Last night I was watching disc three of my Ren & Stimpy boxset when I came upon this absolutely perverted scene involving Ren and Eddie Kowalski. What happens is that Ren signs up for this "fake dad" program and ends up having to babysit a convict with the mental IQ of a seven year old. At about the 25:40 mark there is a scene where Eddie grabs Ren and something reallllllly pervy happens. It went like this:
Stimpy: "Go ahead Ren, give him your love...!"
Ren: "..."
Eddie: "Love..... Mmmmmmm" *grabs Ren and jams his entire body up against his chest*
Its at this part where you'll notice that as Eddie is squeezing Ren's body, Ren's butt starts to swell up (from displacement because he's being squeezed) and his head takes on an odd shape. Eddie is holding Ren with two clutched fists, so you can't really tell what he's holding. But when you're like me and looking for odd sexual references in the unlikest of places, you'd notice that Eddie Kowalski appears to be holding a COCK in his hand and is groaning with orgasmic ecstasy. I'm not kidding! It looks just like a COCK with two eyes on top AND it has a ballsack!
Its moments like this that made me wish I knew how to rip video from dvd. God bless John K.
edit: we here at blasè have taken it upon ourselves to OFFER YOU THE VIDEO CLIP RIPPED DIRECTLY FROM THE DVD, RIGHT FACKING HERE! (4.5mb/avi) holy cow do we love our readers! All four of you!
I also want one of these... BAD.