Tuesday, December 26, 2017


Two strange dreams today. My alarm didn't go off this morning for the second time in two weeks, and my job is at risk. I'm in camp for all of today.

Rather than worry about what will happen tomorrow, I need to first describe these dreams.

#1 had me being a superhero of sorts. I don't know what my powers are, but I do know that I can scale a large building without fear. I was doing this, and needed to go inside but had to remove a window before doing so. Went in, and a..

You know what? This dream isn't particularly interesting or revealing. I was to battle a four armed monster that looked like Goro from mortal kombat, but it didn't happen before I woke up.

Dream #2 however, was a big deal.

It started with Fola and I being in what I felt was my home. An apartment. While looking outside, I noticed several English sheepdogs running loosely around and I was excited enough to leave the place and pursue them.

As I walked around a beautiful garden area, getting close to petting one of these dogs, I then saw what looked like a puppy in the bush. Because I could only see a little of him, I picked him up cheerfully and held him before me. I was startled to see that it was not a puppy, but a creature that looked like a cross between a sloth and an anteater. I remembered feeling the initial elation of joy fade off once I realized that I was holding something that thought itself to be grotesque.

I didn't like this part because it seemed harmless to me. It looked at me with this desire to be loved, and instead, I tossed it to the ground, watching it shrink into a little ball. I vaguely remembered thinking it was a part armadillo as well. It had a long nose. And as I write about it, I'm wondering if maybe it was intended to represent me. I dislike this, because it would mean that I rejected myself. This flawed creature. Only wanting to be loved.

From here, I somehow stumbled into the company of what seemed like Gods. Demi-Gods, but they were dressed in ridiculous outfits. I remembered one of the three that I was with, looked like he had a metal box behind his head. He even was aware enough to make a joke about his appearance, and I laughed saying that I will remember his costume for Halloween next year.

Then we had a conversation. Actually, I asked them questions. Being demi Gods, I assumed they would be able to truthfully answer each one.

The first was whether or not I should stay with Fola. They all said no. Saying that I should respect myself more and to find the woman that truly deserves my heart and soul.

That part was fine, I was testing them. It seemed truthful, but once I started asking other questions, it made me doubt their wisdom.

I asked about where I should go next. But I could not hear all the words they spoke. There was something about going "south" and being a "four hour bus ride" from a "canal" of some kind. There was an impression of a tropical, tourist-like destination.

I then asked what must I do to earn a living. There was no response. I then asked if my hearing can ever be restored to normal, without having to use hearing aids. No response either.

These "Gods" in their tacky outfits did not communicate to me anything of usefulness it seemed, other than to leave Fola. Which I am in doubt about, given that they wouldn't answer my other questions.

Other things happened in this dream as well. I eventually made it back to my home, where I could hear an argument inside between Fola and someone else. I remembered standing outside the door listening in. There was a small piano in the hallway next to where my room was.

Opening the door revealed a darkened kitchen, and as I stood there, a huge crowd of party goers started walking in from the living room. I remembered being upset, and asked my uninvited guests to leave. They started doing so, and I asked Fola when she appeared as to why she didn't call the police to prevent all these people from entering my home.

She shrugged and didn't have an answer.

This is about all I can really remember. Oh, and Raiden from mortal kombat was in the living room. The last person left. I remember saying that he is the one guest I would allow to come inside uninvited. But there was a hostility when I saw him. It was like he was there for an important reason, but I was upset that he chose to appear at this moment, and not yesterday, or last week or earlier. I had the feeling that he appeared long after when I needed the counsel of a God the most. He then disappeared without a word. Apparently because I did not welcome the timing of his presence.

I also remembered my cousin Jessie pointing a gun at me in the kitchen. This was before I had left the place to chase the dogs. I had the sense she was threatened by me. Or by me and Fola. She was easily disarmed before I left, and there wasn't any fear on my part for some reason.

It was such a strange dream. Just that conversation with the Gods is worth mentioning. I don't know what to think of all this. Because of how they presented themselves, and how they ignored my other questions; I can't say that I trust their opinion on my having to leave Fola. It made sense, but it also didn't feel like trusted advice.

And the poor creature I tossed to the ground. I feel wounded now thinking about him. It was a fear of the unknown that made me do that. But it seemed like a friendly, if sad creature. It does make me wonder if I rejected myself.

That's about all I've got. There are messages coming though in my sleep, but I'm not sure how to understand them.

And tomorrow, I'm likely to be fired from work. This would be my third warning. My alarm didn't go off two weeks ago, today, and I was written up for going to first aid without doing it according to company procedure.

I don't know anymore what is to become of me. I am saddened and weary and feeling unloved and unhappy with the job I have, and...

I feel so lost.

Lost, but found. Because I trusted my gut in taking this job. I felt like it came about for a reason.

And I must also trust that if this job ends, then it also would be for a good reason. And I must continue trusting the process that brought me to this point.

There is a path, and a transformation that I appear to be undertaking. Meeting Fola was not a coincidence.

And I'm...

I don't know. I'm in need of guidance. But I also know to believe that I must trust the guidance that is already coming from within. Even if it does not make itself known. Even if the noise of my life is too loud to hear what it is trying to say.

There is confusion in my life. There is sadness. There is doubt.

And there are signs. I suppose I can only learn to trust them.

There is not much else I can do.

But to have faith.

Even if it kills me.

The little things are killing me, like this song Fola decided to share with me this morning. These are the lyrics.



back of my head silhouette against the sun 
mascara trees bat the day into dusk we just 
Sway in the breeze like a pendulum 

i might choose to run or i could choose to stay 
every step forward is one step away 
from the places we came 
those good places we wait 

for an avalanche to fall 
to start fresh in the fog of a wrecking ball 

this whole thing’s a mess but i don’t mind at all 
i just stare straight and fine like a latitude line 
i see so far in front that i watch from behind 

sun in our eyes hypnotizing vision 
shadows reach back for the horizon we just 
sway in the breeze like a pendulum 

but it could be the love none of us ever knew 
or it could be so empty tumbleweeds blow through 
oh these things that we do 
brave be bold build brand new 

to make the avalanches fall 
to know when to let go of the wrecking ball 

this whole thing’s a mess but I don’t mind at all 
i just stare straight and fine like a latitude line 
i see so far in front that I watch from behind  see less


from Alphabet Rain, released October 30, 2015

It's the choice part. She can stay or she can go.

I don't understand why she sent this to me.

I have this choice also.


Us being apart like this is not helping our relationship. Whenever I see her, it feels like two pieces of a puzzle coming together. It just fits. It makes sense and in a way, it doesn't feel like I am getting what I want from this. But perhaps I am.

The bigger picture continues to elude me.

I wish I knew what I am doing wrong. I have a hint of it in a peripheral sort of way, but I don't know how to resolve it.

I must try.

I must go on.

And have faith.