are behind me, it seems.
Same for our civilization. The 1950-1960s was probably the best era to be in. being born in 1947 America, I think would've been ideal.
I don't want to be a recluse either. I wanted an acreage for years and wasted my time with Fola who didn't share those dreams and ambitions.
I'd be happy to live with someone I love and be loved by in the middle of the woods. Toughing it out. Caring only for ourselves with the occasional bit of socialization with others in the community.
I don't want to say that I've given up on humanity. There are still a lot of good people out there who knows what is going on and are thirsty for knowledge and truth. Who have bright spirits within them. People with discernment. With taste and appreciation for the finer things in life. Good music, good food, good company to be surrounded by.
But the rest of us? The more than 50% of us?
I don't know man.
Anyone who took the 2nd shot is close to being a write-off. Anyone who took more than two shots is definitely ignorant.
I should search and see how many took more than 2 shots.
70.6% of the world took at least one shot.
And now every infant is required to have one. So those that didn't take more than two shots, their kids will have it.
I guess it doesn't matter at this point. We're pretty well screwed. Especially once the 2024 WHO treaty comes in where they can determine vaccine response in every member country including how it is to be enforced, such as with lockdowns, etc.
It's the inevitable effect of unchecked capitalism. Only a handful of companies will control much of the world. Including politics, religion and the military among other things.
Pfizer owns so much already. Blackrock owns even more.
Nothing is going to break up those companies. Nothing.
It's not even about profit for them at this point. We can boycott a certain product but the other competing products are owned by the same snakes at the top of the pyramid.
We've been taken over. That much is clear. The evil is here and it is multiplying as economic conditions worsen. People will do unthinkable things for money if they're desperate. For food, also.
Earlier I listened to a podcast on pedophilia and cults and I cried afterwards, sitting in my car.
Prayed for help. Who knows what'll come.
If anything comes.
So... not only are we screwed by the system but our souls will be screwed also. Religions are in decline. Which I suppose is good, but we need to hang onto our spirituality.
The problem is, we don't have a good set of rules that is universally applicable. Rules that everyone can agree on and deem to be reasonable code to live by.
That is why in my list of needs, wants and desires is to publish such a book that establishes these rules. That lays it out clearly.
Men are to be men and women are to be women. Children are meant to have their innocence preserved. Self-defense ought to be practiced and understood by everyone. Not just physical self-defense, but emotional, psychic and spiritual.
Sex should be treated as sacred. Not something to masturbate to on a screen or to be promiscious and manipulative about. It needs to be understood for what it is. Procreation is and should be taught as a serious act to be responsible for.
This society has become such a tangled ball of yarn and it isn't our fault. Not entirely.
I can see now why only the few who can endure all this with their hearts, minds and souls intact are going to be given the red carpet treatment for when death takes them. Those who have learned to live in love and understanding without ignorance and debauchery overtaking them.
I wish I could have that opportunity. I know I was ignorant and was denied finding a faithful partner who shared my values. All those years of dating and looking and maybe there was four good women. Only two of whom were single.
And I wasn't attracted to those two. I just wasn't. Not intellectually or spiritually. Not really even sexually. I just stayed with them because I wanted to experience a deep connection.
I don't think I was given a fair shot in this life. Maybe I've failed tests, but I look at my upbringing and my hearing disability and my lack of self-esteem and... other excuses and... there just wasn't any real moment of having been blessed with anything other than my mind and my heart.
I couldn't find my mirror. Well, perhaps Fola was, but it was like... the reverse of myself. Not my twin.
I regret a lot of things and blame a number of people for it. Including myself.
Who has ever made me feel proud and capable? Not my dad. Who has ever made me truly feel that I was loved and appreciated? Sighs... I don't know if I can say it was my mother because I've questioned it over the years. I don't want to get into the details of it.
It's all been a walk along a path that lead to the edge of an abyss and now I am staring right down into it.
Wondering why has God forsaken me.
Wondering why my faith didn't seem to matter all this time.
And all that work and the hardships and broken hearts, the preparations... seemed to amount to nothing.
It feels alien out there to me. I don't belong in this place.
Growing up it was beautiful. Filled with possibilities.
And now hardly any possibility exists for me.
Going to wake up again tomorrow morning for another day of looking at screens. Finding no reason to engage with the world unless I have to. Like getting a haircut or a coffee.
My heart has broken. My soul is not far behind.
I've become numb to all this. Sometimes tears come out. Reminding me that there's still something within that cares.
I wish I would've met Karlee years ago. Wish I'd never gone for longer than a month with Fola. Wish I slept with Tina. Wish I could live in peace somewhere.
With a dog. With a woman of like mind.
Who inspires me to become my best self, and me doing the same for her.
It really feels like the end of the road for all of us but... every day the sun still rises.
Some pastor was talking about nuclear suitcase bombs in his sermon before I started this post. Yesterday another pastor talked about how the end is soon to come.
Maybe its all generated and fake fear. It doesn't really matter. We're enslaved anyways. Farm animals. Serfs. Always have been.
The way out of this place is through death. I don't know what the requirements are for us on the other side and I don't know if there are better places than Earth to be on.
To be honest, I love having sex with a woman who feels the same. Who shows me respect. Who makes coffee in the morning. Who appreciates the things I do for her.
Can I find that in the afterlife? Is there coffee there? How does sex work, if it exists and does jealously ever enter the picture?
Can love exist without sex?
I mean... maybe there's a different kind of sex on the other side. Some kind of energy exchange. It doesn't have to even involve penetration. Just vulnerability. Closeness. Connection.
And... is Earth the best place to be? Is there a physical realm elsewhere? Where all this corruption and evil does not exist? A garden of Eden? Except, we all know the truth? We all have knowledge and understanding and are unafraid and... not a slave? Where we can be free?
A place where we don't have to pay to survive? To eat animals and other lifeforms to live?
Where we don't have to swipe left or right on a dating app to find the person we most love and are loved by?
There's a lot I'm saddened about when I look at my life. I did have chances. What I didn't have was wisdom and discipline. I knew a lot of things but didn't know how to best apply them. Didn't push myself hard enough when I needed to.
Such as my books. I just gave up on them. Nobody buys books these days. But maybe I shouldn't have thought like that.
I guess I doubted myself. Doesn't help being raised in a family that cultivated that within me. Being hard of hearing is a great way to develop insecurity.
I'm tired of it all.
Something needs to change. This isn't the life I asked for.
I know I can do better. Knowing what I now know.
But I've fallen to the bottom of the mountain that I've worked so hard to climb up.
And I refuse to be Sisyphus.
Not unless God gives me reason to push on.
Until Christ enters me and guides the way forward.
Until then.
I'm not going to care much about this world. It's already broken my heart.
I'd like to see a sloth, a dolphin and a koala bear before I die.
Among other things.
It needs to change.
It all needs to change.