Saturday, October 21, 2017

More Chains

Okay, I am onto something with that last post.

Today I woke up at around 3:30pm. I felt so groggy and third-eye-ish/melatonin-y that I couldn't understand why.

Well, turns out my mom called at around then. Yes, I am absolutely sure that my phone is in do-not-disturb mode.

And there was snatches of a dream of Fola, where she was skinnier and somewhat younger, but I don't remember any of those details much.

There also was a dream where I met my old friend Jerry's girlfriend, and somehow hit things off with her. Asking her how Jerry was.

I haven't seen Jerry in over five years. Let alone think about him much. Hardly at all.

Its all so very strange and nonsensical.

Wish fulfillment fantasies? Heck if I know.

But I have found a correlation between waking up, and whenever someone texts/calls or (apparently) thinks about me.

Yeah, I don't think its a coincidence at this point. Five days in a row? That I can legitimately attest towards?


Well... Not sure what to do with this information. Am I psychic? Does that even matter?

Waking up whenever someone thinks of me? Meh. Wish I could do more with this. I can't deny its somewhat cool, though.

My superpower. *sighs*

And good looks, apparently. This gay guy was hitting on me. I felt flattered, and then he asked for nudes. *sighs*

I'm still feeling flattered. First time that's happened to me.

And Kelly complimented me a bunch. Saying she wants me to hug and hold her and.. blah.

Susan said I was darned cute.

I told her that I thought she was cute too. She sent me a couple more pictures. Still sorta weird-ish looking with the tattoos and dreadlocks, but hey, that's kind of my thing.

Didn't do much today. Highlight was the haircut I got, and even that is stretching it. Highlight probably is the gay guy that I stayed in a conversation for way too long with. Told me he was wearing a thong. Asked if I wore boxers or briefs and how big my cock was. Course I didn't lead him on or tell him my dick size, but it was fun seeing what the gay mind is like. Dude was a self-admitted hornball. Said I should try a gay guy "once" at least.


Still flattered. Flattered flattered, flattered.

Except I really should have done more today. Worked on my book, and fuck... its already late for submitting to David. I really am complacent. I don't know what my problem is.

Guess I just wanted a day of doing nothing.


Nothing wrong with that. In short bursts, of course, but I am spending it playing Battlefront. Seems like I've wasted my day, even though I really didn't. I'm unwinding. Whatever that is supposed to entail.

I have to go pee, blog. And there's not much else to report.

Still thinking of her on occassion. Today more so than the past few days.

Oh well.
