Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Loops of Imagination

So blog, seems like I have a bit more than Fola to be talking about with this post.

Couple of days ago I was driving in the city when I decided to roll down my window. There were puddles on the road, but nothing on the stretch I was on.

As the window went down, a red truck drove by and splashed water across my windshield. Some of it went inside and hit me on the cheek. I was like, "wtf" and looked over to the vehicle on my left to see who it was.

The guy inside was smiling. Not at me, but looking ahead and oblivious to the splash he caused.

What's interesting about all that, was the license plate as I drove by.


YHWH2 = God as well, is how I interpreted it.

I was somewhat delighted and amused when that happened. Earlier, I had been thinking about the theory that we all exist in a simulated reality. That perhaps this is all VR and we are controlling our avatars at a distance. It seems so plausible to me. I feel like in the years I've been exposed to ST, its arguments for and against, pieces seem to be falling into my lap suggesting that it is more of a certainty than it is not.

Prior to being splashed, I had come across videos/a Reddit thread of the Mandela effect, which is the idea that reality changes, including the past and not everything is accounted for or exactly the way it once was.

There were pieces of "evidence" in the Mandela thread that I found interesting, even if I didn't know quite what to make of it. Such as the Ford logo having a "curl" for almost a hundred years, and yet, there has been instances when there is no curl in the logo. Could be a simple explanation, or it could be a shift in reality. Who the hell knows.

What I do know, is that something was sparked inside of me as I was reviewing these claims. I had the urge to write "New Universe" on my chalkboard and felt that I had the ability to bring forth a new universe into existence. Sounds a little silly, but as I study this stuff further, I feel that I am inching closer to the "truth".

For instance, I feel that simulation theory goes a long ways in explaining much of the weird stuff I've been fascinated with over the years. Philosophy, psychology, metaphysics and other odds and ends all seem to fit in with the idea that this world is not really "real" and that it is, in fact, an illusion as Buddhism and Hinduism claim it to be.

Bits of evidence such as "My kingdom is not of this world" as said by Christ, seems to prop up this theory. Sure, it can mean the divine "realm" or "heaven" in that particular context, but it could mean that those "realms" or "heavens" are more real than reality itself.

Yes, I am aware that I am typing on a keyboard and that each of my fingers feel the solid push of the buttons, but quantum physics prove that most everything is literally emptiness. Perception has a subjective aspect to it. I see a branch where others see a tree. Successful people see obstacles as challenges. Where one sees an unfortunate event take place, there are many different ways of looking at the same thing. Subjectivity and objectivity appears to be relative to perception and experience, etc.

There was a code found in 2012 that points to a search-engine algorithm as being a part of the cosmos. Kind of strange, but could be coincidental. That's the thing. When too many coincidences add up, perhaps it indicates that something needs to change about the way we see and interpret such phenomena,

We live in a mathematical universe. There are laws that have to be obeyed, and interestingly, not all of them have been discovered, but much of it has. I've been looking at a few other things that remind me of other material I've studied, such as the electric universe and the blinking universe, where apparently the universe winks itself out of existence and rebuilds itself once every 11 trillionith of a second, or something like that.

I have all these bits and pieces inside of me that seem to conveniently fit within the simulation theory model. For example, knowing that the thought to move an arm, can sometimes arrive after the arm is actually moved. Unusual because it begs the question as to where is this directive coming from, if not from our own bodies. They've measured this. It's valid to wonder about.

Then there is the placebo effect, where our own minds can affect healing. In WWII, a nurse ran out of morphine to give to soldiers and instead injected them with a saline-solution. These soldiers reported relief. Strange, huh? A non-medicinal substance was made medicinal.

That points to the idea that reality is more subjective than we give it credit for. If we can affect healing through belief, than theoretically, it could also mean that we can affect disorder/disease through belief as well.

If we have that type of power over our own health, it certainly means that there is an autonomy that exists within us independent of the environment. Which is very interesting, since it suggests that we aren't fully constrained by certain "laws", one of which is that medication/therapy isn't as efficacious as we may think them to be. Unless we allow it.

Because not all medication affects individuals consistently or has the desired effect, it makes me wonder. Biologically, a substance should have a repeatable effect whenever it is administered, but not everyone reacts the exact same way.

I am reminded of the first time I did shrooms with Fola. I didn't feel anything. But when I did it on my own, I certainly did. Same dose as well. Same shrooms. Assuming they all have the psychoactive effect more or less evenly distributed across each mushroom, its curious why I didn't feel anything the first time.

Anyways... that's the medical side. There are other strange things to ponder. Synchronicity. Coincidences. Deva-Ju. Ghosts. Aliens. I can bend them to match a simulation hypothesis.

Aliens? They're the engineers/maintainers of the simulation. Ghosts? They're bugs in the programming that haven't been fully accounted for.

Synchronicity? I'm still trying to grasp that one. I am mindful of the type I wrote a blog post wondering if "someone is watching" (over me) and then a day or two later I come across a bench with a note posted on it saying, "someone is watching you." which answered my question.

Guardian angels? Spirit guides? Higher self? ... Hmm. I haven't fully figured out those yet either. I feel like I'm close to understanding how everything fits together, but its being realized on an intuitive level. Rather than an intellectually-arrested one.

I imagine that there exists several layers of realities. Several dimensions. Like an optical disc with layers of data occupying the same space. They're just on a different frequencies than ours. Perhaps, also, we can interact between them. Think of drugs, also, that help enable one to access these "higher" realms.

The multiverse. Parallel universes. Theoretically, I am thinking that each time we wake, we wake up to a different universe. A universe where I am rich and successful, DOES exist out there, and perhaps when I keep my focus on that possibility playing itself out, I begin to create this exact universe the more I focus upon it.

Or perhaps, I am simply displacing the self I am now, in favor of the self that has already realized these things. Existing elsewhere.

I know that I am not making a convincing argument with any of all this. I'm just throwing ideas around and rambling. Trying to make some sense.

On an intuitive level, I feel that... we kind of our the Gods of our own making. I believe there does exist a "programmer" out there, who helped bring about all this. A creator. A God. Some being or intelligence that does actually want each of us to realize our Godly powers of creation, within an environment that allows us to express it.

NLP. Law of Attraction.

"What you think, you become." -Buddha

It feels like my hand is inside of a bag of which I can't see the contents of. I'm fishing around in there and recognizing the objects, but I'm also not entirely sure what they are. Not unless I remove them to examine and see, which I am not allowed to do.

It's like I "know" what I'm touching are wet strands of spaghetti, but until I pull them out from the bag, I can't be sure.

A simulation.


Knowing this should mean that there is a practical way of hacking it all. And so much self-help stuff all teach various techniques and ways of achieving just that.

There is overlap as well. Certain words and ideas really mean the same thing. Just with different terminology applied.

I wrote an article on Medium a few days ago about channeling. I compared it to creativity. To imagination. And perhaps, that may be all that it is. We embody certain patterns and "spirits" and create another type of "illusion" that we allow ourselves to express out into the world. Sometimes, we completely change our behavior and our actions reflect it. Bringing about the desired changes.

Neuroplasticity. Another weird thing. The brain is so malleable. Autopsies where it was found that certain individuals did not even have a brain at the point of death, and they were functioning well enough until then.

Consciousness. Awareness. The double-slit. The observation effect on changing from a particle to a wave.

All these things are adding up.

And I'm trying to put the pieces together.

If this really is a simulation, an aliens are engineers/maintainers of the illusion; then why have they allowed for the pyramids to exist? They are so improbable. We cannot replicate the great pyramid of Giza with modern-day equipment. How did our ancestors manage it?

Why and who was allowed to make one?

Were there truly giants back in the day? The Nephilim?

I realize how much of a crackpot I am sounding like, but there is something there. Something important that I do not fully understand.

Water crystals and rice that changes according to observation and intention.

Clearly our minds... our intentions and consciousness are more powerful than we give them credit for. They shape reality. They make things happen.

Why did someone leave a note that "someone is watching" in a place where I could find it, and in the period when I asked that question?

Did I create that? Or was I drawn towards it?

Is time really linear? Probably not. It feels almost like everything has been played out, and that the future can affect the present. What guided me to that note? What prompted an individual to write those words down and attach it to the bench?

Everything is connected.

Is there a super-consciousness? Akashic records? How is it that people learn things from other people, even if a continent divides them? Why are there pyramids all over the world? In the most unlikely of places?

Did we build them? Or did something else?

Do we really choose the experiences we wish to have? If I want to be rich and wealthy and living in an acreage with a dog, can I really use only my mind to make it happen? I don't have the educational qualifications to get a really high paying job. I don't know if I will win the lottery. I am not sure how it could come about for me to be a multi-millionaire.

But it is possible. It probably already has happened. Somewhere.

We live in a spiritual democracy. We vote for certain things and ways of being. Unconsciously, and these things manifest themselves it seems.

As above, so below.

But are we a collective, or do we each have our own worlds to become the master of?

Are we each Gods, or can there only be one God at a time?

Am I inside of a single-player video game?

Or is this an MMO?

If reality can be affected by the individual, if things shuffle themselves around to match the individuals wants and needs and desires; then it points to a single-player experience. We are our own Gods.

However, if this is a collective that allows for great personal liberty and creation; then we must cooperate. We must work together to become what we most desire.

This makes more sense to me, thinking that reality will only bend itself to my whims as long as I contribute something of value to it.

Even thinking, has value.

And sharing my thoughts.

Speaking my truth.

What is the end game, though? Mastery?

Perhaps we each come here with a specific purpose in mind.

Sometimes shitty things have to happen in order for us to elevate our consciousness to another level, so that we can allow for better things. So we can "learn" more about who we actually are.



Co-creators, obviously.

I think.

Life is strange, my blog.

Going to continue to puzzle this one out.