Monday, August 28, 2023

A Good Woman II

 It's been another day of not talking with Karlee online. It came after yesterday in which she told me that she wouldn't be able to chat with me at work as often because of the monitoring they are doing and that she wanted to focus on projects. Fair enough.

But for me it was a stab to the heart. A few days earlier she turned off the "last online" feature on Telegram and attempted to convince me that it was always that way and "creepy" which was not at all an issue in the months we've been chatting. 

Putting two and two together along with her emotionally distancing herself, I get it. She's done. Her words about loving every cell in my body and wanting me to live with her in Australia - are pretty much that. Words.

And... I have to make peace with that. I've been on that rollercoaster before being given empty promises and it doesn't hurt now as much as it did then. Is that a good thing? To harden my heart further? I'm not sure but I am reminded of the phrase, "that which doesn't kill you only makes you stronger".

Or more disenfranchised with relationships. Less optimistic about future ones and a natural cynicism and distrust that will spring up should I ever find the right kind of lady I would want to be with.

The thing about Karlee and I is that we share similar ideas in our minds about what we want from a relationship. We both wanted the same type of experiences and shared similar values. I am still wishing I had met her years ago when I wanted exactly that type of person in my life but was occupied with another who did not deserve all the attention I had given her.

I have to say, that Karlee was probably the most deserving woman I've met so far. I really wanted to give her everything she hoped for with us. I did. But I couldn't. I am thankful she overlooked my not having much money, not having a job, feeling completely alienated and alone, not having my own place, living with my mother, no plans for the future, difficulty with my hearing, a heaviness in my heart from the last relationship I was in and so on. She accepted all of that prior to coming here to meet me.

What a beautiful spirit that is. I only wish I could have delivered on exactly everything we had hoped for in the time she would be here. Implied and otherwise.

But the reality is that I'm crushed. I'm without dignity, without optimism and hanging by a thread to this world that I don't quite consider myself a part of anymore.

If only we had met a few years ago.

When I had my own place, money, a working car and the freedom to go and do whatever I wanted.

Those were good years. I miss them terribly.

Earlier today I was reading up on Eric Dubay's website and went over several articles. He wrote papers on giants in the past, the nature of our reality, consciousness, life after death, the NWO, flat earth and so many other subjects that I drank it all in to see if anything new would elevate my understanding of this place we are in, my role in it and where I am to go when I die.

As I stared at an orange moon tonight at the park, I contemplated the point of all this. For the longest time I had thought that the reason I was here was to love and be loved. Perhaps this still is true, but I am now wondering what is an alternate purpose in addition to what I desire?

Why am I here exactly? Did I choose to come by choice or coercion or manipulation or obligation?

There are four options to ponder. 

Choice - Advocates for taking full responsibility for the body that I have, the experiences I've gone through, the highs and the lows - everything, for the purpose of spiritual growth. 

The problem with "choice" however is that someone like Karlee with T1 diabetes would have a hard time justifying such a physical disability in her decision to incarnate. I can say the same for others as well as myself in choosing to be born with impairments that can dramatically lessen the quality of one's life. Even if this was true, it still would not explain why someone would choose to be born in North Korea for instance or to die prematurely. Who would decide to come here so they could be murdered or raped or homelesss or penniless? Abused? Trafficked?

Coercion - Suggests that we do NOT want to be in our physical bodies here on Earth and were forced into them anyways. A common sentiment expressed in NDEs is that the experiencer did not want to return but were told they had a "mission" to complete without them knowing exactly what this mission involves doing. If this reality demands an influx of souls to keep it operating, it would make sense to ensure that all forms of persuasion is employed to get discarnate spirits to reincarnate as quickly as possible regardless of how good or bad of a person they are. 

Manipulation - Follows on the track of coercion in that we are intentionally deceived about what this place is and our role in it. Given the state of the world as I know it; deception and trickery is a big part of how the "elites" become as wealthy and influential as they are. They serve the "machine" and will follow its directives to ensure an agenda is carried out. We can call such beings traitors to the human race as they clearly serve an intelligence interested in full control over our money, our minds, our bodies and our spirit. Humans, aliens, demons and angels are all complicit and will use manipulation tactics in order to achieve their goals. The opposite of manipulation would be to encourage self-responsibility and helping that individual to become more capable and enlightened in their time on this "planet". 

"Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime."

We are not being taught to fish in this current state of affairs. Rather, we are made more and more dependent upon a government that clearly does not support an independent free-thinking society able to pursue its dreams for prosperity and to realize the fullness of their potential.

Obligation - This last possibility for why we are here is that of obligation. We are here because we agreed to it and are bound by conditions/agreements that we have little to no memory of. Perhaps obligation might also suggest we are confined to the Earth and there is no other place to be. Although entheogens, OBEs, astral projection and other such methods of experiencing worlds on the other side of the "veil" may indicate alternate realities exist; it does not necessarily mean we have the right to exist in any of these places. Perhaps this could tie into the idea of spiritual growth in that we are placed here to graduate and be given "passports" to these higher/alternative realms once we prove ourselves here. This could be the obligation we have agreed towards. 

But I digress. This post is about Karlee and I want to tie-in what I learned from Eric Dubay to our relationship. 

We both want out of this place. We both share similar sentiments. We both have suffered immensely in our time here.

We are bonded by these ideas. Regardless if we are in a relationship or not. 

If she had met me and I was a millionaire, it would have been so different with us. I would have that confidence and ability to give her exactly what she wanted. My mental and physical health would be improved and I wouldn't feel like a liability around her. 

But she met me when she did. At the lowest point in my life.

And looking back, I am grateful for our hearts to have come together the way they did even if the physical reality did not match up to our expectations.

But what has it all resulted in? Further disappointment? Where is the "script" that gives a happy ending to any of all this? Would I be moving to Australia? Will we ever see each other again? 

What has resulted in some memories that I appreciate having. The card she wrote me, the Tim Tams she brought, the lingerie she wore.

But what now? She has emotionally distanced herself and as a result, I've found myself doing the same.

There is a lesson in all of this that I am trying to excavate. 

I don't want that lesson to be "don't trust others, do not take them at their word" because that is the opposite of the world I want to live in.

The lesson might be that there are good people in the world and no one is perfect. Love is about fully accepting the flaws of another and feeling valued and appreciated around them.

I can say for sure that Karlee accepted me completely as I did with her.

I think that's the definition of love in my books. It may not be like it is in the movies, but it is the base foundation of it all.

Sadly, it will be difficult to continue a relationship over such distance with so many obstacles between us to manage and overcome.

Especially if I can't find faith and optimism in my situation.

Perhaps this way is best.

Although I doubt it. I would really like to surprise her one day by showing up on the beach at Tootgarook and giving her a big smile and a hug. The look on her face would be priceless.

But I'd need to be wealthy in order to do that. My life needs to get back on track.

And it is so hard to set this derailed train back upright.

My faith is operating off of fumes.

The world is being taken over by a sinister intelligence that wants us all under its thumb.

And divine intervention is needed.

Both in my life and in the world at large.

If I could choose my life prior to incarnating, I would not have chosen events to unfold as they did. If I knew what to expect ahead of time, I would plan and prepare and triumph with all glory being given to "God" in that He has allowed for me to realize a happy and purposeful, loving existence.

Yet that is not at all what I am experiencing now.

Many people are struggling and suffering in their own ways.

I am not alone and neither is Karlee.

I'm glad to have met a kindred spirit.

I'm happy for us to have shared our souls.

Perhaps another time, another life.

We'll get it right.

I am honored to have met her when I did.

It's a shame it couldn't work out.


The miracle comes.

And that is all the hope I have left in this world for.

A miracle.

Let it be so.