Tuesday, October 17, 2017

All is Well, and well, that's all.

Great shift for me tonight. It went by so quickly that I still had a full bag of lunch at the end of it, and didn't feel hungry.

Brief bit of third eye and heart warmth at around 5am, but I didn't focus on it that much.

I also felt momentarily considerate of these feelings possibly being linked to Fola, but I stopped myself and said this:

Even if these feelings are linked to her, it doesn't make her responsible for them. What is truly important is that I am experiencing them. Therefore they are the product of my own being, and not of someone else.

That statement was a powerful shift in thinking for me. I'm no longer going to attribute these feelings to someone else. Because even if they should or are attributed, it is me that is experiencing them. Regardless of them being shared or not.

If that makes any sense.

Just because I feel hungry, and Fola might also be hungry at the exact moment, doesn't mean one or the other has exclusive ownership of the sensation. It is still rather, a kind of independent choice. Or independent experience to be having. Just because someone else may feel what I feel, doesn't mean I should relinquish my own personal power by attributing an origin outside of myself.

Perhaps that helped clarify things.

Conversations With God volume one, is on the way to her. She will probably appreciate it, and not. Simply because it is from me. And I don't care. May not even text her back if she decides to thank me for it. Or acknowledge receiving it.

I watched an interesting video today, at random, where a robotic voice spoke an excerpt from this very book. Quite prescient. It reminded me of certain truths that I have forgotten, and wished I didn't.

I am the master of my reality. I attract that which I fear. I am single because I fear loneliness. I am unloved, because I fear being loved.

This definitely makes sense. For everything is love, and evil is the fear with which we use as a shield against the possibility of such a grand statement perhaps being proven false.

We tend to not want to believe so fully in something that we have uncertainty towards. Thus, we insulate ourselves from the Truth by creating a lie. Or allowing doubt to stand ahead, so that it may take the brunt of whatever damage we fear that will come, should such a truth turn out to be false.

Everything is love.

Fear attracts the lessons we need to learn from and overcome, so that we can move closer to realizing this great truth.

Emotions are powerful. Thoughts create reality. Pairing them together, or being involved with a like minded individual; will have power enough to change the world.

And a crowd of like minded people, will affect change even more easily.

Until before we know it, everything has transformed.

And the world will no longer be as it once was.


Two more shifts...

Then the real work commences.

I will change the world.

And make Him proud.

Come hell or high water.