Saturday, November 11, 2023

Choice or Coercion

As I research and read and watch videos and listen to podcasts and think about how the world really works, I keep finding contradictory theories that don't seem to work well with the evidence I've gathered.

Why are we here? I've distilled this question down to two possibilities: consent or coercion. 

The reason I bring this up is I'm trying to get at the root of this question and so many religions, philosophies and new age ideas have their own take on why we are here.

Gnosticism and the Cathars would tell you that we are trapped in this low-density reality with the goal of removing ourselves from the world completely to be re-united with the Father in the Pleroma, which is the TRUE reality and this world is only a copy/mimicry of it. Gnosis or wisdom is what is needed in order to escape this material plane.

Christianity, Judaism, Islam each speak to the existence of a heaven and we must "qualify" for entrance into this paradise by obeying the commands of the Abrahamic religion we subscribe towards. Islam offers virgins to obedient/faithful men, Christianity gives us the white robe and eternal life and Judaism uhm... well, you get to rule over the gentiles/goyim at some point. Rewarded with slaves, basically.

Buddhism is closer to Gnosticism as they also believe this illusory reality must be escaped from and offers many techniques and ideas to be able to do so, including the formation of what they call the "rainbow body" that allows for one to transcend and safely navigate through the bardos which are realms that can be entered through portals aka tunnels of light. There is a variety of different lights each with their own destination and a student of Buddhism is taught to differentiate the correct one to go through.

Hinduism I'm not too familiar with so I can't comment on how they handle the afterlife.

And the New Age ideas... well, they pretty much say that we choose to come here to learn "lessons" and evolve our souls. Escaping this place means to raise our vibrations high enough. 

As for the Satanists and Freemasonic types, they're pretty much corrupted themselves to the point where they are stuck here on Earth but are given rewards should they perform offerings and rituals for the entity that is in charge.

Yet... I don't think any of the belief systems I've mentioned really explain WHY we are here. 

It's not as simple as original sin. As if our ancestor ate an apple and cursed the generations of humans that followed from that one act.

The question still remains, WHY? If we look at the Judeo-Christian narrative its possible that Adam/Eve were in energetic form and the apple really wasn't an apple, it was more like an anchor that tethered them to a material body. I find it particularly interesting that Yahweh said they would die if they ate from the tree of knowledge but the serpent said they would not and he was correct. 

But perhaps they did die. Only to reincarnate and die again. And again. 

That's another way of looking at it.

The Garden of Eden story is confusing to digest. Reading it literally exposes a lot of holes. Reading it metaphorically inspires a smorgasbord of alternative possibilities in regards to the symbolism and the way it is interpreted.

But looking at the why question I end up shaking my box of puzzle pieces and sighing because it's difficult to know what the big picture should look like. Some of these pieces don't seem to fit with one another. 

If we were banished from paradise, which could be "heaven" or the "pleroma" then it wasn't just Adam/Eve that was exiled, it was a lot of other souls that came along with them as well. It makes no logical sense that we are paying for the actions of something that we didn't do. This is also known as the "fruit of the poisoned tree" hypothesis which suggests that a bad tree will produce bad fruit. If our foundation, our heritage and ancestry is corrupted then future generations will be corrupted also. Hence, the idea of original sin that must be atoned for. Whether we are directly responsible or not. A son should not bear responsibility for the sins of his father.

And let us examine still, the WHY are we here because even if we were banished from paradise (thousands if not millions of us) then we must be here as punishment. Therefore, it is either consenting to the punishment delivered and serving a "life" sentence or being coerced/forced to make up for whatever it was that we have done.

The problem again with this hypothesis is the lack of memory of our crimes. We also know that there are good and innocent people in the world, including children who have suffered terrible afflictions, poverty, premature death, torture, disease and exploitation by sadists and psychopaths. Do they get to return to "heaven" to the "pleroma" ?

Did they learn their "lessons" as the New Age community would have us believe? Were they able to accept Christ into their lives and be given salvation? What is the point of a two-year old dying in an airstrike in Gaza if any of this was true or about original sin? There is no chance for redemption if that was what they were placed here to do.

New Agers would then tell us it is about karma accumulated from past lives and that some souls elect to work off the negative deeds of the past by enduring a horrible and emotionally painful death or debilitating condition. Is this true? Would salvation of the soul come about if one were to be born as the elephant man? Or blind and deaf? Born with type 1 diabetes? Born with autism? Down's syndrome?

Would "karma" be worked off by choosing to endure hardship and trauma?

Another idea from the New Age is that we are fragments of God choosing to experience itself from multiple vantage points. Each individual experiences reality in their own unique way and upon death, that data gets "uploaded" to the source for them to again reincarnate or to merge with this source energy. But... It still makes us out to be "property" of something outside of ourselves and does not seem to be a free-will decision.

So the "why are we here" question continues to puzzle me. 

Choice or coercion or something in-between?

Why do babies cry when they exit the womb? If they emerged overjoyed and smiling, it would suggest that this is a desired reality that they choose to be in. Their soul would recognize the situation but instead, they cry. Traumatized and frightened even if the mother immediately cradles them.

It's so strange. We don't see this with other animals in this place. Have you seen a puppy cry? A kitten? A deer or a moose?

Only human newborns cry when they exit the womb.

Not only that, but humans do not seem like they were evolved to exist on this world. In theory, a human baby born in the wild should be sufficiently adapted to live in it's environment. It should be able to live off of the foods in nature as well as endure the climate. Whether it is Siberia, the Sahara desert, the Yukon or the Amazon rainforest; the humans who evolved in those environments should also have children able to live in these places. A bear cub can survive without its mother when it is of a sufficient size. It doesn't need air conditioning, heat, clothing or tools/weapons. It naturally knows where to go, what to eat and where and when to shelter.

Humans are anomalies. They don't seem to belong in a place like this. This is not their real "home".

When we look at our teeth, we don't see sharp fangs for tearing apart meat. We don't have claws to hunt for food with. We aren't optimally engineered to live on this planet.

So therefore, we are created and serve a special purpose. 

Now again, choice or coercion?

Did we choose to incarnate? Did we choose to create these bodies? 

Or were we placed here? Did something else create us?

Either we were made in the image of the Gods or we are Gods ourselves.

Scripture provides evidence for both possibilities to be true.

It's so hard at times to figure all this out. It might never be figured out. I watch content from people like Santos Bonacci who interprets religion through astrology and his point of view is entirely symbolic. He believes there is a Demiurge but also believes there is a hell to be eternally tormented in.

Still, the why we are here question is a tough nut to crack,

Some say we are here to live our purpose. To realize our destiny. To collect the fragmented parts of ourselves and heal, like Humpty Dumpty putting itself together again.

And we have hundreds of theories to choose from.

I am siding with the idea that we are all a part of one body. One mind. One spirit. If we look at humanity as an organism, some parts of it are healthy while other cells are cancerous.

I am also seeing that there is a force that is anti-human in nature and seeks to control the entire thing.

So it appears that there is an us vs them narrative going on. It isn't as simple as service to others and service to self, either. There are shades of grey in-between.

Let's experiment with this one idea I've developed. 

Maybe being here is something of an initiation. A chance at a chance of being admitted to higher realms. We elected to come here and to spin a wheel to be randomly assigned a human form and sex. There are two camps, those that serve the light and those that are blinded by it.

We are here to prove our allegiance to either side. Light or dark. 

At the conclusion of this game we are then separated into either of those two camps and rewarded according to our thoughts and deeds. Those that serve the dark through ignorance and exploitation and anger and hatred and greed and all these negative emotions get rewarded by continuing to stay on this material plane to be used again.

Those that serve the light also get rewarded in their own way. They may be given higher truths or a deeper awareness according to the virtues they've demonstrated during their time here.

But the problem with this theory is that it does not seem to make concessions for those that are in the middle. Those who have both light and dark in them and are doing their best to live a virtuous life and to seek truth but have committed sins or errors in life. Some that they learned from, some that they haven't. What about those who are more or less neutral in their disposition and accomplishments?

In scripture, God says the following:

Revelation 3:16
So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth.
Not only are we told to choose a side, but we must express the EXTREME side. Either very cold or very hot. This then proves God requires a duality allegiance of sort. You can be extremely good or extremely evil. That which is in the middle will be rejected.

Perhaps this is the approach we are to take.

Do not choose a side. Live a life of kindness when you are able. Courteous and loving and generous when the opportunity presents itself. 

Be willing to not trust those that are looking to take advantage of you. Do not "love thy neighbor" without distinction or understanding for you are watering down the meaning of affection should it be given away as freely as we are commanded to. 

Treat others as you'd like to be treated. If they do not make the effort to reciprocate, cut them loose if you can. A dog that gets kicked every day at some point should decide to stop inviting further abuse.

We must also know that the way to win the game is not to play.

This means that once we reach an understanding of the realm we inhabit we will have awareness of the choice that duality presents us with.

Hot or cold?

Let us take the following into account as well:

Isiah 45:7
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

The Lord, our God the God of this realm is the one responsible for both peace and evil.

Let that sink in.

What is going on in Gaza? The psychological operations we've endured these past three years? WWI and WWII and the assassination of JFK and RFK and MLK ... ?

Human trafficking. Live organ removal. Daily rape of pre-pubescent children for money.

Guess who claims responsibility?

When one looks at the Old Testament we see many many instances of "God" being vile and jealous and encouraging murder. Let us honestly admit that commanding Moses to sacrifice animals was strange. Stranger still, is his endorsement of the killing of innocent women and children.

The great flood is an example of this. If we believe that God flooded the Earth to destroy all life except for Noah and his family, this includes infants. Why were they not spared? Perhaps the logistics were complicated and God considered innocent children to be collateral damage.

And there are passages that endorse the subjugation and ill-treatment of women (Old Testament) as well as calls to murdering an entire city, The story of Cain and Abel, God calling for the sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham and so on.

I believe we are dealing with the "wrong" God in the Old Testament. Yeshua not once referred to his Father as Yahweh or Jehovah and condemned the "Jews" by claiming that they serve their Father who is a liar, a thief and a murderer. He then called them as belonging to the synagogue of Satan.

Rev 3:9
Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.

We can debate the book of Revelation all day starting from how the Church originally wanted to exclude this book and perhaps it is a construction of evil designed to pit Christians against Jews but... Let us not forget that Yeshua flipped the tables in the temple, also. He knew the moneychangers were Jewish and were condemned.

That is why it is so important for us to look at all this information objectively. Are we to abide by the entire Bible? Or only parts of it? Do we accept the Old Testament or only the New?

Was the world really created in only six days? Was it "God" that flooded the Earth or something else claiming to be God? Why did God say Noah was the ONLY blameless man left? What about blameless women? Blameless children?

And why do we see references to multiple Gods in the Old Testament? The Elohim?

So... the why are we here question is a really good one. If we were placed here to have dominion over the Earth, over the plants and the animals and the birds then the eating of flesh and even sexual relations with animals would be permitted regardless of the trauma involved. For we have dominion over the "lesser" life forms do we not?

Is it not interesting that there is no condemnation of pedophilia in the Bible? Was that an oversight? Historically women were "women" once they began ovulating which was at about 10-14 years of age. Did they have the maturity and wisdom to know not to engage in relations with men who may be twice or three times their age or even older that have intentions of exploiting and defiling them?

In Islam, can a six year old girl really be a "good" wife to Mohammed who was in his 50s and already had ten wives?

There are no instructions in any of these religions as to what function sex really serves apart from procreation. If it was simply about procreation, why was it made so pleasurable?

And we were encouraged to procreate. Be fruitful and multiply.

However that may be metaphorical. Be filled with good deeds/accomplishments and spread your way of being/attitude as far and wide as possible.

You can see how much time can be spent interpreting each of the Abrahamic religions and still not be able to zero in on the question of why.

Why are we here? If it is to participate in a game, then God is an asshole for putting us in a den of snakes and vipers who are dominating the playing field with multi-generational wealth and power that is consolidating daily. He'll destroy everyone with a great flood but will not lay a hand on these inbreed royal bloodline families who control everything and are causing chaos.

Then again, we are given the ability to discern and that means we must also apply that discernment to religious texts including our bibles.

I think we all know what the truth is deep within us. "Thou shall not murder" is assumed not to apply towards eating animal flesh but I think it should. I think we have been duped on so many levels by the dark side that even the bible itself is not immune from its influence.

The brilliance of the deception is to take portions of truth and infused parts of it with lies that misdirect and damn us. A lie is amplified when it is buried within truth. It hurts a heck of a lot more for an honest person to call someone "ugly" than it would for a dishonest man to do the same.

No one would accept the Bible if they could clearly see that it was all BS. There are many good things written about in both the Old and the New Testament but a lot of contradictions also.

We must not gloss over the things we do not agree with. To think that the Bible knows best. That popes, bishops and priests know best. To think that a doctor or politician knows best what is right for you. 

It seems that if we choose to incarnate into what appears to be a hellish realm that is controlled by less than 10,000 "people" than we must find courage enough to assert our sovereignty due to our strength in numbers. We did not elect to be born with over 30 vaccines poked into us before the age of six and already straight out of the gate, we know that negative karma, that violation of freewill is already on the parents that allowed for it to happen because they would rather trust doctors than their own research and understanding.

We also did not elect to be brainwashed in "schools" that are spreading harmful information and do not prepare us for the world we are expected to establish our independence in. That karma is partially on our parents as well as teachers who follow the prescribed curriculum.

And one thing that is interesting I've observed is that the bad guys have to tell us what they are going to do. It seems to be a cosmic law of sorts. People like Justin Trudeau and Dr. Fauci and the media and the pharmaceutical companies may be pushing the jab on us to the hysterical extent that they did, but we needed to willingly consent to receiving them. Therefore, the consequences of their deception is more on us than it is on them.

If someone were to tell you to jump off of a cliff and you did and died, whose fault was that really? If someone held a gun to your head and demanded you sing the alphabet song and you decide not to, whose fault will it be when they do pull the trigger? On them of course, because you stood your ground and asserted sovereignty.

Therefore, we have a free will of sorts. Although it would be next to impossible to function in this world and not have to work for a living or to pay taxes. There would still be the option of a potentially uncomfortable and impoverished existence should you decide to leave society. You made the difficult free will choice of refusing to participate.

That is why as I ponder the choice and coercion question, I flip between both sides at times. Perhaps we decided to come here to prove our worth and to experience a challenge to our spirit. On the other hand, I can also see why we would be forced to come here over and over because this world wouldn't exist if we didn't supply the slave labour for it to properly function. The illusion needs an energy or emotion source to keep it going.

And if we could choose to reincarnate into a physically attractive and intelligent body, born into a wealthy family, we certainly would, wouldn't we? Regardless of any "lessons" to be learned.

They say pain is a great teacher but I feel that love can be also.

Imagine a world where truth is honored and respected and revered? Where justice is fair? Where beauty is appreciated and promoted? Where compassion is the default emotion towards anyone who is suffering? Where love is the highest ideal to aim for? A world of prosperity and abundance?

That is the world I would create if I were God. The outliers, the psychopaths, the narcissists - they'll still exist in such a place but will suffer the consequences should a fair system of justice be established and competition removed. Instead, we live in a world where they are rewarded and promoted to high positions of power for how skillfully they take advantage of others.

Barbara Manchiek, a New Age lady who's name I probably misspelled claims that we elected to come here to bring heaven on Earth by helping humanity transition into a new age. Yet, I look at the majority of people in the world who are ignorant and without interest in spirituality and I just can't see it happening unless it involves only a small group of people. A heaven on Earth only for themselves. The meek or the gentle shall inherit the Earth should they band together with like minds and honor what they collectively believe in.

I would say that humanity screwed itself up but that is not entirely accurate. A hundred years ago there were so many intelligent people who carried themselves with dignity, intelligence and humility. We've devolved not because we choose to, but because over time, the power structure continued to grow in size and casted a wide net of deception over us. It poisoned food and water and the air and our minds and hearts and souls.

But that was nothing new. Look at the Bible. Look at Rome in the days of Caligula.

There is nothing new under the sun.

That then means this isn't about bringing heaven onto Earth. It means that God is either absent, misrepresented or he created evil (as he says) in order to... ??

Entertain himself? Such as it was with Job? Watch the games unfold?

If so, that is a cruel "Father" to have and certainly not the one Yeshua believed in.

I may have enjoyed running over pedestrians in Grand Theft Auto games when they first came out but I later worked to actively avoid hitting them. I still remember how I would even stop at the traffic lights so that I would obey the laws correctly. Of course, I still killed a lot of people in the game because, well, they weren't conscious sentient beings.

Here, we are sentient and conscious and prone to trauma.

If this is a game we chose to participate in... well, we certainly didn't know what we would be getting ourselves into did we?

I think the Cathars knew the truth. This is an evil game and the way out of the game is refusing to play. It means being courageous enough to die, even to take one's life if the alternative means further enslavement, continued exploitation of our time and energy and diminishment of prosperity and quality of life.

The way to win is to not play.

Easier said than done.

A quote of mine that I made up remains my favorite to this day.

"Let truth be your compass and love be the map."  
Move towards love with honesty and vulnerability and strength.

It's okay if we don't seem to find what we're looking for. Within ourselves or in others.

As long as we continue to believe in these things, they are what matters in this world.

Even if we see less and less or none of it.

We probably choose to play a game that we have been deceived about and manipulated into.

So yes.

It is both choice and coercion brought about through deception.

We are in this world.

Not of it.

To whoever is reading this.

I love you.

It's okay to hate this place.

We deserve better.