Why am I putting up with this #*$&#* thing?
Each time I would make coffee, the swivel-lid where the filter basket goes - mysteriously pops open and serenades me with this noisy gurgling as I helplessly watch coffee drip onto the counter.
So I decided I had enough and made my way over to Home Outfitters, where I fell head over heels over this:

The Keurig "Special Edition" single-cup machine of awesomeness.
I had my doubts about these things when I first saw them, the k-cups worked out to about 75 cents a piece but having looked online - I found this site and the price averaged to 63 cents a cup. Not too shabby for someone wanting "chocolate glazed donut" and "cinnamon roll" flavours that you can't find anyplace else.
Also, unlike the new t-discs systems, my baby can brew plain ol' coffee by way of a slick attachment, so basically I can still take it down to 0.0004 cents a cup if I want to get by on the cheap stuff.
So was it worth it? The first thing I've noticed when I turned it on, were the blue lcds that lit up the water reservoir all sexy-like. Then the next thing was how damned fast the coffee ended up brewing. I slipped in a k-cup, hit a button and went to take a whizz. When I came back, gooey hot liquid had already filled my mug. What black magic is this?
The next thing that hit me was the aroma.. wow. THIS is what coffee is like! I did a little jig right there in the kitchen and gulped that shit down like nobody's bizness. Then I had another. And another. And another.
In the first night, I drank.. five cups of coffee and one of tea. I had almost been tempted to place my mouth under the spigot and throw in k-cup after k-cup just to sample all the flavours.
In the morning I ended up having another two and realized, "damn boy-ee, ain't no coffee up in this biznitch". The 12 pack of k-cups were down to four varieties, breakfast tea, two decafs and one Italian "special blend". So I had to make my way down to HomeSense to pick up a fresh batch.
And boy did I do just that. I grabbed four boxes of coffee and walked around with an air of superiority. I gots coffee, bitches! At one point a sales lady asked if I would need a basket to carry all this stuff, to which I replied: "No thank you, I feel more manlier this way."
The Keurig Special Edition. Love it.
Now onto the other stuff I bought.
An acoustic guitar.

650 thread-count Egyptian cotton sheets:

A painting for my bedroom wall:

New jeans:

Two buckets of paint:

Uhm, thank you google images.
A papasan chair that I found for $75 on Kijiji WITH ottoman:

Leather jacket:

Yup, that's me.
And a fake plant:

(it's in the background)
So that's that. And you know what? I still don't feel good about myself. Because ultimately, material possessions do little to nurse a broken heart. Try putting a band-aid on a gaping chest wound and see how well that works. It doesn't.
But hey, who am I kidding? I'll be the one laying in bed on 650 thread count sheets, looking at my painting, with a fake plant on my left, a guitar on my lap, drinking some exotic flavour of coffee and wondering if I made a mistake in the shade of paint I used on the walls.
It's worth it...
I think.