Deliverance and Renewal.
Still waiting.
Last night I had the urge to draw 3 Tarot cards and they were as follows:
1) Four of Pentacles (reversed) - Over-spending, greed, self-protection
2) Ten of Pentacles - Wealth, financial security, long-term success, contribution
3) The Tower Card - Sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening
I interpreted the first card to mean the past, the second to mean the (upcoming) present and the last one being tied to the second which would naturally follow should an unexpected surprise comes my way.
I haven't really put a lot of faith into the Tarot but there were times when it made perfect sense to me.
When I used to visit Tina the flea market psychic for a reading, I wanted to know about my ex. I drew one card which was the 3 of Swords which had a picture of a heart being stabbed with three swords. Very obvious. I later drew this same card again and when that surprised me, I remembered drawing a card before I went to see Tina and...
It was the Three of Swords also.
In my soul I knew not to be in that relationship and had these signs but didn't quite take them seriously enough. I didn't want to act on cards and deep down I knew I would be exiting the relationship which I did multiple times only to keep getting drawn back in.
Perhaps I should have listened and taken it seriously.
Which is why the above 3 cards are encouraging but... has not occurred yet.
Time is fast running out. April 2024. I don't see the point of going any further beyond that date if I cannot resolve my financial situation by then. I know that getting into the 9-5 grind is NOT in the cards (pun intended) and will not get me to where I need to be.
So yes, an exceptional event is necessary.
I find it interesting that the Bible speaks out against divination but I also know that the Bible has been corrupted in places. I think these cards could be more like a means for the subconscious to communicate through or a higher self/greater intelligence.
We will see what happens.
Today was uneventful as usual. Trying to find a private spot in this city is futile. I had a vehicle drive right up to me with its headlights in my eyes for no reason whatsoever as it then circled and slowly drove off. Its easy to feel like I was targeted and appraised whenever I see stuff like that.
There was a beautiful full moon tonight and I sat across from it having all these cars drive towards me and people walking by, etc. No privacy there either but I did send my intentions out to that white orb in the sky.
I know I cannot keep going on like this. There is no building up of energy that can be done under these conditions. I need my sacred place. My privacy. My freedom and independence.
It truly will be a miracle to get out from under all this. It would be quite the hero's journey to find my path again and to move forward from where I am now.
Again, a 9-5 will not cut it. It has to be stupendous and bombastic and strikes like lightning.
I know what I want. Karlee next to me on the beach, dinner with Max, poker with Jeff, playing with Lucy, coffee with Lena, a big cheque... all of these things.
I'm not sure what is going to happen from here until April. There is no real action I can take.
Encouraged by the cards, I decided to try an online version and it twice gave me the last card as being the one that demanded patience.
Which is all I can be at the moment.
But time is running out. The housing crisis is spiraling out of control and I understand why it was engineered this way. So that those who want homes will have no choice but to rent and cannot afford to buy on their own.
And here in the city there is a rental company with hundreds of units under its belt. It bought out all of these properties including apartments and townhomes and has a foreign management staff running the show.
What is happening in this world is despicable. The social contract has been broken. The middle class is being attacked. Younger adults no longer have the dream of home ownership given these kind of prices.
All according to plan.
So... if the video game we are all in is set on the hardest difficulty level and is glitching, why bother playing it anymore? It is no longer "fun" and it certainly is not "fair" ...
I know my situation isn't as bad as others but I feel deeply in my bones that I've yet to realize my purpose in these times and that I will contribute a great deal.
"You will change the world"
"God has a special plan for you"
Okay. I'm ready to begin my work.
Let's get started.