Let's start with a quick recap of yesterday.
Hmm. (puts on thinking cap)
I suppose.. well, I painted part of my deck; but the highlight from yesterday was my visit to Lowes.
Avid readers (heh) will be delighted to know, that my horrible ex-girlfriend Cassandra, happens to be an HR person at Lowes. Of course, I went in there because I didn't have a choice, and needed to pick up a few things that I couldn't get at Home Depot.
Ceiling fan and vintage light bulbs, bitches.
So yeah, and also I had to sell my Dolly Parton tickets there, as someone called me about them and said they could meet me in the parking lot. Sold em off for 400 bucks to a nice older couple. I teased the guy who was buying them about him having to go with his wife, and she laughed when I said, "oh you poor bastard."
Ceiling fan. Alright. Well, I found the one I wanted for a cool 109$ which is ridiculously cheap, and it wasn't the price that did me in, but it matches my fixtures and looks swanky. Had it been 200$, I would've gotten it anyways.
So I'm in that aisle with the fans, and struck up a conversation with the guy there.
"Do you know if there are two separate wires for both the light and the fan?" I ask.
"I don't know, uh.."
"Have you ever installed a ceiling fan?"
"Nope. But I can tell you the fan speed," and he points at this box, showing it was 4,000 something.
"What kind of a crappy employee are you?" I teased.
Then he tells me about all this other stuff he knows about, stuff that has nothing to do with ceiling fans.
I laugh, and I cut in with "hey, well, I'm pretty good at Street Fighter, but that's not going to help me much with this, will it?"
His phone then rings, and mine does too (tickets), so I go outside, do the transaction and run into "fan guy" as he is heading out on his lunch break. We joke around a bit, and I gave him a recommendation to go to Blaze pizza across the street.
Back in I go, wandering around the aisles and picking up a few things.
Think I saw Cassandra at one point, but I cleverly turned my head to the side as I pushed my cart by her. She was looking at some product with another person, so it worked out.
At check out, was the fun part. This girl Carmen was there, and she rung me up.
Total cost, around 205 bucks.
"Hey, could you use your employees discount for me?"
Carmen was this cute young girl, and she said, "sure!"
"What?!" I figured I was just going to joke with her about it.
"Do you know someone who works here though?" she asks.
"Yeah," I grinned. "I know Cassandra!"
"You know Cassie?"
"That's right, so you'd better give me that discount or..." and I give a kind of threatening sarcastic glare.
She laughed. And tried to give me the discount, but it didn't work out. Seems like I needed some kind of Lowes card in order for her to do it. I said not to worry.
Just as I was finishing paying, I confessed to her that Cass was my ex and that we parted on bad terms. Then I suggested that if she wants to make her laugh, to tell her that her ex-boyfriend David was here, and that he's pregnant, and it's her baby.
"Omigawd, I will do that!" Carmen excitedly says, and rushes off to ... somewhere, presumably to where Cass is.
Heh. We had a shitty relationship, but at least Cass will laugh at this dumb joke and these two girls will have a bit of fun discussing how terrible I was, or whatever Cass will end up telling her.
Anyways, next day, (today) I had to go back to Lowes and get more vintage bulbs because of how much awesome they were putting out above my mirror in the bathroom. I wanted another set for upstairs.
Ran into ceiling fan guy again.
"What the heck, do you work here or what?" I laugh.
We get into a discussion about work, in general and he made mention of his unemployed electrician buddies, so I give him my number and tell him to call me to see if any of them would want to make a few dollars installing the fan for me.
He had to leave, but I asked him if Cass was around, and he said he wasn't sure. I then said that if wants to make her pissed off, then he should get himself a coffee from McDonalds, go up to her, and say, "David told me that you're not allowed to have my coffee sticker." Meaning, that sticker you get everytime you buy a cup, where you can exchange it for a free one after collecting 7 of these.
"Alright, I'll do that." he says. And off he went.
The reason this will piss Cassie off, is because she was always stealing those stickers from me. It's exactly why we broke up. Yes, I am kidding.
I wonder what Cass will be thinking. Heh. Probably thinks I'm indirectly stalking her and talking to every employee in the store.
One thing I wished I could've done, was to ask Carmen if she wanted to help me make Cass jealous. If she said yes, I'd have then invited her out for dinner with me. Actually, I would've said, "if you would want to let me buy you dinner sometime, and become my girlfriend, I bet Cass would get really pissed. It'll be hilarious!" but of course, I only thought of that as I was in the parking lot getting into my car.
(groans) .. I've never "picked up" anyone in public. I've only ever tried twice, and both times were awkward because both had boyfriends. I'm talking years ago, and years apart. So.. not my style.
Carmen was a lot of fun to chat with though. She had a good energy around her.
Anyways, I spent a shitload of money today. I know that money doesn't buy happiness, but it sure makes life easier.
Look at all this:
Grrwarrroooowlll!!!! This badass stuffed T-Rex. Got that at Twice, But Nice, the local thrift shop for six bucks. I also found Justin's Christmas gift, which is this 600+ page book.
And, to cap off my day, I was paid a visit!
Here's how it went.
I'm moving stuff around, when I hear the doorbell ring. And .. pfbt. Instantly, I was hit with the weak hope that it was Gina, obviously not, as I chastised myself the instant I thought of it.
Instead, they were two people dressed in nice clothes. One tall Asian dude, and a cute girl in her late 20s I think.
"Whattya guys trying to sell me?" I ask, grinning at them both and already knowing that these are Jehovah's Witnesses.
"No, no, we aren't trying to sell you anything! We would like to study the Bible with you. Do you believe in God?" the Asian dude asks.
"You are trying to sell me something, but you aren't charging me for it." I smile and then add, "of course I believe in God, but not the Biblical version of Him."
"You don't believe in the Bible?"
"I, uh.. er.. I believe that maybe half of it is true. I don't know, really. Are you Jehovah's Witnesses?"
Turns out they weren't, they were from the "Church of God" a denomination I've never heard of.
They wanted to come inside and study the Bible with me, and tell me about the Second Coming of Christ; but I'm very qualified to shoot down all their stuff, by asking if they believed in reincarnation and that Christ would have had multiple lives already, etc.
A funny thing happened about a minute into my telling them how dumb it would be to only live one life.
The Asian dude's enthusiasm melted right off, and he thanked me for my time and left.
"Wow, I must've really annoyed you guys," I chuckled, as I watched them walk down the steps and over to my neighbor Mike, who looked at them with annoyed bafflement.
(sighs) .. I destroy these kind of people. I was ready to defend the reincarnation argument, since the guy didn't believe in it. I was prepared to drop the whole SIDS thing, where babies suddenly die for no reason; and suggest that if there was only one life, then those poor babies would surely be in hell. Thanks to them (fundamentalists) thinking that original sin would still apply.
Didn't get my chance to throw that one in, but I was growing excited to be able to do so. I think the guy sensed the type of battle I wanted to begin fighting, and that's why he left.
Oh well. I did get one good shot in there, though. It was when he dismissed the idea of reincarnation, and I told him that Buddhism predates the Bible, is more practical, more secular and if he truly was interested in developing a relationship and understanding of God; then he would look outside the Bible, to other religions and ideas, if God is so important to him. Because no one book has all of the answers, and if he thinks it does; then he's close-minded, and not much of a "seeker" of Truth.
The Second Coming.. sheesh. Do they really think that Christ will "return" and swoop down to Earth with a cape and a smile and go, "hey party people! Christ in the hiz-zouse!" and then with holy MAGIC, he'll bring peace to Earth, give everyone eternal life, and everyone will be super happy he's back.
Sure, buddy. We're here for a reason. And being rescued isn't what we deserve.
Or have earned.
So.. yeah. Guess that's all I'm writing about today. Still making people laugh. Still looking at red cars. Still thinking of Gina.. But, now I've moved on from thinking that she is an "idiot" and I'm accepting the fact that I've tried my best in getting us back together, and that there's nothing more I can from here on out. I can go to my grave, later in life, and if I have the chance to look back; I will know that I did what I could, and there was nothing for me to regret.
I wrote the perfect email. Well.. maybe not perfect, but it was really good. I made my feelings known, and now I absolutely can't contact her again.
The ball is now in her court.
Haven't cried over her today, so that's good.
And back I go.
Into the basement, in the dark, into my chair, with a candle going and a glass of Johnnie Walker Red Label.
And the cd. Her cd.