Monday, April 18, 2005

for your consideration...

As a fan of conspiracies, I got lucky today. I found out about this video (mpeg format) which shows an astronaut getting a taste of some overhead lighting. Now, thinking about this video, I'm asking myself: Is this fake? If its fake, who would go to such elaborate lengths? Can you purchase a spacesuit in a costume store? How about the grainy film footage? The people on set? The props? Was that faked as well? Could this maybe be an outtake from some space movie? All things considered, it seems like it would have taken too much unnecessary effort to just pass off as a prank.

Even if that video IS fake, I was tempted to research the matter further. The url shown in the clip points to which no longer exists (hmm.. interesting...) and I came across a website which details a list of anomalies in the moon landing. I believe that if you present a long, credible laundry list of evidence to prove a conspiracy, then there must be something to it. Of all the points raised in that website, could even one be credible and worth looking into? I'd think so. Or is it all 100% factually incorrect? If even one point raised by the author is correct, then the whole thing starts to look kind of shady.

Say someone saw a red balloon float into the sky, they have pictures, witnesses, even the balloon itself, but the NSA decided they want to cover it up. What do they do? They issue a press release stating that there was no balloon in the sky, that it was (insert random object here), they state the witnesses have zero credibility and the whole thing is brushed under the carpet. Because the NSA can easily manipulate the news media, most people never get all the facts. So now you have a few dozen people who actually saw this red balloon and are being made fun of, despite their evidence and conviction of what they saw. Then on the other side, you have millions/billions of people who get exposed to the media's interpretation of the event. The media says there wasn't a red balloon, and thats good enough for the millions that are watching, why should they care? Worse yet, the media just doesn't report this at all. Then its onto the next conspiracy that gets unreported/manipulated in press coverage. These things likely happen more often than you think. Its not what gets reported that counts, but what goes UNreported.

There has been such an overwhelming pile of evidence detailing the existence of aliens, ghosts, the illuminati (or some form of an organization that promotes a 'new world order'), psychic powers, the conspiracy behind 9/11, the murder of Princess Di, etc. and its difficult to dismiss all of those claims as being the ravings of lunatics. There HAS to be something to it. And yes, Bush is a remotely controlled android that aliens bent on world domination, have created. Hey don't take my word for it! omg look!

Its an external power supply. I rest my case.