Sunday, May 19, 2024

The End is Here

As a child I was fascinated by the book of Revelation while in 3rd grade. It was like reading a science-fiction story that may or may not come true because it was written as prophecy to arrive at some point in the future.

Well, I think it is happening. Despite how every few decades people thought they were living in the end times, it really seems to be taking place.

It is not only the book of Revelation that backs this up but other parts of scripture also. A few that I recall point to how "knowledge will increase in the final days" and that time will be shortened.

Yesterday I was reading a Reddit post about how time seems to have sped up. I think so too. Days are flying by and people appear to be looking younger despite being older in years.

This does throw a monkey's wrench into my theory of religions being a control system because how would scripture know such things so far in advance?

But again, it could still be a control system. From what I've been researching and able to piece together, it seems like humanity goes through cycles of resets and after each iteration, history is manufactured and so is religion. A new God is given to people with new rules and recycled truths mixed in to make the whole thing believable.

Whoever and whatever is in control of this world felt it was necessary to include scripture that indicates the "end is near" and what to do to prepare for it.

It does make sense that everything is cyclical. Every beginning has an end and every clock eventually reaches midnight to start a new cycle again.

What bothers me deeply is... I was wanting to get out of Canada before all this was happening. I don't want to spend my last days here in the city I was born that now doesn't resemble what it looked like in my childhood. Cold winters, living with my mother, noisy home, immigrants everywhere, no money, no job, no relationships or friends.

Family is pretty much cut-off. All I have are memories of things that I regret and wish I would have done differently. I asked for this not to happen. To pay off my debts and begin thinking about where I would want to live. 

It didn't work out. Despite my prayers at the time.

I guess I am not one of the "elect". I gave into fear and materialism and lust and excess.

I am not a man who is able to objectively appraise himself. Wrapped up in feelings, little discipline and was not grounded in his spirituality enough to be able to say no to the things that threatened it.

I tried. Went through multiple break-ups with my ex because I knew she was damaging to my spirit. Kept taking her back because I felt like maybe something will change. Maybe she will open up one day.

How dumb I was. Fooled by my own insecurities, ego and faux compassion.