Such beauty. I can't believe most of the people on the plane are sleeping or looking at their phones instead of out the window. I don't get it. Can they not appreciate those clouds? That sun?
On the plane I felt those warm rays touching my face like outstretched fingers, gently covering all of me and embracing me in a cradle of invisible warmth. I had Pachebal going. And this other song called "Sky High" playing. Both were perfect fits for that moment.
Home now, came in yesterday and I need to cover this one thing first.
For the past four, possibly five days, I have been going to bed at around 8am after work, only to wake up about an hour later. For no reason.
I made sure to pay extra attention to my dreams, thinking that something in there could have revealed the answer, but no. Nothing to be remembered.
The only connection I could make was that maybe I was waking up because someone was thinking about me. I know, another weird ass metaphysical woo idea, but I have nothing else to fall back on.
In examining those four days, I realized that Kelly who is this girl I started chatting with from OkCupid; would message me around that time. Fola, also, did message me once at around when I woke up also.
And, no. My phone was on do-not-disturb mode, so it wasn't that.
But the reason why I am making sure to write this down, is that yesterday I came across a piece of a puzzle. I came home from the airport at around 11am. Didn't go to bed at my usual 8am, and fell asleep at around 1pm.
Woke up an hour later. Possibly around 2:22 pm. That magical number sequence, but I can't be completely sure. I did get a message from someone, though. But more on her later.
This time, I remembered parts of my dream.
I was with Fola somewhere, it looked like my workplace, and she was walking with me to various parts of a building that she was in that I couldn't recognize (we went from outside to in). She would lead me to this one section, where I would "do" something for her that was work-related. Such as righting a fallen lamp, or pushing something into a corner. There were tasks associated with our walk, and I remembered specifically thinking as I looked at her turning around and walking to the next location -- that she was with someone else, and that someone else was able to hold her, touch her, kiss her, talk to her.
I remember this because she said something about this other guy. Being with him, or whatever. I remembered knowing that I couldn't open myself up to her in this dream, and I was performing this tasks for her while she watched. The idea behind this was that I was basically making an effort to please her.
The interesting thing about this dream, even though I can only recall fragments; is that after a few of these tasks, I began to have a light-bulb moment. I was questioning my actions. Why was I doing all this for her? Why was I trying so hard to please her? Why do I even want her back?
And that was when I woke up. Around 2:22 pm. An hour-ish later.
It was the same waking pattern I've had for the past few days. Little idea of why that is, but at least with this dream, it brings forth an explanation in addition to the "someone is thinking of me" possibility.
Just before I woke up, I remembered feeling like I didn't have to be dreaming anymore. I didn't have to continue doing these tasks for her. I could leave anytime I wanted to, because this wasn't real. I didn't have to obey, or ingratiate myself. I didn't have to exist under her spell.
I just left. And that meant waking up.
Interesting how it all works.
So, perhaps this is what occurred in the past while. Maybe I was having dreams that needed to be woken up from. Typically when most of us think about dreams, we think it is an abstraction of our thoughts and daily routine and desires. It is this... movie that our brains put together to help explain certain events and construct narratives and reflect the depths of who we are.
But what if there is something more to it?
I am entertaining the idea on an intuitive level that there is another realm we exist upon in this state. We are both tethered to our bodies/egos, and existing elsewhere at the same time. It is as if gravity ceases to exist, and we float into space, tie down by a cord that can never be severed. We visit these other realms, or dimensions and we construct a new kind of reality, a temporary one, but a reality nonetheless. A kind of playground, even. That will be left behind upon awakening.
And if this is true, that we do create realities (inside of reality), then I think it could also be true that we can invite others to our playgrounds. Our creations. Or we can be invited into theirs. Or we could visit theirs. Whether invited or not.
I am wondering if that is the case with this. I'm not able to articulate my hypothesis very well, but I am riding on a gentle hunch that I am somewhere in the right direction with all this. I made the choice to abandon sleep. To abandon it why? Why did I wake up just over an hour each time over the past few days? For what reason? Was it because I didn't like the dream I was in?
The interaction that took place inside of the dream? Was it really necessary for me to wake myself up, if all that was imaginary and had no real effect on my day-to-day exist?
I'm reasoning now, that I woke up because I had to. There was a purpose to it. It wasn't because my phone went off, or that I had to pee, or "thats just the way it is". There was a real reason, and maybe that reason has to do with what was happening on the other side. Something that warranted needing to be woken up from. And that dream with Fola seems to offer an explanation, because I really do remember how I woke up. And why.
I made a choice to say no.
I think that was what it was. Maybe it was a shared reality of sort. Maybe it was a bit of a test. Maybe...
I don't know, but I do know that dreaming is important. Not just for the rejuvenating qualities it offers the physical body; but there is something else going on in dreams that we aren't understanding. Yes, we do realize certain desires and create fictitious situations to act out some of them. Yes, we do have nightmares where we confront certain fears and fabricate experiences that can help us be more prepared for in the real world, should they happen.
But in this particular case of mine, I'm seeing something else. Dreamwork. Or DreamPlay.
Hm. Not sure.
I'm also talking with Susan, a hippy gal from OkCupid who has dreads. She really looks like the white version of Fola. I like her so far. She's not great at texting, but I really like how she looks.
And curiously enough, Fola asked me a few weeks ago if "longboards" meant anything to me. They didn't.
Until I read Susan's profile.
She messaged me first, and when I went to see what she was into: Yeah, longboarding was in there.
Might be a sign. I don't know, but I know better than to dwell on these things and get excited about them. Just a sign. Nothing more. Stay calm. Stay true. See where it takes me.
She sure is pretty, I think. Very spiritual looking, but she's an atheist. Plus she has three kids.
And, yeah.
I thought Kelly would be normal, but she isn't.
One of those kind of chicks. Flat out crazy. Even calls herself that. Has a 17 month year old. She's been raped and molested repeatedly since she was a child. Calls herself a lesbian, but prefers men.
And is into hardcore BDSM and whatever else that involves her saying, "I'm far far far from innocent" as far as bedroom activities go.
So fucking depressing and sad that someone who suffers so much sexual abuse, still wants to be abused. Doesn't make any sense. She lied to me initially, with her profile saying that she didn't have kids. And then also, she hasn't worked for two years and is a stay at home "mom" and the dad wants nothing to do with her or her kid.
So fucking sad. We had a three hour phone conversation that I thought was brutal. She kept talking and talking and I couldn't keep attention for very long. Played Battlefront, mostly. Some Cuphead.
(sighs) But I'm supposed to meet her this Sunday.
Said I would.
And I realized that she is so much like Gyngie in certain ways. And I also realized that perhaps I am re-attracting someone that I need to be doing something differently with. With Gyngie, I wasn't attracted to her. But I did enjoy getting blowjobs from her. I have to confess that I briefly though the same thing could happen with Kelly, and I realize now that I have an opportunity to reject her. To turn her down, and not allow my sex drive to necessiate having to put up with a crazy chick just to have orgasms with.
It's not worth it. It's not right.
But, I am feeling those feelings. Something inside of me is like, "David... easy sex... if you want it." the other part is like, "David.. you deserve so much better. Don't bother. Reject her and move on. Respect yourself. Affirm your value. You can't help everybody. You can't fix that which is broken."
I'm so tired. In bed right now. Didn't do much yesterday, but was so happy to be back home.
I need to put my manuscript together. I have to drop it off at the library for David to look at.
I should have spent my day working on that. Not having three hour long conversations.
With a crazy chick. Who has "Mad as a Hatter" tattooed on her wrist.
And sending me pictures like the one above. Look at her eyes. They're not normal.
Who poses like that? Who...
Well... it doesn't matter. I found it interesting that over the phone she told me she is a magnet for dark forces.
That makes sense. I shouldn't get involved with her. I don't need more drama in my life.
I need the woman I deserve.
And I don't deserve anything less than love.
I must believe it, and I do.
Even if my soul is telling me that a diversion is okay now and then.
But... is it really?
I'm tired. My back is kind of sore. I am feeling a strange heat from my hands, and a darker kind of heat from my chest after that conversation with her.
Something is going on, but I'm not sure what. Warm hands = healing hands, I suppose. Energy flowing. I bet if I laid them on my back, it wouldn't be as sore... Hmm.. Should probably try that and see what happens. That's what Reiki ostensibly is. Laying of warm hands on people.
Trina said I would be a great healer.
We'll see.
I don't know where I am meant to be going, just yet.
But I am learning that there are opportunities and challenges that have to be faced each day.
And I am facing them.
Well, blog. Tired... really tired..
Going to go to bed.
New Matthew Good album just came out, and the first track is called "The Bad Guys Won".
Let's not go that far, Matt.
The game is not over yet.
The world can change at any time.
And is changing as I type.
In slow gradual sweeps. And in large ones.
All in rightful time.
All in accord with higher principles and agendas.
For better or worse, it doesn't matter.
It will all be as it should.
Good night.
Be well, planet Earth.
For your days of glory may soon to come.