Saturday, March 03, 2018

A Nail to the Heart

Yeah last night was an eye-opener. Fola had invited me over for dinner, after changing her mind three times about where we'd go and what to eat and decided to make it at her place. It went well enough until she asked me to write her an article for her blog. And that we would work on it "together".

She hands me the laptop and goes on her phone. Sending emails and messages and listening to videos. So much for working on it together.

She wanted me to write about channelling, about how one can "channel" otherworldly entities and spirits and ascended masters and whatever other else is out there. She really wants to become a channeller.

Earlier that day we had a conversation about this subject. I explained to her what I thought channelling actually was, and reminded her of some of my personal experiences where I was able to channel stuff through my writing, etc, and what I have learned. She seemed to listen, but not really. I explained that everyone channels. A painter, a musician, a writer, a poet. Even politicians and actors channel from "outside" of themselves, a kind of quality that feels like a "tuning" into something greater than themselves. Or perhaps a tuning into something that is great within themselves. Inner or outer, who really knows, but I am leaning towards the inner. The imagination.

With this thought in mind, I told her what I learned. I felt that to become a channel, one has to learn to let go and surrender themselves. But not completely. It is the space between the self and the no-self that one must learn to occupy and keep themselves within balance of. I also told her that from what I learned and experienced, that channelling appears contingent and borrows terms/ideas heavily from one's resoviour of knowledge. Damn spell checker. It doesn't tell me how to correct that one word I can never spell properly...

Anyways. So, Fola wants to channel and thinks there are "techniques" out there that allows for it. This is what she wanted me to write the article about. How to channel. First off, I am offended of the idea that she wants easy and quick shortcuts and methods to something that I consider to be a kind of gift that has to be treated with great care and not taken for granted or used to exploit the gullibility of others. Which is what so many mediums and psychics often do.

I have tremendous respect for Edgar Cayce. I believe he was the real deal. But he did not set himself on the path to becoming a channeller by any conscious intention or technique. He simply surrendered himself to that particular purpose which was engraved deeply upon his soul. That was what he was intended to become, and he allowed it into being. He did not push for it. He was reluctant to charge money for the service, and he welcomed everyone regardless of their social status, to be eligible for one of his readings. Further, he imparted information that went beyond healing ailments, diseases and psychological traumas. He discussed Atlantis. Reincarnation. The nature of reality and subjects that at times contradicted his Christian faith of which he was a strong adherent of.

So to think that this woman I am with, wants to become a channeller so as to "heal" people (for money) and to asauge her ego and feelings of self-worth; is something that disgusts me on a deep level, to be honest. Had I been born with the gift of mediumship for example, I would be reluctant about charging for my services. I would be selective about who I would reveal these gifts towards. And I certainly would try my best not to allow pride to corrupt my soul with the power that such gifts bring. I also would be fearful that I may not be 100% accurate, and would not appreciate being treated with skepticism, or looked upon as a saviour figure or special kind of human being,

Anyways, so I'm sitting there looking up random articles and spent most of the evening learning about how famous channellers began to channel. Basically the origin story, to see if there are any techniques or themes common among them all. What I found among Fola's favourite channeller (Esther Hicks) is that she borrowed her teachings from Jane Roberts. There were no psychic abilities in her early childhood (like Cayce). I then looked into Carla who did the Law of One, and also discovered a similarity to Esther. Her "seven rays" theory seemed to correspond to Alice Bailey's teachings.

A copy of a copy of a copy.

I was getting a little annoyed towards the end, watching Fola distance herself from me by being on the phone. Messaging and emailing and not getting involved. She then announces she's sleepy and wants to go to bed. I shut the laptop down and make my way to the door, when suddenly she insists she looks at my phone.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because something is going on. I can feel it."

Turns out that Fola had the suspicion I was talking with some girl or was receiving messages from a girl and her "intuition" was sounding the alarm bells.

I was disgusted. Told her that there was no girl I was talking with and that she should trust me to take me at my word.

She said she did not trust me and then threatened to end the relationship if I didn't allow her to look at my phone.

I felt so disgusted by all this that I told her I didn't have time for this garbage and left. Sitting in my car, I get a call from her saying she was coming to see me. She enters, and again this conversation or rather interrogation picks up.

The feelings I had inside of me were surreal. All I could think was that this woman clearly doesn't trust me. No matter how much reassurance I've given her in the past, or even now, and in spite of all we have shared and all I have shared with her, my deepest thoughts and feelings; she still would not take me at my word.

A nail through the heart.

I realized that although I had nothing to hide, I had to play this stupid game of hers. I wanted to make this a learning opportunity. Since she was so prideful of her "intuition" that I would make sure she will remember how wrong it has steered her to the point where she would threaten to end our relationship if she didn't look at my phone.

She assured me that I would have the right to remind her of this moment "hundreds of times" if it turned out that she was wrong.

I made sure that she knew what she was saying, but she didn't seem to take the moment very seriously. She was way too eager to look at my phone than to listen to what I had to say.

Again, the disgust I felt for her was unreal. This isn't my idea of a healthy and loving relationship.

But I feel that this needed to be a learning experience. I had the opportunity of proving her intuition to be wrong, and that would bring some satisfaction and a moment I could point towards in the future if I had to. Which I don't want to, but in the hopes that she will remember this enough to re-consider future accusations made against me that spontaneously arise from some "gut feeling" of hers that has no rational basis enough to overcome trust enough for me that I feel she should be giving. Much in the same way she once asked me to magically just "trust" her, and not have to earn or prove that the trust is well-founded. Kind of like lending money and promising to pay it back. That's based on trust, and she fucked that with me already. Long ago.

Sighs. Man. I ain't even mad, bro. I am just disappointed in her.

So I showed her my phone and she went to the trouble of texting this missed call number I had on there. I didn't know who it was, and I didn't care. The person replied with "who dis?" and she still continued to go over my call log and texts to see if I was speaking with some chick,

I tell you blog, I am disappointed in this woman. She does not know how to love, how to apologize, how to make me feel appreciated and wanted and respected.

So why am I with her?

She often used to tell me that I didn't need reassurance or validation from her when I needed it. That it was up to me to look inward and figure that shit out for myself. It wasn't ever her problem that she spent three hours at a guy's place she hardly knows only to come to my place and fuck me afterwards. Think I wrote about that story on here. Happened in the summer.

When I expressed concern about the many guys she talks to, she replied with a laugh saying, "it's only going to get worse!" ostensibly because she will eventually make more contact with people in whatever she ends up doing with this "career" she's trying to build for herself as a spiritual or life coach or channeller or whatever the fuck, because she can't figure out clearly what it is she wants to become or do.

There is no hope for our relationship if she is going to be like this. Why make our relationship worse? Why not make it better? She is incredibly self-centered and focused on her own gratifications and desires and ego. She still doesn't "get" the importance of putting other people's self-interests first. She is not compassionate. She is not empathetic. She does not give a hoot about making up for past wrongs, to repay a debt she owes me, to put time and effort into making me feel good and putting me ahead of her own convenience and wants.

So why the fuck am I still with this woman? She's not even a woman. She's a little girl with daddy issues who has no idea what is going on and does not understand herself in the slightest. She has no emotional control. Is incapable of being persuaded by logic or reason.

Does not take me seriously, or my wants and concerns seriously.

So why the fuck am I with her?

Mm. I'm guessing because I have to learn something as well. I am learning how to become empowered. I'm not mad as I type all this, just disappointed, and that is a huge step for me. I'm not emotionally wrapped up in her drama now. I truly don't give a fuck, and a part of me is morbidly hoping she will do something drastic enough for me to go off on my merry way and not look back.

Another part of me is hopeful, as well. Regardless of what happens with her, I feel confident for some reason. I eel that there are good things awaiting me, even if they do not appear that way from where I am at the moment.

I must stay strong and let this water run off my back. I could break up with her, but I've a feeling there is something further that needs to be done. Either for her or my own benefit.

She was talking about ... yeah, I don't enjoy typing about every little detail. Some of what she says and does is so asinine that it makes my brain hurt just to think about it. How she often says, "I am going to X destination" rather than have me included along with her plans. She once suggested we both go to BC this summer to visit her family and do other stuff, but weeks or months later she switches it up to an "I" rather than "we", as if I am not intended to be a part of whatever it is that she wants to do.

"I am going to burning man. I am going to California. I am going to X,Y,Z"

Who gives a fuck. Selfish bitch.

There. I've said it.


Maybe I should accept that this is who she is and how I feel about her.

I don't like this. I do love her on a certain level that I can't articulate well enough to explain. There is something deep between us that transcends conventional explanation. I am talking as deep as soul-contracts and past-lives, etc. There is something here that has to be fulfilled. A contractual obligation of some kind.

And I feel that my job is to continue to hold my head high and expose her nonsense for what it is.

Or something.

I don't know.

Tonight we are going to see Five Alarm Funk. I've decided that I am going to have a good time and it won't be dependent on anything she does or says with me. I am going there to check out the place and to talk with Justin and his brother and ignore her if that is what I feel like doing.

Whatever. Time for me to be selfish. Throw this all back in her face the same way she threw it into mine.

Many, many times before.

And let her see herself for the hypocrite that she is. With her double-standards. Talking to all the guys she wants but getting upset at the mere *possibility* that I would be talking to a girl on my own.

Pathetic, really.

Not love.

She texted me this morning. Saying again, that she loves me and wants us to work through this. I haven't responded. The thought in my mind was to say, "Work how? You were willing to end our relationship last night if I didn't let you look at my phone."

And I didn't bother. I don't give a fuck if I leave her hanging. It's not worthy my time and energy to have that conversation if I don't want to.

The ball is in her court. She needs to earn or prove that she loves me instead of always talking about it but rarely showing it.

Last night I was driving home after all this, she sent me a text saying "I was was going to say I love you, but wasn't sure if that would be okay."

Read that text. How sad is that? Not sure if it would be okay to tell me that she loves me? I'm tired of this. I'm tired of hearing about how she wants to do X, but decided not to. She wants to do X for me, but changed her mind or didn't think it was "okay". So many instances of this. So many false promises and "want tos" instead of actual doing.

She's so lazy. Lazy as fuck. Prima donna. Queen bee. Fuck that noise.

I am a king and I deserve to be treated like one. Even if I sometimes appear to be asleep at the wheel, she knows full well the lion that emerges when I am prodded the wrong way.

And she derives satisfaction from it. As I wrote in an earlier post about how the last fight we had, had her texting me with "I want to fuck you right now".

Guess what? You're not going to be getting the satisfaction of my anger this time, Fola.

I am going to honor my intuition on this one.

And it's a hell of a lot more reliable and functional than yours is.

Maybe that's the truth you find yourself annoyed by. That I have more "abilities" than you do. That I am more suited to the type of career/occupation that you are pursuing for yourself. That I care more about people than you do. That I am compassionate, thoughtful and willing to compromise and put my best foot forward. To make effort. To be diplomatic.

Sure, I'm not perfect, but I never claimed to be.

Yet, I've accepted it.

She has not.

And therein is the problem

She is deluding herself into a fantasy that will never be realized. She will not become a channeller. She will not become a famous healer or counsellor or a being of any merit if she cannot first understand who she is. If she cannot move herself into the light. Lacking in self-awareness enough to acknowledge her imperfections and work towards overcoming them.

All she wants is money, prestige and to be looked upon with respect and admiration.

Not going to happen if she isn't willing to collaborate with me. To defer to my guidance. To place trust into some of the things that I point out for her. Such as how "surrender" has always lead to positive interactions between us. Next-level experiences, through sex or conversation or whatnot, all happens when we can set egos aside and she trusts my decision-making process. Allowing me to guide her towards a benevolent outcome. Which is all I truly want for the both of us.

She has to trust me in order for that to happen.

And she said last night she doesn't trust me.


Guess this is a problem now.

It's up to her to solve it.

I'm just going to carry on my merry way.

And do what I feel is right.

Had a dream about her last night. Had the sense that she was whoring herself out to people. Not going to bother listing out the details of all this, other than to feel this sense of betrayal and distrust. Not the first time I've had a time like this about her. Where she cheats on me, and justifies it somehow.


Life goes on.

The journey continues.

Mandela effect.