Three posts in 24 hours.
I feel like I have some things to let out.
I finished listening to a podcast on God, the Bible and how this is all a simulation where the speed of light is slowing us down to the point where we are going to reach the end, hence a reset.
The guest was okay. He was on the Tin Foil Hat podcast with Sam Tripoli and I can't honestly say I learned much because I could see the holes in his belief system.
But for a moment while listening, I imagined myself having a conversation with Sam because there is something new I think I have to offer him that he hasn't heard before.
I've described some of this already on my blog but let's pretend this is new.
When Sam asked his guest what he thought of Tartaria, my mind flickered with responses. Here is what I would have said if I was on the show.
"So Sam, Tartaria is fascinating. We have all these old world architectures and cathedrals from hundreds of years ago constructed in ways we cannot replicate today. But here's something I hope you will find interesting because I don't think I heard anyone on your show connect the dots like I think I did."
"Now, the idea behind Tartaria is that it was a technologically sophisticated alternate civilization with Russian origins, yes? What if I told you that Tartaria is not when we think it is and it is not Russian at all, that this part is deliberate disinformation?"
"You are probably wondering why would they hide the origin? Does it really matter? Is it aliens? No. The answer is actually a lot simpler and surprisingly beautiful. At least I think it is."
"Some of the people you've had on your show claim that there is a thousand years missing from our history. What we are told is not what really happened. We see proof of this not only in what is called 'Tartarian' architecture and cathedrals but also in coins. Let me explain further."
"What we notice about these buildings is not only the incredible construction but the evidence of there being a mud flood or cataclysm where such structures needed to be dug out and revealed. This means they might be much older that we know them to be. We also see that on their rooftops they have what look like antennas which some have theorized to be energy harvesting devices. We see the same in cathedrals that once harbored giant organs that would send sound frequencies resonating around the room. Why? What was the point of gathering energy in such places?"
"Nikola Tesla famously said that in order to understand the universe, think in terms of 'energy, frequency and vibration' and experiments with Masaru Emoto where he froze and photographed drops of water after sending them either a positive or negative intention and this showed the effects that emotional energy has on the environment. Our bodies are mostly made up of water, after all. We know that music soothes the savage beast, proving that sound has the effects of healing. What is sound? Vibration. Frequencies. Energies. Rhythms and oscillations."
"Now, these cathedrals, these antennas on the buildings were all meant to gather and disperse energies. Do you know how it is when you walk into a casino and can gamble all night without feeling tired? That is not because of energy or frequencies but because of the higher oxygen content they are pumping into the building. The same idea applies to these buildings, except with what is called etheric energy which is plentiful and freely available."
"Now, why would Tartaria be a form of misinformation? This is the part I think you're really going to like."
"As I said earlier, there is evidence for a thousand years missing in our history. We don't really know what year it is with all the switching of the calendars, not informing us of the 13th astrological sign of the dragon, inaccurate dating methods and a number of other reasons as to why we aren't in the year that we think we are. One big piece of evidence for this is the dating system we see on certain buildings and on old coins. You may have seen a date stamped on them saying something to the effect of J670 or I800. J and I. Remember those letters."
"Now, let's look at the book of Revelation for a moment. There are been scholars who claimed that it already has been fulfilled. The mark of the beast came and went and the antichrist was known to be Nero. The prophecies applied strictly towards the fall of Rome which occurred around 70AD or about 40 years after the death of Christ."
"Throughout the Bible we see various references that Jesus made towards his return, or his second coming. When the Apostles asked him when he would come back, he assured them it would be within their generation. This is written in multiple Gospels and many Christians do not take his words literally, thinking that a thousand years to God is like one day to us. This is an inaccurate interpretation of what should be believed as factually stated."
"So if Revelation already occurred then when did Jesus come back? The answer is, within the generation as he had said. If his youngest Apostle was 20 years old at the time of the crucifixion, it would then mean at least 50 years assuming that Apostle could live to be 70 years old. 50 years is 'within the generation' and would indicate anywhere from 33AD to 83AD."
"That would be when he would return, as he said he would."
"So he did. In 70AD Rome began crumbling and the prophecies were fulfilled. Yeshua or Jesus, did return and reigned like it said in Revelation, for a thousand years."
"What are the two letters I and J doing in front of dates on these old buildings? They indicate Iesus which is the correct Hebrew spelling of Jesus as there was no 'J' sound in the language at the time, while the J itself is self-explanatory. Jesus."
"Jesus 670. Iesus 800."
"Not 1670, not 1800."
"This can be hard for a Christian to wrap their minds around because most of them are awaiting the antichrist. They're waiting for the tribulations. They are expecting a rapture, a second coming."
"And the sad part for them is it has already happened."
"Where we are now Sam is at the point in Revelation where Satan has been loosed for a 'little season' which as we know is one of four. Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. One season."
"However, this is where it gets even more interesting. John of Patmos did not consider a season to be a few months. No. A season is a quarter of a larger number. Specifically, one thousand. The full reign of Christ. Which then means a little season would be under or at 250 years."
"What is the average span of an empire from beginning to collapse?"
"250 years. Is that a coincidence?"
"So when it comes to Tartaria, what is being hidden from us is not the history/ethnicity of the civilization itself, although of course they've lied to us about that. What is really being hidden is that Christ already has reigned for a thousand years. Christ was real. Those old world buildings were meant to heal people. Instead of Jesus going around one on one doing his thing, he designed and somehow built those structures. Probably not by himself, so we can assume advanced technology was at his disposal. Fitting for a true son of God wouldn't it be?"
"Remember when you had Eddie Bravo on a couple of years ago and he asked David Avocado Wolfe whether or not he found a connection to Jesus through his research on Tartaria? Well, he now has his answer."
"One other thing I want to point out is that several of those structures have a curious quality to them. We look at Versailles in France for example. A huge palace with thousands of rooms on a beautiful sprawling estate complete with giant fountains but... something is missing. Do you know what it is?"
"Bathrooms. It did not have a single toilet installed. Does that make any sense to you? The mainstream narrative is that they used chamber pots back then but really? A palace with thousands of rooms is going to have full time staff running around emptying everyone's pots and dumping it who knows where? People would constantly be going up and down the hallways carrying these pots outside. That is highly unlikely, so what is the explanation for not having a toilet installed? Plumbing existed even in Ancient Roman times and so did sewage management. It wasn't difficult or new technology."
"The answer for why there wasn't any toilets is because of what Relevation had already prophesized. Those that reigned with Christ for a thousand years were given 'incorruptible bodies' which basically means they didn't have to eat food and therefore did not have to eliminate any waste material. Whoever these places were built for, they were designed without waste management in mind."
"Sounds crazy doesn't it? But that is what the book says and makes sense if incorruptible bodies were provided."
"We must also look at the number 144,000 for that is the number of those with the mark of God sealed upon their foreheads. Does that number fit for our modern age of 7-8 billion people on the planet? Will everyone suffer except for this small minority of long-gone tribes? Let's be realistic about this because no one knows what tribe they are from, but they would know this more than a thousand years ago. Specifically around the time of 70AD when Rome fell."
"What it appears like to me is that Satan has been loosed for a 'short season' as described in Revelation to go forth and deceive all the nations of the world, culminating in the battle of Gog and Magog which to be honest with you, I have not figured out what either of those names mean. What I do see are two forces, this could mean an alliance such as Russia/China, the BRICS nations against that of the Western empire. Canada, Europe, Australia and of course, the United States of Israel."
"This is where I think we are right now. Being deceived by Satan, having been deceived by him since possibly 1776 when America was first founded by the Freemasons. If a 'little season' equals 250 years, the approximate age of an empire, that would mean Satan's reign will end in 2026 and not without a final war on the camp of Saints which some have theorized is actually at the North Pole where people are not allowed to access. I know how bizarre that sounds but where else could a cluster of Saints exist because we have no present knowledge of any such encampment anywhere in the world. We see on the Mercator maps what is called Mount Meru, the center of the planet or realm that we are in. The possibility could also be that this is where Eden or the tree of life resides. Can one remain hidden and undetected in such an area? Certainly, because like Antarctica, the public does not have access to freely traverse these regions. Nor do we know what these places even look like apart from what little they show us. Remember, Satan is meant to deceive ALL the nations and that includes not just our history but our understanding of where we are in the world, what is contained within and outside of it and what timeline we are presently occupying."
"So these are the dots I've connected. Some people call it The Millennial Reign or the Millennial Kingdom. This is what is has been given the title 'Tartaria' but as I explained earlier, the truth of what is being hidden from us has cleverly been disguised by introducing a false mythology."
"Because what Satan especially wants us all to believe, assuming the Bible is real, assuming that Jesus is real, is that Jesus did not exist. He is a fairytale. A legend. An archetype, a caricature."
"But should this theory be correct, the old world architecture really are the remnants of his 1,000 year reign. Again, how could so many big beautiful buildings be constructed with such precision and quality with the infrastructure, supply chain and minimal technologies they had back then?"
"Perhaps this is why so much fear is being pumped out right now. Why the vaccines are being pushed because those that take the vaccines, those that support a foreign war against Russia, against Gaza and those that support ideas like transgenderism and same sex marriages -- they are conscripted to the dark side. The losing side, and Satan wants all the support he can get before the plug is well and truly pulled."
"Going from here, Sam, we must also acknowledge the alien phenomena. What are the UFOs we are seeing? What are the non-human biologics that Grusch claims the US government has recovered? How does this relate"
"Well, if you happen to believe in a flat earth cosmology then the answer would be that these are fallen angels because they certainly are not from outer space. Nothing can enter or exit the firmament as you already know."
"The book of Enoch had spoken of fallen angels. There is evidence of a breakaway civilization having existed thousands of years ago. Of course they would be hiding and they certainly do have advanced technology which they spoon-feed to humanity."
"The gray aliens and other deformed creatures commonly reported in abductions all seem to be servants of Satan. Minions. Possibly even androids. Some abductions report that the aliens looked like tall, beautiful human beings and this could be true also. The Nordics as they are called. Yet remember that the Bible describes Satan as being able to masquerade as an angel of light. If he can do that, he sure can shapeshift or disguise himself as an attractive man or woman. For those without discernment, we can be easily fooled by a pretty girl or a handsome man. Giving them our undeserved trust and drawing us towards them. This after all is somewhat the basis for the character of Dracula."
"So this about sums up where we are at. Aliens are fallen angels, they cannot escape this realm and they have tried many times to do so. The Great Pyramid was the earliest known example of attempting to propel the energy of a soul towards an area in the Orion constellation. Using piezoelectricity, one would have to lay in the sarcophagus and eject at a 45 degree angle to be carried along with the intense energy that the pyramid produces upon activation. That's just my theory of course and it explains why the ancient Egyptians were obsessed with death. Also, remember that Obama looks suspiciously similar to that of the Pharaoh Akhenaten. He was groomed for the US presidency and this was reported as early as the 1990s. He is of royal lineage and a distant relative of George W Bush."
"Let us not forget either that the firmament was attempted to be breached through a series of high-altitude nuclear detonations in 1962 called 'Operation Fishbowl' which made very little sense to perform. Why wasn't there any concern about nuclear fallout radiation? The answer is that nukes aren't as devastating as we are lead to believe. The clearest evidence of this is the near-immediate recovery of Hiroshima which only took a few years to complete."
"The true evil we have dealt with throughout our history is evident when one connects the dots. The Nazis that went to the United States through Project Paperclip were skilled in deception and later faked the Roswell story as an excuse to 'recover' advanced technology. Roswell was intentional by the way. Satan needed to speed along his enslavement of humanity and it was not something he could do until humanity developed the tools themselves. People had to first understand the workings of lasers, transistors and fiber optics before more complex technology could be manufactured like computers and eventually, artificial intelligence which is the greatest threat that humanity has ever had to face."
"Knowing all this, the book of Revelation is made to appear like it is being fulfilled. The mark of the beast could be anything. The vaccine, a chip in the hand, an implant in the forehead -- Neuralink. But that is a scripted deception. We are kept from knowing that this is the final battle. Humanity does not have a future with such technology in the hands of the most nefarious among us. It would mean permanent enslavement and forced compliance. We cannot spiritually develop in such an environment."
"One of the worst things to have happened to us is the cell phone. It brought us together at first and then we were made more and more reliant upon it. We pay our bills through the phone. We do our banking. We keep in touch with friends on social media. We play games. We use it for maps and navigation. It's incredible technology but it has made us dependent. There are no ways to opt out of using a cell phone and not participating in this beast system. It knows us better than we know ourselves, thanks to the amount of data it collects each time we use it. It can predict when we have a bowel movement as well as anticipate where we will be on certain days of the week. It always knows our location, whether we are on 5G or Wi-Fi, it has sensors built inside that knows when we pick up the phone and it takes photos of us when we don't realize it."
"With the recent admission by Google of preparing against a 'sensitive event' it is safe to say that the worst is yet to come. I think a great many of us will perish. Those who wish to survive will have to be fully reliant upon the system and not step out of line. Social credit scores. That's a reality also being hidden from us. We already have social credit scores. There are already no-fly lists that prevent certain undesirables from flying for having said things on social media. Thanks to censorship, we do not know the identity of many who have suffered the fate of being digitally assassinated. The most high profile among us cannot become martyrs but people like the truckers who protested in 2022 at the parliament building in Ottawa have been debanked and we do not know their fate. There is no news or record of what happened to them We also do not know the fate of the three men who have been jailed ever since for participating in the Coutts blockade here in Southern Alberta."
"So this is the end game. The last call. The final countdown. Let's be realistic, nobody wants to live in a transhumanist digital future eating the bugs and not being able to use cash. Having to live in 15 minute cities like cattle. Not being able to drive a car. Not having freedom of movement or the right to self-defense. That's not living. That's dying. That's slavery."
"Which is why as Revelation said, we are heading towards the final judgement. This human experience needs to end and perhaps a new one will begin. This is probably part of the reason we have seen resets throughout our history. When a race becomes too advanced, it poses a threat to itself. It results in a cataclysm like Atlantis. Sadly, we are all to suffer because of the actions of a Satanic few who are pulling the strings of the most powerful people on the planet. Like cattle, many of us are being lead along to the slaughter. Whether we consider ourselves innocent or not, we have consented to this lifestyle. This western materialism. Choosing immediate pleasures rather than focusing on the one thing that matters the most. Our own perfection. The perfection of our soul."
"Because that is what this all comes down to. We are told by Yeshua that we are like Gods and so as Gods, we are not to use our powers irresponsibly. We are to use temperance and compassion and justice and love and beauty as our rule of thumb to go by. That which is not in alignment with such values is considered to be against them. This is where the notion of sin comes from. The actual meaning is to error. To do that which goes against order and structure and fairness and expansion. This is what the serpent in the garden wished to give us. An expanded state of awareness and compassion for others. An understanding of who we really are and what we are being prepared for."
"I don't know if I deserve entrance to heaven but I know that I do not deserve hell. I have made mistakes like many of us have. They are meant to be learning experiences. We must acknowledge and accept our failings and repent of them. Whether we are religious or not. When we take unfair advantage, when we lie, when we cheat, when we steal, when we curse and judge and harm, that is where the most damage to our soul is caused. We fall away from remembering our divinity and the connection we have to it. We move farther away from Godhood into ignorance. Away from grace. Away from truth."
"What is the point of all this? I think we are meant to understand the most important lessons. That we are here to be the best we can be. To treat others as we would like to be treated and not to judge unless we ourselves are willing to be judged. As Jesus told us, 'let he who is without sin, cast the first stone' when an adultress was being punished. As hard as it can be for some, we must learn to forgive and to cut out the cancer in our lives. This can include other people. We do not harbor a grudge. We accept their nature, their lack of development and we move on. Showing them compassion but never subservience. That is another lie deliberately placed into the Bible. Jesus did not say to turn the other cheek for it also to be slapped. Jesus did not want us to be punching bags. Those were Satanic inclusions. The Bible like everything else has been doctored and messed around with. One must really develop their ability to discern and find truth between the lines. To use their God-given intelligence to overcome ignorance and to avoid being deceived."
"Scholars admit there are thousands of translation errors in the King James Bible. We have missing passages like that in the beginning of the book of Job (6-8) where portions appear to be deleted. We do not know of Jesus's missing years."
"Ultimately, Sam. We can extract and live by the deepest meaning from every religious book we have come across. We can reduce them all to their most basic and essential maxims. 'Treat others as you would like to be treated' and 'become the God you know yourself to be' and 'with great power comes great responsibility' as well as working to ensure that we correct our sins, our errors so that in our closest approximation to perfection we can stand proudly in front of the Creator and be considered worthy of his audience. Perhaps we have more than one Creator. We must not tie ourselves to any rigid beliefs and always keep an open mind. Logic is as important as intuition is. This is what Christ means to make the male like the female as described in the Gospel of Thomas. The active and the passive principle. To make the sun and moon as one. To blend those energies together."
"I believe this is why we are all here. Earth really is a learning experience. It is also incredibly challenging with these fallen angels among us. These adversaries. But let us be honest about it Sam, how much have we waken up since 2020? I don't know about you but I grew a lot. I was always into aliens and the paranormal and knew that 9/11 was an inside job probably done on the real birthdate of Jesus, but that's a discussion for another time. We both have grown a lot in the past four years. This is also foretold in the book of Daniel where towards the end times, knowledge will be greatly increased. That's the internet. That is searching within ourselves for the answers. Always searching and seeking for the truth. Sharing what we find with others and accelerating their personal evolution along with our own. This is also what Yeshua meant by loving thy neighbor. It is not physical love or infatuation, but respect enough to be concerned about their spiritual development and understanding. To help them grow like we are growing ourselves. To learn from them as well as to teach. This is how humanity expands as a collective."
"I know I haven't stopped to ask if you had any questions during this long rant of mine but I didn't think to mimic your side of the conversation while writing this on my blog. It's a fun thought exercise. I enjoyed it a great deal and hope this all made sense. Never stop looking for the truth. Always do your best. Have compassion for others and know that you are truly special and have the spark of the Creator within you. In fact, you are smarter and wiser than you know. That is why we are being distracted so heavily from looking inwards and realizing these truths. Rejecting the trappings of this world."
"We may never achieve perfection but it is not the result that matters most. It's the trying. The doing. The becoming. As they say, it is not the destination but the journey."
"Our journey will end once we realize these truths. Our destination will arrive and it could be anything. Another chance to get things right or the possibility of graduating to a higher plane. A better reality. A more loving and inclusive one where there are no fallen angels. There is no death. No pain. No disability and struggle to survive. All is provided for. All will be light and beauty and filled with joy and happiness for we know we have fought for those things and so they will be provided."
"But we must learn those truths. That the dEVIL has deceived us and that GOoD is all that matters. Goodness is all that matters. We all make mistakes. We've all sinned. We must continue to do our very best."
"And I will be honest. I don't know where my life is going. I want to be in Ecuador. I want to win a multi-million dollar lottery. Yes, the ruler of this world is Satan. Yes, money is one of his tools. All I know is that I aim to be deserving of such a blessing and will use it to help others. I do not have any interest in continuing with this situation any longer unless I am financially secure and can freely breathe. For I have realized my purpose and have heightened my understandings. I have produced my fruit for others to eat but they refused my offerings. No matter how much I knew about conspiracies and such, almost all of my family members have taken the vaccine and are still oblivious to the ways of the world. That is fine. Do not throw pearls before swine, as Jesus also has said. Another painful lesson for me to have learned. I tried and failed. I cannot hope to control that which refuses to listen. To investigate for themselves and to develop discernment and an understanding of spiritual principles. Asking themselves the deep questions and admitting to their failings. Learning from them."
"With that said, I am prepared for both death and a receiving of a financial miracle. I pray nightly for the latter. I desire to put these words of mine to the test and to demonstrate with finality that I have grown and learned from this earthly experience. I understand the necessary dynamics of a man and a woman. I feel that I understand the teachings of the Christ. I am prepared to follow my heart and give my life over to a benevolent power so that I can assist both myself and others. To rekindle my flame and to share it with all that I come across."
"It's been a painful journey. I no longer fear death. Any being of compassion can look into my heart and weigh my sufferings and intentions against my sins. I have experienced evil. I reject it completely. I also understand how hard it is to do so."
"So yes. There already was one who was perfected and without sin. It is our lord and savior Jesus Christ. With his example and through his words, we find redemption. He himself lived as we did, in the prison of the flesh. He reigned a thousand years. The dead has already been resurrected, have I mentioned? Orphan trains in the late 1800s. Baby incubators. Cabbage patch kids."
"This is the final countdown. Society cannot progress spiritually under a system like the one that is being designed for us. Artificial intelligence. Artificial wombs. Brain implants. Vaccines containing nanotechnologies that we have little idea or understanding about. Gene therapy. The eradication of the white race through illegal migration."
"There is a great evil at work in the world today. It wants this place for itself. Those who go along with its plans are likely going to incarnate again on this planet. If it continues to exist."
"I do not want to be here again. I also know that the Cathars knew the point of living was to prepare for our death. They didn't want to be here either. It is not wonder that the Catholic church targeted them for extermination. Their ideology was correct. We are not meant to exist in this flawed realm. This prison."
"We are meant to be someplace better. But we have to prepare ourselves to be deserving of it."
"My biggest weakness was sex. Sex gave me the security that I lacked. The acceptance I craved. I didn't like who I was and sex was the way for me to feel good about myself. That someone liked me enough to get intimate with them. I now know that this was a flawed state of thinking. I only needed to accept myself and to only allow those worthy to become intimate with me. I didn't need sex just for pleasure. I wanted it to feel whole and complete and loved and closer to God. To creation. To the universe. But along the way, I made poor choices and for that, I repent."
"I know you have similar issues with sex too, Sam. You've mentioned it several times on your podcast. Sobriety being another. We all have our weaknesses. It is important we identify each of them so that they no longer cause us to sin."
"Sex is a wonderful experience between two people that love one another and are committed. Pre-martial sex isn't wrong at all. It's the reasons for it that are important. The Cathars knew this also. Sex has to be between two people who are committed to one another's betterment. So that when sex is finished, a strong relationship continues. There is no weakness as a result. But a strength that develops between both."
"As far as sobriety is concerned, well, drugs can help us reach our preferred level of consciousness. Alcohol can numb us to pain and reduce social anxiety. Cannabis helps us to become introspective. Mushrooms and DMT can propel us into the spiritual realm to remind us of our divinity. Cocaine gives us confidence. Heroin gives us ecstasy. Ketamine makes us feel love."
"The problem arises when we rely on any of those drugs. When we substitute our own personal capacity to reach each of those levels of desired consciousness. We can numb our pain through prayer and being out in nature. We can develop introspection through meditation and learning to be comfortable alone and undistracted from our thoughts. We can propel ourselves into the spiritual realm as we become more advanced through lucid dreaming and working towards astral projection. We can develop confidence by working at a particular skill or honing a talent to a level that we are proud of. We can exercise to develop our confidence as well. Ecstasy can come from dancing, from singing, from playing a musical instrument. Sleeping with the man or woman that you love and are loved by. We can experience Ketamine-levels of love by developing compassion for others and allowing it to naturally flourish."
"So drugs are a shortcut to these things. God gave us cannabinoid receptors for a reason. There are times when we need to be able to see the goal that we are aiming to achieve. They say the grass is greener on the other side? Well, let's take a quick look at it first before deciding to permanently go there. That's what drugs can offer. They are intended as glimpses. Reminders that what you want to achieve is within reach."
"They should never be substitutes or crutches."
"Anyways... I've rambled enough."
"I hope my information was useful. There is a Creator of this firmament-enclosed system we are in and there is a ruler. A true heir to the kingdom. It makes the most sense that the rightful king should be the one who has errored the least. Who has understood the nature of sin and its effects. One who can judge and rule with compassion for all. One who wields great power responsibly."
"I bet you dollars to donuts that Jesus knew what sex was and had children. They married young at that time. He would've been an outcast in society had he been single at the age of 30. My heart tells me that he had a wife and two children. Boy and a girl. One of whom is named Apollonius. They eventually migrated to Northern France."
"And I suspect that he survived the crucifixion. The resurrection we are told about was actually him healing himself. He was a being of pure light. That is why we see his imprint on the Shroud of Turin."
"I don't think I know of a single Christian who thought of this. That if Yeshua could heal others he therefore could also heal himself. Which he did."
"And then he fled the country. Leaving his words behind. Started a new life. That is why the Cathars were so prominent in France. They were the recipients of certain Truths directly from Jesus's mouth that the Vatican has kept hidden from us."
"But perhaps I am incorrect. I always leave that door open. The Cathars also thought he didn't really die on the cross. The Qu'ran says this also. The Mormons claimed he went to South America at one point. Perhaps he did. Maybe he himself took on an incorruptible body as he established his millennial reign of a thousand years."
"No toilets in those palaces, remember."
"Thanks for having me on Sam. It's been a blast."
"All the best to you and yours."
"May you never stop seeking."