Wow. Seeing my blog again for the first time in a year has stirred a mess of emotions, both good and bad.
I’ve neglected my baby :’(
I didn’t mean to lose sight of the importance of journalling, but there were several good reasons for me to do so. I had wanted to put focus on other areas of my life, chief among them trying to accomplish what I wanted most.
To be loved.
.. It’s pathetic isn’t it? People usually desire trivial things. Money, fame, prestige, respect, admiration, a good-hearted towel-whip on the buttocks. But I wanted something deeper, something more meaningful and visceral in the way that poets would describe as the nakedness of the soul. I wanted to feel like I could give myself up to someone who was willing to drop the pretences, the cynicism that comes with living in such a shitty, materialistic and “me”-centric world. Someone I could be myself around and not have to apologize or feel insecure about.
I wanted to be loved.. and I found someone, who for the first time in my life seemed to have *almost* all of the criteria that I have come to admire in the relationships I’ve been. She was smart, funny, pretty, independent, strong-willed, fun in bed, was able to wax philosophically as well as being able to discuss psychology which is a fascination of mine... but she was also petty, insensitive, selfish, superficial, ambitious to the point of being oblivious and took my feelings for granted.
Yet I loved her like I’ve never loved anyone else before.
It’s a sad fucking cliche to hear these stories of unrequited love or the ones where the perfect couple gets torn apart due to some unforeseen calamity and the guy/girl falls apart at the seams. You see it all the time in movies, books, songs and in the question in the back of everyone’s mind is:
“Can that shit even exist?”
And I’m .. pained to say that .. it does and it does not. Things like “The Notebook” can happen. But it is so rare to find that perfect person whom you wish to share your entire life with. Especially when you misinterpret their motives and what level of commitment they are willing to give.
I made a mistake in thinking that I did find the right girl. That Lauren was everything I’ve ever wanted and I’m a broken, bitter person now for the things I have been through in the past three months.
Maybe I was wrong, maybe the kind of love I am searching for doesn’t exist. Maybe I need to be content with a woman who prefer me to be an asshole rather than a genuine, honest human being. Because face it, 80% of relationships is a power-struggle. You give, you take, they give, they take. It’s just the way it works and quite often, being upfront about your feelings is like emptying the bullets out of your rifle in the middle of a war. BE VERY FUCKING CAREFUL ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE DOING. Because there is nothing more dangerous in this world, than to trust someone so completely that you’ve willingly disclosed your vulnerabilities without asking for anything in return.
Well, that’s not quite true. I asked her, or should I say, ASSUMED that she would reciprocate in kind. That had I been honest and proved myself trustworthy, that I would receive the same treatment. Treat others as you wish to be treated. Someone has to make the first move, right?
Was that ever a mistake. Not only did I find myself being thought of as being unworthy of respect and told I wasn’t “smart” enough to be with her; I also had to endure the trauma of having an axe taken to the concept of love that I have been nurturing all my life. This person shook my beliefs to the core and all I can feel right now is pure contempt for allowing me to be able to trust and confide in someone who wasn’t willing or capable of expressing their feelings in an equally honest and straightforward way.
I’m so ashamed of myself for the way it turned out.
But let’s get back to the beginning.
Lauren and I had met online through a dating site, we texted back and forth, emailed and eventually spoke on the phone. I suggested we meet up for a movie and thought nothing of it.
I wasn’t particularly excited about this date. Or this person, though she was a bit more interesting than the other women I’ve conversed online with. I mean, this girl could hold her own in a conversation without resorting to LOLs and one-line responses. That was impressive enough for me to warrant a date, but I would never have seen the trainwreck coming had things not unfolded as they did.
I think the pivotal moment for me was sitting opposite Lauren, looking into her eyes and thinking “my god, she’s beautiful”. But, before someone can assume it was only appearance or lust that clinched it for me, I can say that while this wasn’t quite love at first sight, it felt very promising. It seemed real. The connection was simply there.
She was overweight and a single-mom, but to me, those aspects were easy to overlook. Only the superficial and shallow would hold such things against someone, presumably forfeiting who the person is in favour of some delusional fantasy that they’ve constructed for themselves.
The night unfolded painlessly, I had fun, Kick-ass was a great way to waste a few hours and we exchanged an awkward hug/kiss in the car before I went home.
Hell, I really could not have seen it coming.
I think it was around date number three where it started to infect me. The potential for us became much more obvious. Because by this point, we had exchanged constant text messages feeling each other out, she implied she was a monogamous person and interested in pursuing a long term relationship. Questions were asked about if I was able to re-locate to another city in the event she changed jobs, how many children I wanted, what shape my finances were in.. I bought it all hook, line and sinker thinking it meant she was smitten with me.
And this is the price I am paying for being so naive.
Because while we shared the most incredible chemistry I have ever experienced with another person in the first few weeks - it all came crashing down after I had failed her “friends” test. You know the one. Where you meet her friends and she watches to see how well you get along with them.
The day after this happened, I got a phone call from her suggesting that we should break up.
My mind was blown. BREAK UP?! After this incredible sex, chemistry, communication, etc? None of that matters because I couldn’t get along with your friends?
Let me draw out the situation. Lauren’s “friends” are head-in-the-sand, disrespectful, egotistical and unpleasant people to be around. From the moment I walked through the door of their apartment, I was not given any introductions, had my hand shaken or welcomed inside. That doesn't mean it was all about "me", it only pointed out the level of courtesy they were capable of giving.
A subsequent BBQ party involving those two and three others ended up proving me right, as they collectively sucked up oxygen rendering most everyone else mute. I felt embarrassed for the three other people there who were forced to listen to an egotistical maniac describe how her mother picks up empty bottles on the side of roads. Who cares? That's not a party, it's a stage with one person hogging the spotlight at everyone else's expense.
It was such a horrible experience. Ever had someone blab at you without pause, not caring what you think or wanting anything more than an excuse to put their fat egos on display? This was that, but with THREE people involved. Non-stop chatter, just this sickening exhibition of verbal masturbation in which I was phased out of existence upon arrival.
And I failed the test because I wasn’t able to throw mindless random crap in response to what seemed like a flurry of non-sequiturs and ego stroking. There was little attempt on anyone’s part to become more involved or thoughtful about the topics being discussed. I have never seen three people so insecure with themselves that they formed a perfect synergy of psychic vampirism.
I mean, get this. You have the receptive audience (Lauren), you have the Queen (Tammy) and a dutiful servant (her husband Mike) all bouncing off the walls clamouring to fulfill such petty needs that I was starting to disassociate myself to keep from feeling ill.
I don’t claim to be this incredible psychologist who can pick apart situations with ease and reflect on it’s composition and the motivations involved, but I’m not an idiot either. I could see very clearly what each person was getting.
Tammy - An arena in which she can demonstrate her awesomeness
Lauren - The squire or handmaiden to this great, charming person
Mike - A cheering section in fear of losing his relevancy
And me, the only guy in the room that would have liked to spend just two minutes on a topic without having it derailed in favour of something more gratifying to the egos involved.
But, I realized afterwards, that it wasn’t a test that could be passed. There is no living being on this planet (aside from the Elephant Man and maybe Stephen Hawking) who could have taken attention away from the ego tripping and steer it towards the realm of normal conversation between people who respected and were interested in learning about each other.
So, by holding my tongue, I failed this “test” and that was when momentum shifted. It went from amazing relationship to the threat of no relationship and because I didn’t want to let go of this incredible thing we had going - I sucked it up and gave my best anti-breakup speech. I was honest, expressive, stifled back tears which I eventually failed at - but remained humble, and I’m still proud of how I conducted myself during that moment.
And it worked. We were back on. One month under the belt, two more to go.
.. This is a really long story.
Points of contention began to emerge from here on out. One issue in particular was the idea of being able to “hang out” with male “friends, irregardless of their martial status and without my being invited.
The idea was that I had to “trust” her. This was just a few weeks after the first breakup attempt and I was still smarting from it.
No fucking way was I going to put up with that. I threatened to leave if she wouldn’t compromise, I was already going along with it until driving home my emotions got the best of me and I texted saying that I loved her. I felt like I had nothing to lose or gain in saying that and it was something I was happy with keeping to myself until the right moment came along.
What a big fucking mistake. We got back together, but now she knew how I felt and didn’t feel obligated to say that she loved me back. At least not right away.
That was month two. The downward spiral commenced. I withdrew, became guarded, lost sight of my other commitments and friends. The relationship soon turned into a project, an idea for me to work on, to improve and to salvage.
In short, it became work. And work fucking sucks when one person is sitting on their ass calling all the shots while you sweat and break your back trying to keep everything together and making the best of the situation.
Another thorn in my side was her being a single mom. Yes, BAGGAGE. I hadn’t gone into the relationship thinking that it was an important thing to be wary of, but I was gullible and ended up fooling myself.
Because I was already good with kids, I figured that would be the only issue I would have to deal with. Not so, as babysitting was a bitch to come by and 90% of the time we spent together could only be at her place. There wasn’t any room for my usual spontaneity, or opening ourselves up to more experiences and situations where we could better understand and learn about each other.
90% of the time was at her place, and I started wondering why am I even here? For sex? Companionship? Conversation? She had never really explained why she enjoyed my company.
I think I was just a way to pass time.
Then.. down the line, she admitted she loved me. But it turned out to be a red herring because you don’t treat people you love, the way she treated me. When you say words like that, you are supposed to mean them. You don’t send a wimpy half-assed declaration in the form of a text message bereft of emotion and sincerity. You don’t start saying shit like “being selfish has always worked for me, why change?”, or “monogamy is such a struggle.”
you know what? I am sick of writing about all this. I am actually feeling nauseous reliving these moments. “I want to be the girlfriend you need and deserve.” right, I believe it. She was a lonely person that dangled carrots in my face. She lied, she was hypocritical, made harsh judgements, assumptions, availed herself of effort in making things work and was a cruel, manipulative and confused human being. In the final stages, I was a puppet being dangled about to do her bidding.
The worst part was being given hope. “I want to be the girlfriend you need and deserve”. And not actually bothering to, y’know, DO something about it. Make an effort. Anything. Just don’t expect me to cater to your whims while you sit back with a smug expression on your face knowing that I’m eating out of the palm of your hand.
Never again.
I learned something very important from all of this.
And that is to be true to yourself. ALWAYS. Always put your needs ahead of anyone else’s because its YOU that matters the most. It’s YOU that has to live with your decisions, your successes, your calamities and fallacies and whatever. They go with you from the cradle to the grave.
We all die alone.
Love is a mutual thing. There should not be any dependency involved. It should not be teased about or taken lightly. It should be giving, forgiving, caring, honest, trusting, appreciating, encouraging... It’s should be about bringing out the best in each other and overlooking their weak points. But at the very least, love is an effort. It is not effortless, no matter how you slice it. This applies to love-struck teenagers as well as the couple celebrating fifty years of marriage and toasting colostomy bags together. Love is about making compromises and being sympathetic to the needs and feelings of your partner. It is not about one person being waited on hand and foot.
I just hate what she turned me into. Putting me on the defensive, getting me frustrated, not being able to be who I am and calling all the shots. Excuses pulled out of thin air that contradicts things that were said earlier on. “I love yous” said with a straight face and holding empty promises. No desire to change or accommodate my needs or to prove herself worthy of my attention.
There was trouble the moment I started asking, “what about my needs?”
“YOUR needs?” .... Point taken.
I had enough of giving.
It was bullshit. It was betrayal. Hypocrisy on a scale that I am deeply repulsed and still frightened by.
The worst part was hearing her reasons for why we aren’t right for each other.
“You aren’t smart enough for me”
“You aren’t ambitious enough for me”
“You aren’t sociable enough for me”
It was always about her. Her needs. Her wants. None of mine. It was irrelevant that none of her issues applied because she was too lazy to discover the side of myself that would have proven her wrong. Leaps of logic. Fantastic conclusions and the hypocritical mention of, “I don’t make assumptions.” early on in our relationship paired up with these ridiculous statements.
I was somewhat tempted to show her my bank statement, my book, my proof that everything she said was unfounded, luckily I resisted.
I’ll never fall into this trap again. Not until I am SURE. Absolutely certain that the girl I am with, is one that is willing to deliver the level of honesty and openness I crave. Someone who has proven herself trustworthy.
That she will not treat me as a source of amusement, or as a wallet, or judge me by criteria that carries little relevance in what I consider a successful relationship to be rooted upon.
That she will not come in all wide-eyed and excited, telling me what I want to hear only to recant later on.
It is the oldest trick in the book. Spot their weaknesses and snare them by any means necessary. I should not have given myself up to her the way I did. At least not so soon, but it felt like I didn’t a choice once she pushed for that first breakup.
I failed myself.
.. And yet I still fucking love her.
I think about her everyday.
It’s not so much the person she is that I’m in love with, but rather, the person she could have been. The couple we could have been. The promise. The potential.
“I don’t think you are smart enough for me”
I should have answered, “Good. Because you’re not skinny enough for me. Your stretch marks are gross and I don't find your rolls of fat attractive in the least.” But I refused to step down to her level of retardation. Pointing out the holes in her reasoning was a waste of time. I should not have to hold someone’s hand and explain how no one is perfect, that it is our flaws which make us endearing. And that yes, love IS enough. Some people honestly cannot separate the things they need from what they want.
Whatever, life goes on. I can rebuild myself. I’m still willing to trust and love someone without feeling guarded and reserved about it.
I know I’m a good person.
I deserve to be loved.
(cue violins)
Someday I will.