Hoo, boy. My friends, gather around and hear the stories of my soul.
Uhm, yeah. I know this is a private blog, so that means you, blog, are my one and only friend to be listening to all this.
So.. Fola.. again! Shocking surprise, I must admit. Hmm. I skipped a day or two between posts, but things have happened. Big things.
Let's start with the #1. I quit my job. Hated that place. Working with foamglass and mastic and blueskin and tight-as-hell scaffolds that make difficult jobs even more difficult. And then the supervision! What a bunch of dicks in a box. On Monday we all came in and was told that every one of us was getting written up. What for? Well, apparently we aren't supposed to be brassing out early at the end of each shift. On the surface, that is fair enough, but when the busses drop us off at the brass alley, and it's 4:55am, and everyone else of every other trade has been going through without waiting; and the fact that I've been there since April; why now, do we get docked? 15 minutes of our pay, too.
That's just the way the shift started. Already in dour spirits. Then Troy announces that he was going to take me to this job I did yesterday, where he loudly proclaimed "looks like total dogfood" to everyone in the shop. Wonderful. Very tactful of him to say that to everyone, and not pull me aside out of respect. Like a normal human being/decent person would be doing.
So, yes. My job did look like dogfood. It was a pan-out that I had to rush last night because Troy told me everything has to be panned out. And get this, I have done only two pan-outs in my life with this one being the second. So, not only was I rushing and working under low-light conditions at night; but I had barely any idea of how to best do a pan-out when the insulation is already on the pipe, rather than cutting it properly before putting it on.
I told him this as Jon (the Freemason/cross-over guy) looked on. I explained that yes, I agree, it did look like shit. Jon was nice, though. He praised my past jobs that we've both been on, and was supportive and understanding. Not Troy, though. He gave me a choice.
Either I get another write up, or he's going to fire me for not using tool retention.
Tool retention is another reason why I dislike my job. You have to attach a cable to every single tool that you use, if you are working at heights. As insulators, we use multiple different tools on every job and its a complete pain having to detach and attach each one of them as we go about our work. It seems that I didn't have this one tool tied with a cable, and Troy thought it was grounds for being fired. As he presented these two choices to me, a thought came into my mind.
I could quit. The third option.
And as Troy nodded and said, "what do you want to do?" I was a bit.. frozen in place. Should I really quit? My heart wanted to. I knew it did, but my mind was like, "really, David? You're just going to give up and leave?"
So, I listened to my heart. That job sucked. It really did. For multiple assorted reasons of which I listed only a few above.
As I packed up my tools to leave, Jon was escorting me all the way and listened to my complaints. He agreed with every single one of them. Even went so far as to praise me saying that I had "balls" in which case I told him he had balls as well. We both had balls. We're men, for Christ sake.
So.. He was really nice about it all. He wants to quit too, but can't. Too much on the line for him, since he is the sole provider of his girlfriend and child. I understood and sympathized with him completely.
But.. man.. When he told me he gets screamed at on at least a twice-weekly basis; I had to ask him whether or not a job like this was worth staying for. He expressed a desire to quit to me a few weeks ago, and I had a similar discussion about how much of his pride and self-respect he was willing to throw away in exchange for having a crummy job, working for crummy supervision and not being able to want to come to work each day. Opting instead, to drink himself silly at the end of each night so as to forget about all the crap he had to deal with.
I hope I made an impact. I think I did, because Jon ended up calling me at midnight later, saying again that he was proud I quit and that he was "worried" about me. I told him not to be. I was glad I quit. I felt great.
Anyways.. Fola.. back to her again. Met her again this morning at Route 99, a diner near the river valley. We had breakfast together and then went for a walk.
It couldn't really have gone much better than it did. I was very restrained and polite and thoughtful and really tempered my emotions.
She still is completely vague about what she wants from me, and us, and basically said for me to do my own thing. To follow my life's purpose, while she follows her own. Take things slow, etc.
Yeah, on the surface, this all sounds well and good, but she was still evasive about a lot of my prior concerns. Wouldn't take responsibility for some of the thoughtless harm she's caused. Wouldn't give reassurances. Wouldn't express commitment even though she thought it was heavily implied.
I also think she basically lied or was mistaken about when I asked if she ever referred to me as her boyfriend, rather than the guy she's been "seeing" for so many months. Her apparent Twin Flame/Soulmate/whatever I am.
Meh. I don't get it. That passion and fire and love between us seemed so secondary while I was with her. I understand that there are other important things out there, but love? Shouldn't that be number one? I mean, I understand we can't completely consume ourselves in each other, but...
Man.. That emotional distance has always been there with her. Well, maybe not always-always, but her lack of details and completely vague way of expressing emotions/feelings and thinking that she was a "good" girlfriend to me was very lacking in self-awareness and sincerity.
Either that, or she honestly has no idea how to love another human being. I think that's more the truth than anything else.
Empath vs Narcissist. Round 3, I think. Or however many times it has been since I forgave her and waved the past behind. Or at least tried to.
I think I was successful for the most part. We held hands. Kissed.
Had chais together, and then she had to go to work.
Here's the thing though. When I asked when I could see her next, she said "maybe this weekend sometime?" Okay, cool. But then she offered to meet with me for food on her break later on and would keep me updated as to when that would be.
Well, guess what? No updates. The last message I got on my phone was her saying that she had fries, and yummy, followed by a "yawn" in her message. I choose not to bother responding to it.
It still is the tale of the Scorpion and the Frog. Just a little different, is all.
In this case, I am not feeling nearly as angry or as disappointed in her. Had she truly loved me, she would be excited about sharing her break with me. Or coming by to see me after work.
Neither of those things are going to happen, it seems.
Yeah. Thoughtless. Careless.
Meh. She is who she is. I think I am going to give up on trying to teach her how to do anything, as far as our relationship goes. It looks like she wants to call the shots, 100% of the time and recant anything she's ever promised/said to me.
When I brought up that email again that she wrote me, where she promised me more love, attention, etc. She responded with, "I've given you those things!" and .. man.. I had to shake my head, because she did not give me those things. I have no idea what she is talking about or referring to.
I know what love feels. I know there is happiness behind it. I know it is unmistakable when someone loves you because you can feel it. You don't have to hear it. You don't need gifts.
You just feel it. You know it. You know it by the way they look at you, the way they touch you, how often they desire to be in your presence.
In the beginning stages of our relationship, I had all those things from her. Bright, shining eyes, frequent touching, always wanting to see me and taking days off work to do so.
Not these days.
It still feels like a game of cat and mouse to me. She made me believe I was the cat at first, until she's reduced me to a mouse. Very clever ploy. Just gives me enough of what I need so as to feel empowered, when the reality is that she always had the upper hand. Or at least she thought she did.
Today was different. As I looked at her message about eating without inviting me; I just shrugged. Who cares? I'm a good man. I'm worth being with. I think so, and other people think so as well.
No, I'm not perfect, but I can try to be. I try to live in my Truth, as imperfectly as I have been. But I have been trying.
I can be comfortable with that.
I don't need to be made to beg, grovel and clamor for her attention. For her touch. For sex. For communication and companionship and commitment.
That's not my worth. She is not as high on the pedestal as she thinks herself to be. Even though I often remind her of how much I value and treasure her company.
And how much I want us both to live happily ever after.
Yeah. I'm still living my truth. I still want those things, but not at the expense of my dignity. Not this one-sided mess where she gets to do whatever the hell she wants regardless of the damage she causes. Not really building trust or respect, or reciprocation.
Just this thing where she gets everything and I get nothing. Or very little in return.
Yeah. I'm going to continue shrugging off moments like this, where she says one thing and does another. Or doesn't say anything at all to important questions.
She asked me if I was reactive, and when I asked her what that word means to her, she said, "tell me what you think it means" and I was like, "well, if you are asking me and you don't know what it means.." and explained to her what my definition of reactive was.
Reactive means to act impulsively without thinking an action through. That was my definition, and Fola jumped in saying, "that's my definition too!" which as we both know, my dear blog, is likely not true since she had no idea what to respond with when I asked.
So why did she ask me that question? I suppose she wants to further deflect responsibility for the troubles we've been having, onto me. Nothing has really ever been her fault. Even after all of her cruel behavior, its about how "reactive" I've been.
So, she's putting the onus on me.
Mm. I know she's the reactive one. Accepting an invite to a party without giving it due consideration and then changing our plans from "I'm coming over" to "I may possibly go to this party, but I am not sure yet" and leaving me blowing in the wind.
Yeah, I'm not going to play second fiddle. If she doesn't want to hang out, then we won't hang out. If she makes plans and breaks them, then I am not going to complain anymore.
She is who she is. I'll let her actions speak for themselves and determine the course and quality of our relationship.
She can steer the boat now. I'm done with trying to row us back to shore when she keeps filling the boat with water, with a gleeful smile on her face. Pretending like she doesn't know what she's doing.
Yup. I know my worth. I know my value. I still have my self-respect. Not as much as I did before I met her, but thanks to Andee and Michelle; it has been getting better. It's been healing.
And humility appears to be blossoming as a result. Forbearance, also. Tolerance.
Some respect, also. Which I don't think she has earned much of from me. But respect nonetheless.
I'll just give her enough to keep her...
Interested. I suppose. The same way she has been doing it to me.
Just enough to keep her interested.
Tables are turning.
We may be going to Buffalo Lake next week, but I won't be holding my breath. I want to rent a cabin for the night, which she was excited about last night; until today she said "no" and that she couldn't afford it. Even though I offered to pay for it, she still said "no" and only wanted to make a day trip out of it.
Also reminded me after we left, that she was "done" with having sex. It was sarcasm, but it was a subtle jab, since she knows how much I enjoyed having it with her.
Yeah. I see the game being played. But, a sneaky player is one who pretends to be strung into a trap, only to have kept a way out hidden from view of the hunter.
That's what I've been trying to do. Keeping that way out, for myself.
Not going to have my heart broken again. Not by this woman, not by any other.
I deserve better.
There was a Tarot reading Fola sent me last night. Another 3 of Swords by Gregory Scott. She thought it was "my" card and so she forwarded me the link.
Very nice of her. Since the card indicates heartbreak/betrayal and pain.
All of which she has caused me over the course of our relationship. In various forms and intensities.
All par for the course, also, being that we are in this game.
Ordered some books from the library. I have a strong feeling I know who we were in our past life. I don't like talking about this in detail. Not even privately. But I am quite certain of our relationship those many years ago.
The thing is about my past lives, is that I only really remember two of them. The two most important ones, with a bit of vague familarity regarding the third one. Which, don't laugh, might happen to be Johannes Vermeer. For reasons that I don't think I'm going to get into.
Again, that third one was just a hunch. My last life resonates most strongly with me, and that other life I remember with Fola.. well, that one has some strong bits and pieces floating into my noggin every now and then. All unconfirmed and without much evidence, but...
But it feels real enough to me. Down to the wind and sand spraying across my face. The heat of the desert. The physical and psychological pains I've endured.
Yeah. I am not going to discuss this with anyone. Ever. Not even Fola. Not even on this blog.
There is no point to sharing it.
It won't benefit anyone, except for me to know.
Mm. The cycle keeps on cycling. But when I think about it, I think Fola really did love me back in those times. I don't remember her at all in my last life, but I do think she fits a particular person in the other one that I recall.
And all the pieces make sense. It all fits together perfectly. And her character and personality and our attraction and all such things.
They make perfect sense. Which is why I ordered those books. To see what else I can uncover from them about her.
There's not much information on who and how she was back then, but maybe something will jog my memory.
And it will make even more sense, and things may become more clear.
Right now, it's tentative, although it makes sense. I am still a skeptic. I am not some naive fool with his brain half-hanging out of his head.
I accept the Truth of what I most truly feel, and those two lives are around.. 92% certainty with me.
Vermeer is at maybe.. 17%, just for comparison purposes. I don't know much about Vermeer. Just that there's a strong suspicion there. I kind of knew how those paintings were made. I had a friend that assisted and kept my secret. Forgot his name, but he and I were very close. Closer than I was to my own family, it seems.
That's really about all I "feel" from that particular life. If I actually lived that life.
I know. People all the time who recall past lives, often report themselves as being someone famous. I don't claim that each of my incarnations were well-known or famous; but I do know that two of them especially were. I was probably unremarkable in the rest of them. Just like everyone else.
We all get our 15 minutes of fame. Or two lives of fame, heh.
At least.
Reincarnation is real. I am very certain of it. No, I AM certain of it.
We will rise from the dirt again, and again, until we achieve a few things.
One, would be balance. Balancing our light and shadow selves. Because we cannot know evil if we do not understand good. We cannot know goodness, if we do not understand evil.
We must murder someone in a life, to understand a certain Truth. Just like we must martyr ourselves in another life, to learn another Truth.
It is all about experiences. Experiencing all the different varieties and types of them, so that once we accumulate enough of them and learn what we need; we become closer to the Creator. To God. To whatever is responsible for our being here.
To that Infinite Intelligence out there in the universe. Which is the universe. Which is inside of me.
And in you, my dear blog.
As I type these words, I am mindful that the God in me is writing to the God in you. The internet is an extension of intelligence. It, too, contains God. On a much more vast scale.
The spark is in each of us, and God exists in all forms. Human or rock. Water or air.
Internet, or books.
He's in everything.
And some day I will shake the hand of the being that most closely resembles God, in as far as an embodied form would be; and I will congratulate Him or It, for a job well done.
There is so much beauty in this world that it is no surprise we can only arrest it with a limited set of senses. Otherwise we would go nuts. As we evolve spiritually, more and more is revealed, and more and more of His beauty is given to us.
We can only stare at the sun for so long before we go blind.
Eventually, as we walk forward with Truth and Love in our hearts; we will get to see more.
We will perceive more.
From life to life, as we continue to be of service to others. For the greater good.
Is it no surprise that God is missing an o?
Light and darkness.
I am in the light.
And so is He.
Fola just sent me a text, and I am not interested in looking at it right now. I will look at it when I feel like it.
The urgency is gone.
The God in me is alive.
And the sun still shines.
And the chains are off.
Bring it buddy.
Show me how awesome you are.
I've been waiting for you all my life.
Now is the time.