holy cow, I've done it. No, I didn't end up buying that acerage with the monkey butler, but I finally finished eight days of work. GRUELLING work. Work that says "damn, this really is a lot of work". Its all over, for about six weeks as I head back into ye old insulating school on Monday. At the moment, my buttocks are singing hallelujah as they've manage to finally escape their velvetly prison (the driver's seat), listen ..! PBBBTTTT ..
Five and a half hours of driving is just wrong. Its 2005, we should have super speedy conveyer belts like the Jetsons do. The future sucks.
Yeah, I am sooo tired right now, I'm drinking a half a liter of coffee and I'm saving my can of Red Bull for the grand finale. All because I hate going to bed this early. *frankenstein voice* I VANT TO LIVE!
So I managed to covertly snap a wad of pictures at work today, even though thats like a huge no no and you risk having your head cut off publicly if you get caught. But I guess I was able to intimidate those who saw me with my imposing physique, and my warning "nod" which took me years to perfect. I wanted to get those pictures taken because its always difficult to explain exactly what I do for a living to others. Yes I do put "clothing" on pipes to keep them "warm" but in the next couple of days I'll do a little "expose" on life as a construction worker, including a close-up look at insulation itself. Yes, I said I have pictures of insulation, INDUSTRIAL insulation to be more precise. You won't find stuff like this any where else folks.
Since my friends are considerate enough to wait untill I get back before seeing Sin City, I'm having to end up going with a co-worker this Saturday instead. Sin City is supposed to be some fine eye candy, and I'm going to be there with a lump in my jeans. But I heard some very mixed reviews about it as well, one look at Rotten Tomatoes (80%)has allayed any doubt that I've had. It WILL be as eye-masturbatory as I envisioned it. I have just got to see how Elijah Wood is going to pull off "Kevin" in this movie.
Chapelle awaits. G'nite