Gawsh. (swats away at an imaginary mosquito)
So I got.. three hugs, one bit of hand-holding (4 seconds + "your hands are cold") and a quick smooch on the lips while she leaving initiated by her. The date went well, it seems. We had a few good laughs, and I got high as fuck. Ginelle brought over a joint, and I had two glasses of wine and two shots of whiskey. She had to leave early to pick up some friend at the airport, so all in all she was here for three hours, having dinner and then sitting at the table talking up a storm.
Pretty good time. We got really personal in talking about our lives, and I don't know if it was mainly the weed that contributed to how freely it all flowed, or something else. But the *click* was there, and we were starkly honest with each other. Down to some of our gravest sins and flaws.
At the end, she said how we should do this again sometime (after marveling over my garbage can and the faucet on the kitchen sink) and it looks like a second date is all but guaranteed. I'm not sure when that'll be, but she did mention Thursday as a possibility. I really don't know when she is next free. We'll see.
Not going to cross my fingers with this one, to be honest. I really don't know yet. But Ginelle did bring out my more charismatic and laid-back side, which I enjoyed expressing. No nervousness and need to impress. Just being myself. For better or worse.
She had a good laugh at seeing the welcome sign I wrote for her on my chalkboard, and added in "thank you!" almost instantly after I showed it off. Super cute of her to do that.
Food went well. I asked her what she would rate the meal as, and she said 9.5/10 with a straight face. I honestly thought about it, and gave everything an 8.7. She then changed her answer down to an 8.75. Heh.
I wasn't very happy with finding out she had tattoos, not greatly disappointed or anything, but just kind of non-commital and non-chalant. I wasn't sure if took offense to that, or not, since she asked me if I had any tattoos of my own and that it was a "big" question she prefaced to having asked me.
So she's career driven. Works as a manager at Safeway, and wants to go up to being a regional / district manager eventually. Good goal for her to have. I like her spirit and optimism.
Mm. That's about it really. She left early, gave me that nice kiss and walked away with an ice cream sandwich that I offered her. Which I think might have been the last one I had in the freezer. Curses! Oh well. Afterwards I snacked on fudge, Toffee and bagged popcorn flavored with white cheddar cheese. Hungrhghh. Great stuff.
I couldn't eat my meal most of the time while we talked. I was just too into the conversation, and she ate much more than I did. My spaghetti and 3-meat meatballs (pork/beef/italian sausage) with a mixed salad (pear dressing) and "pizza" bread which was really just Pilsbury pizza dough cut up into pieces and brushed with garlic butter; they were a hit. Particularly the bread, which I kept as a "secret" rather than to tell her how I made it and ruin the magic. Heh. I was looking for a Little Caesars Crazy Bread recipe online and that thing came up. Let me tell you, that is not even close to what LC's bread is like. Pfbt. But I knew that before I made it.
So, yeah. All is well. I'm in flux now, since she doesn't enjoy texting and I'll have to wait on her to tell me when she's next available to come over at, but thats all good. No pressure on myself. No pressure on her, either. Which she seems to appreciate.
Funny thing about Tinder, I told her how superficial it all seemed to me and she agreed. Apparently she did not look at any of my photos before swiping right. I had five of them on there, but my profile caught her attention with how funny it was. I'm glad someone liked it. Haven't been having much luck on there lately.
Yep. In bed now, bored to death at how mediocre Xmen: Apocalypse is, and figured I'd whip out a blog entry. Tomorrow I have to pick up Gyngie and take her to get a few of her daughters things. Seems that Raychel is moving in with Gyngie now, and is officially running away from home. Luckily there are no legal repercussions, since custody seems to be with Gyngie and not with Ray's dad. Which is an interesting little bit of luck.
*yawns* yeah.. another day. After Ginelle left, I put my headphones on and listened to some music. Still feeling high and drunk. It was a nice way of unwinding afterwards. Thought about my ex a little, and wished I could have "acted" with her the same way I did with Ginelle. Just laid back. No pressure. No expectations. No real inhibitions.
Oh well. At least I'm learning. Slowly but surely, I'm learning how to be a man around women. And how to be as relaxed and "myself" as can be.
Back to watching Xmen. Boy, "Apocalypse" is such a goober. The comics depicted him as this huge, intimidating mutant, and the guy in this movie is.. bleh. Little resemblance to what I once read of him.
Another day, another day.
Another tomorrow.