Tonight, or rather, a few hours ago, I went with Justin, his brother Seth and his girlfriend Margie to see Tool perform live at Rogers Place. First time I've been to the new stadium and the show was as good as the last one I had been to.. like, over ten years ago.
This post isn't about Tool, though. It's about her. Fola.
Surprise, surprise.
It looks like we're in limbo at the moment. Had a fight a few days ago that we haven't quite recovered from, and I don't know how she really feels about me at the moment. It's been.. difficult for me to really let go of her, but I know I have to. I have to at least assert my own independence so that I can move ahead in case I never see her again. I have to keep an open heart and mind and immerse myself back into reality where before it was much like a dream being with this woman.
On my other blog, I wrote an article about whether or not I think soulmates exist. I couldn't get any real facts into the picture, but I did get into explaining my feelings for Fola and summarizing more or less everything that has transpired between us in our relationship.
There was a list online that I copied which described what a "twin flame" looks like, and it really was a lot like Fola and I, with some exceptions. Looking at the list, I realized that the exceptions were kind of not exceptions at all, but more like... one-sided exclusions, I would say. For instance, one of the 18 bullet points said that in a twin flame relationship, you feel like giving without getting anything in return. That is kind of partly true, because I was giving her my everything. It is not true that she was giving me her everything, unfortunately.
In other articles I've read online, there is something called a flame "runner" who is usually the younger and more immature of the two twin flames, who unintentionally sabotages the relationship and/or is more eager to break up than to make things work.
I can see Fola as a runner, for sure, but I was runner as well at one point.
It is.. This idea of a soul mate or twin flame wasn't something I'd ever believed in with conviction. I mean, in my heart I.. suppose I was searching for her, but my head and all my dismal dating experiences were telling me that there is no such thing as being "destined" to be with someone who is your other half. Or who completes you.
... Although Fola and I are still talking, we both.. seem to be.. in a kind of phase, I suppose. She is hesitant about revealing too much, and I am.. well, I guess I'm willing to reveal everything. I'm still trying to be emotionally generous and available to her.
I found out today that she was at a co-dependency group meeting yesterday. That news.. kind of saddened me. Maybe not saddened, but.. Well, in the back of my mind I was thinking that I liked being joined at the hip. I liked making her the center of my life, even though.. Well... Even though that might not be healthy.
No, its not healthy. When I give too much to one person and leave little for myself, then thats not healthy or wise at all. No matter how much I love the other person or how much I want to make them happy.
My life's purpose is still... priority. Whatever it is, to be honest, I don't really know. I'm still stuck with insulating. I'm still... crippled by my inability to hear normally and... in debt... and... there doesn't look like much of a silver lining out there for me. Especially now with Fola out of my life. Or any kind of loving relationship, even though I hesitate to quite call what we had, that.
Listening to Ralph Smart talking about how to attract prosperity and wealth; he makes an excellent point that in order to become wealthy, you can't just sit around and wish for it. You have to earn it. That's pretty obvious when you think about it, but with Fola being all gung-ho about utilizing the Law of Attraction as lectured by Esther Hicks; I can't help but wonder how will she plan on becoming wealthy without giving anything worthwhile to deserve financial success.
And... I put myself under the microscope too. How can I become wealthy? Can I just "think and grow rich" like Napolean Hill and a great many other self-help gurus proclaim is possible?
So... It was wise of Ralph to demolish this "think and grow rich" way of thinking. I mean, yeah, you can think and grow rich, but you have to do something. You have to believe first, and... spend each day believing and working towards making that possible. Even one hour out of the day devoted in some way to creating wealth, is better than standing still hoping for it to happen.
There are so many factors to becoming rich. Discipline. Perseverance. Desire. Productivity. And if my talent is to write, I will have to engage all of the above including creativity, and that can sometimes be harder to come by than the rest.
But... I have to do something. I can't keep insulating. I can't stay in debt. I need to be able to afford hearing aids. I would.. I will be living on an acreage someday. I will find happiness and stability and freedom by becoming wealthy.
But, how?
I enjoy writing, I suppose.. But it's not really the writing I enjoy whenever I write. It's the... idea of pleasing someone that I enjoy. I like having an appreciative audience, no matter how large or small they may be. I suppose that is something which is a product of my ego, which has been letting go of the need for validation from others. Over the years, that part of me has been disintegrating, and with it, my desire to write.
But, write I must, for it is seemingly the best talent I have.
When a fellow at work once suggested I would make a good game show host, I was reminded that I'd rather be with people in need. To help them. To make them smile. Or to think. And, I've always been the type of guy that would provoke my friends and shock them, just to enjoy their reaction. I'd do it with jokes and sarcastic statements that makes them laugh. Sometimes pranks, too. But however approach I take, I do enjoy.. changing the consciousness of another human being for the better.
Hmm. First time I've come to that realization. Changing the consciousness of a human being..
I think that makes a lot of sense. Whether I can make someone happy, or to see things differently, or to have more wisdom or knowledge or whatever.. by any means, be it by talking, writing or just.. giving them the best orgasm of their life. I like bringing a new experience to the table. A new way of looking at things.
I suppose its because I understand the depth that is within myself. I know how much I have to offer and I see that other people aren't able to offer nearly as much as I can. This isn't a point of pride for me to admit, as it can often be a curse rather than a blessing. Some people can't handle the kind of.. sensitivity that I have. It is difficult to relate with, I suppose. Being hard of hearing makes it so that I focus even more on the subtle background stuff as well as being more aware of certain things that many people don't pay attention towards. Body language. Emotions. The small things they do that says many things without them realizing it.
And.. this depth is something I have to leverage somehow, if I want to achieve personal and financial success of some kind. In whatever career or enterprise I wish to embark upon.
Writing.. is pretty good.. when I can write from the heart. It is effortless for me when I do that, but not so much when it comes to telling a story from a third-person perspective that is completely fictional.
A non-fictional way of expressing my thoughts through writing... Sure sounds like my other blog to me, but I'm not particularly happy with how I have been writing on there. I mean, sure I can write funny informative things, but.. I'm not eager too. Mainly because I don't have much of an audience at the moment, I guess. I am not getting enough positive feedback to really motivate myself with.
This is... an important thing for me to figure out. Where are my talents, how to apply them, and how to do what I love each and every day.
I wish.. earlier on.. that I could have gone into becoming a psychologist, but it feels out of reach to me at this point. I can't consider it a viable option.
A counselor? Maybe if I had normal hearing I could. But I could still maybe pull it off.
A psychiatric nurse? I wouldn't mind that either. But again.. my hearing.. and my lack of being able to commit to two years of going to school for it. Or having the finances.
And.. that doesn't leave me with many options.
I don't know.
I am feeling strange physical sensations in me lately. My.. heart seems to be glowing at certain times. I sometimes feel a "band" around my waist. I occasionally feel a pressure in the middle of my forehead, or along the side of my face.
There are... changes happening. I believe Fola is responsible for some of them. The.. heart chakra for me, has been "opened" before I had met her; so, that is not one. But the forehead.. the sides of my face and the band around my waist... I don't know.. I kind of feel like it is connected to her, for some reason. The crown chakra, the solar, the heart...
I don't know man.
I.. feel like I'm in a period of self-mastery at the moment. There are things that I must get a handle on to try and understand and manage within myself.
I can't believe I am almost 40 years old and I'm still unsure about what my purpose is supposed to be.
The odd thing as I have been writing this post, is that I don't feel depressed or sad about it. I feel more.. disappointed than anything. I do feel a little handicapped, but I..
(sighs) yeah, I am basically handicapped. Stuck in this job, being hard of hearing...
No real support system in my life. No love in my life.
Not even a dog.
Just myself.
Someday, my mother will pass away and I will be on my own. I will be facing the world without any love of any kind coming my way. I will have to...
Earn it. Earn affection.
And... I was thinking about it today... A little... About feeling deserving of being loved by someone whom I can love back.
I realized that it is not exclusive to a romantic relationship.
Although Rumi had once said that in order to honor and know God; one must become a lover.
And so.. I'm back to wanting to be in a loving relationship. My number one priority, it seems.
And.. it shouldn't be, but it is. I feel like.. I need someone in my corner other than my mother. Someone loving. Kind. Compassionate. Sensitive. Giving. Understanding.
Someone that is willing to help me grow and would want to accept the same.
(sighs) .. I feel bad about Justin. He's...
Eh.. it doesn't really matter, I suppose. He's my friend, but I feel bad that he couldn't.. that I can't seem to make him happy as much as I used to. Telling jokes and making him laugh. I still can, sometimes, but it doesn't quite feel the same as it used to. I...
I don't know man.. I feel so.. helpless in this situation I'm in. With my job, with Justin, with Fola... with life. With money.
And.. I can't just.. allow them to wound me. I have to be resilient. I have to...
Have faith.
Although Edison once said that faith without facts is like believing in fiction.
He kind of is right.
However, Fola.. meeting her has transformed me. I feel like.. there is a reason to have faith, now. Just because of how extraordinary our relationship has been.
That.. time I spent with her.. some of the moments we've shared.. made me believe things.
I believe in a mystical union between two partners now. I know what it feels like to directly commune with the God within each and every one of us. I have seen Him, or It. I have experienced divinity while with Fola.
Just as I have experienced it on my own, but because it wasn't a shared experience, I did not give it as much weight.
But.. Fola.. the connection I have with her. It.. proves unreal things. It proves... that there is something "more" beyond the physical reality of this world.
It proves reincarnation. Soulmates. Twin flames. It kind of proves a soul "contract" as well.
And all of these things, prove a greater purpose beyond this life. They prove that death is not the end, and that the spirit will live on. The memories will remain.
I am feeling this all in my bones as I type. That there is no death other than that of the ego, when one passes from this world to the next.
And.. this reality..
Is an opportunity. Most likely, an opportunity to learn.
To experience. Learning comes from paying attention to what you've experienced.
And paying attention comes from being mindful.
So.. In order for me to call myself a true "success" would be to.. continue having faith in my words and deeds and thoughts. I am a good person. I am trying to make myself de.,, No. I already feel deserving of good things. Of love. Of happiness and family and... fulfillment.
All I can do is carry on feeling deserving, and conduct myself with grace, gratitude, dignity and strength.
There is really nothing else I can do, other than to stay true to the spirit within me.
My soul.. shines.. Not always, but often times it does.
I.. love who I am. I know I am a good person. I know I am trying to be my best in a world that seems to want to bring out my worst.
A world that seems to honor the worst.
I am the fish that is swimming against the tide.
Wish I knew where I am going with this post.. Seems to be all over the place.
On the surface, life seems pretty complex. But inside of me.. I feel like there is a simplicity to live by.
The Bible would describe this simple way of being as, "love thy neighbor" or "do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself."
And.. that seems to be the way I have been trying to be.
The only thing to honor, is love.
Love of myself. Love of my neighbor. Love of those who disappoint and curse me. Love for those that hurt me.
Love is understanding. Love is the knowing that the clothes a man wears, is not who he really is inside. It is but a pale reflection. Just like the scars of a battle does not reveal the truth. It can only suggest it.
The truth is, we are all pristine and perfect, but we wear these cloaks that are made up of experience on this physical plane. Cloaks that hide who we really are. That conceals our vulnerabilities and alters our behaviour and encourages separation rather than unity.
The truth is that we are all one. That cliche is true.
We are all God.
I am God.
I am the Creator.
At least I am a part of creation.
I may not be able to create the world in seven days, but I do have powers.
I can do things.
I can make the world a better place, even when it is difficult for me to do so. Even with all these obstacles I am facing.
I think it is the effort that will determine the reward. How much I put in will indicate how much I will be getting back.
But I need to know where exactly to be placing my efforts.
Writing, right?
I already know that I must remain true to myself.
Honor the authenticity within,
Honor the God within me.
And try to become like Him.
By reflecting onto others.. the purity of His love.
Through the words and actions of my heart.
No matter how bad things get.
And.. if reincarnation is real...
Then I will have nothing to worry about.
Because.. I will be... judged.. I suppose.. I will evolve from this experience...
I will be acknowledged at some point in the afterlife.
And that.. is.. something comforting, if I know that I have conducted myself correctly. To stand before the world reflecting the attributes I most want to see from it.
Even if I trip over my own feet and stumble in order to be able to try and do that.
The achievement is not nearly as important as the on-going effort is.
The effort to try.
Always keep trying.
Always keep moving.
And leave no regrets behind.
So.. I must apply these thoughts.
My relationships. My job. Fola. My future...
I must keep applying these thoughts.
And.. if there is anything of mercy that is observing my progress...
Then I will be informed on what to do next.
And.., that requires faith,
Meeting Fola has given me more faith that there is something beyond the veil of this earth.
So I must continue to believe.
And I must continue to try.
The answers are coming.
Some of them have already arrived.