arghhh.. school is driving me nuts. We have this big ass test tomorrow and I have to memorize like 8 pages worth of notes AND a bunch of mathematical formulas. Its gayer than Paul Reubens in a feather boa. Here's a taste of some of the stuff that needs immediate injection into my frontal lobe (or wherever there is room). remember, this is all off the top of my head, there's still a zillion other things that need a single raised eyebrow before I can fully memorize those:
Four steps of band saw safety:
1) keep your mind on the task at hand
(hmm, what am I doing today.. should I.. ARGHHH)
2) if distracted, turn off band saw
(look! Mike is riding a broomstick like a horse, hey, where's my hand go?)
3) turn band saw off before making adjustments
(yeah, try moving the angle of the blade while its still spinning, duh)
4) I forgot step four, but its probably just as anal as steps one to three
edit: step four is "do not leave band saw unattended" REALLY, thats step four!
Comes in two types. Heavy and lightweight!
Lightweight is in 2-4oz bolts, heavy canvas comes in 6-8oz bolts
If you got a bunch of bolts, its called a BALE. OMG
For elbows, cut canvas two inches less than the circumference
For end caps, cut canvas two inches more than the diameter
For end caps (with a honkin pipe sticking out) cut canvas 1/4" less than the radius
Canvas that has been treated with fire retardent is called THERMOCANVAS
Canvas shrinks approximately one inch per yard (three feet) just like my cawk
Adhesives (for application of canvas)
Lagging Adhesive: strong, expensive, when dry it must be cleaned with MEK, made of a water-soluble resin, retarded to fires, your mother loves this stuff
Wheat Paste: The ghetto version of Lagging adhesive, cheap, prone to mould growth, not fire retardent, water soluble, resembles jizsm
Then there's this section on pin spotters / stud welders I have to know. And fun things called LAGS, which is this complicated math shit to memorize.
I swear, I'm going to bust some heads if I get any lower than 70% on the test tomorrow. We're talking bloodbath in the streets. You may want to hide inside on Friday, April 21th because there WILL be a guy with a machete hacking at anything that moves, this includes cars so please avoid psychopathic pedestrians if one should be anywhere near the vicinity of your vehicle.
Other than that.. back to studying I go, wish me luck