Monday, January 30, 2017

Burn Out Boy

Today was different, as I have been sick since yesterday with a bit of the flu I think it is.

Odd by itself, since I've actually gone for years without being sick, up until last October. Hmm.

So, different day today. Fola and I didn't get to text very much due to how busy she was but she did manage to squeeze in an hour to meet me for coffee at Starbucks, so that was alright.

Yeah, soon as she walked in the door, my eyes lit up. There was this brief fraction of a moment where our eyes locked, and this.. flicker passed. I don't know if its mutual or what, but in that tiny instant it felt like..

My goddess had arrived.

And the smile I had couldn't be suppressed no matter how hard I tried. Which didn't matter, fractions of a second and all that.

It's funny how I'm thinking of her as my goddess, because a part of me is finding no disagreement with it for some odd reason. I'm well aware of how I react to certain statements, and that I can discern what is true and what is false by paying close attention to myself; and in this case, I really do think she is my goddess of sorts.

Heh, I am so setting myself up for a long, dark fall if I turn out to be wrong, but I don't think I am. And I don't think I will fall, either.

Fola asked me about what I said last night regarding us going to Arizona, and I told her bluntly that I wasn't sure when the right timing would be, and that no, I don't plan "far ahead" like she suggested. I haven't made a single plan regarding it at all.

Just a knowing, is all.

Despite our time together these past few weeks, I still get a sense of skepticism from her. As if a long-term relationship is a bit of a stretch of the imagination. Not sure why that is, because I feel it could be long-term. If we both try.

So far, we are, and so far, its working well.

Since I was feeling under the weather, our.. hmm.. our chemistry was a bit different today. No tingles, or.. Well, spiritual stuff I guess? Other than that brief moment we exchanged before she sat down.

I'm starting to.. no, I'm trusting my higher self on this now. Even though our conversation was effortless and fluid, and I stroked her hand.. well, there was something missing in all that. Attraction, maybe I guess.

Like, raw sexual energy pulsing between us. 'Twas shan't be there, I says.

And that's kind of interesting. Because although sexual attraction is usually the lifeblood of the beginning stages of a relationship, and it sure is with us, it seems like there is a deeper attraction at hand that we aren't quite able to pin-point just yet.

I know that when I stimulate her intellectually, she gets aroused. And she knows that when she flirts and compliments, I get aroused.

Hmm. All part of the process of learning about each other I suppose.

Tomorrow evening she is coming by to spend the night with me, and I'm pretty excited. Going to have to wash off all the dried body fluids off my sheets before she arrives. Probably will have to break out the chisel to hack off some of the bigger pieces, too.

I jest, obviously, and today I was a bit more biting and offensive than usual.

Strange because I wore my Snoopy tshirt that says, "Authentic Dude" and figured I was in a low-key laid-back mood. Not quite.

Ah, Fola. My soul-something-or-another.

I found out she actually has a long ass first name that even she could barely pronounce.

Something like, Obufolauwaska. Quite a mouthful. No wonder she never uses it.

I also saw a few of the texts her father sends her, and I was pretty floored. The dude is a hardcore Christian fundamentalist. I mean, HARDCORE. As in sending biblical verses and lecturing her on how to not turn over to the dark side, and similar topics. Could almost hear Vader breathing behind those words he sent.

Phew. Some upbringing she's had. That's intense. No wonder she's poly. The tendency to rebel is strong with this one.

I would actually like to meet her dad one of these days, just for curiosity's sake. See if I can argue with him on these topics and have him come around to a more sensible outlook. But I doubt it would be easy. And it certainly wouldn't be happening on the first try.

But, I would be eager to try, for sure. I know the Bible. I've read the New Testament, and flipped through to the interesting stuff in the Old. I have a few verses memorized, and I generally have a good understanding of it all, since I was raised Catholic.

That needle in the haystack analogy again, hmm. Not sure how effective it would be to disperse around a hardcore Christian fundamentalist though.

As Bruce Lee said, dripping water can wear away a stone. And that is pretty much how it would have to be, particularly when a deeply entrenched belief system is involved.

People can't change overnight, thats for sure.

But people can change, after all. Leah Remini is proof of that. Listened to a bit of her on Joe's podcast earlier today. Girl is.. courageous and.. tragic all at once. You can tell that there is something that is damaged within her, but good luck figuring out what that might be.

Shame, I had a big crush on her in King of Queens. One of my favourites.

She actually managed to toss Rogan for a loop a couple of times, throwing him off his game for a few seconds. I thought that was amusing. It's not often you see that happening. Jordan Peterson is a great example of a knight coming to joust and finding a court jester staring back at him all open-mouthed and wild-eyed, it was kind of similar to what I saw today.

Hmm.  Something about Rogan does bug me though, like with Remini, I don't know what that is either. And I've listened to hundreds of his shows.

Wouldn't want to see what skeletons he has in his closet, thats for sure. Dude probably has his wife poop on a coffee table while he watches from underneath, or maybe the other way around. I have no idea, but there is something off. And I admire the guy for the most part, too.

Well, then.

Tomorrow is a new day.

A new beginning.

A new dawn, a new life.

Yada, yada.

Good things are coming.

Every day is an adventure.