Thought I'd mention something interesting that happened yesterday while driving to the local thrift store.
Inexplicably, I thought of a woman I dated. Her name is Brandy, and we hung out two or three times. Had sex with her, and haven't seen her again. There just wasn't anything going on between us and we were both lonely, so..
After that thought, I parked in front of the store, which was closed due to the holidays and I got back into my car where not a second later, Brandy walked by. She missed me by a fraction of a second really, as she turned a corner and I entered the car.
Weird stuff. I didn't say hi to her or anything, but it was surprising to have been thinking of her a minute before she magically appeared in front of me.
See, I wish I had bigger coincidences than that, to convince me of something outerwordly being in motion. In my blog, I made mention of several small ones but there hasn't really been a huge coincidence that has an undeniable mystery to it. They always seemed like either a gentle tease, or something cooked up by my overactive imagination. Except seeing Brandy, wasn't my imagination. It's far more convincing.
Just not enough as I would like it to be.
Mm. I'm always looking. Wondering if the world is truly connected, and that coincidence is more mystifying and indicative of a larger truth than any of us could ever know.
I'm reading this book on quantum mechanics at the moment. Heady stuff, but the bullet points I've gleaned from it all had to do with evidence for the interconnectedness of life and everything around us. Particles and waves are each one and the same when it comes to photons, at least. The same goes for subatomic particles and the strangeness of quantum entanglement.
It's all so weird, and so right at the same time. We are all connected. Coincidences are deliberate manifestations. But of what? Myself? God? Other people? Am I manifesting reality, or am I being subjected to it? What would the point be, of a coincidence like I experienced today? Was it so I would think about it? Blog about it? Or something else, that factors into a picture so large that I cannot see my role in all of it? Who knows.
Which begs another question: who really knows, and how can I'd ever know for sure?
What is truth? How can we be so certain of facts or prove out certain theories, when there is no way of really knowing what is true and what is false, if we lack the instrumentation and perspective needed to confirm any of our suspicions regarding the metaphysical nature of reality?
So, really, I think the solution to satisfying my intellectual curiosity in all this, is to not over analyze, but to enjoy it for what it is. A joke. A smile that the universe is giving me, and a smile that it likely is giving itself as it watches my reaction. A dance, shall we say. This brief moment of surrendering to mystery and accepting the wonderment it brings, without breaking it down to pieces and trying to put it under a microscope. To look at with the hard, skeptical eyes of logic bereft of the beauty of imagination.
In short, coincidences are the moments that remind you of something beyond what is perceived as reality. It is the strange meeting of a friend you haven't seen in years, in a place where neither of you frequents; and the odds are staggeringly beyond measure for such a thing to happen by chance alone.
But what does it all mean?
I guess my curiosity will always be getting the best of me, because I'd really like to know.
I want to know pretty bad 😕
Escobar on Netflix right now. And speaking of coincidence, I had a girl message me today on okcupid who I talked with two years ago. She didn't remember who I was until I reminded her.
Marion, is her name. She didn't remember a single thing about me, but we're catching up again. Who knows if we'll work out though.
I'd love to see the big picture.
But, maybe a million immortal monkeys can in fact, type out a Shakespeare play word for word given enough time.
Somehow, I doubt it. There is a guiding intelligence involved behind the scenes.
And an order in all things.
Everything is exactly as it was intended to be.