Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Oops, there it is!

I think my canceling on Jen didn't quite go as I expected. She texted back telling me to not be so pessimistic, despite my telling her about the string of disappointing dates I've been on lately.

Guess I might look like something of a wounded knight/puppy in need of rescue by some fair, hoping damsel. Hope that won't be the case. Told her she could call me tomorrow if she'd like, but I'm not in the mood for anything right now. Don't know if I can even care if she calls me tomorrow.

Just find myself a comfy chair, a quiet place, a good pair of headphones and the cd I made for Gina.

That's all I need.

Happiness from sound.

I love music.

"Adagio For Square" by Worakls is on right now, helping keep me calm and collected throughout all the bullshit of this month.


Guess that's all for now.

(several songs later)

Got my novel going. It feels great reading the stuff I'd written so far. I wonder what an editor will think once the manuscript is done.

Jake was familiar with the relationship his ego had with the abyss. It made every attempt to avoid it. When the abyss asserted itself, the ego shrank away like a vampire in the sunlight, too afraid to confront an enemy that seemed impossible to defeat.

He knew who the true ruler of his mind really was, and it knew it too. But it was always silent. Always still. And moments like this, was where its influence was felt most.

As the abyss awakened itself from its slumber, Jake returned his gaze to the phone. Waiting with expectation for Hohman to call.