Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Dead and Yet to be Buried

I have no heart left. There's no recharging my batteries in the environment I am in. 

It is death by a thousand paper cuts day in and day out.

The exact same routine everyday as it has been for almost a year now with the only difference being those 10 days I spent with Karlee when she came to visit last summer.

Such a fleeting memory. I don't like bringing memories up anymore of the past. I mean, I sometimes fantasize about should have done this, should have done that but they're painful to revisit.

I sometimes think about my old place. That quiet, that peace. How it felt to sit on my couch and watch a movie with a cup of tea and having the privacy to not be interrupted or have my senses assaulted like I am here.

I think of moments like that and they seem so far away. Like it was a dream that didn't really happen. To be able to go out on my deck and see the moon every night was a luxury I took for granted now that I have no view of the moon from the backyard. If you can even call it a backyard that faces an apartment complex with bright parking lot lights aimed at our property.

Today I was at the park as usual, trying to get away from all this but failing because now there are more and more people walking and driving around and interrupting me. This one fellow drove up to me and started a conversation about nothing, really. Hockey which I have no interest in, UFC fights that I could only comment on from years ago because I stopped watching. 

It was such an empty and hollow conversation that I wanted him to leave me alone. I don't understand why people do such things. Maybe he was lonely but after about 20 minutes I saw him pull out a pipe and inhaled what looked like cannabis. So, that was why he stopped me. He was in that mood and needed someone to talk to.

But as I said at the beginning of this post, I have no heart left. No interest in anything. Where I used to enjoy watching videos and keeping up with the news, I have seen enough. Every video of "get out of Canada" and "prepare now!" and "fiat currency collapse!" is just ... too much. 

It hurts knowing two years ago I was making preparations to leave the country for someplace else. I wasn't sure where. Mexico didn't seem right for me, Nicaragua might have been better. 

In any case, I had $200,000 in stocks that I couldn't sell in time because...

Because I like sabotaging myself I guess. I don't have any other explanation. I made the decision to sell but because the market was closing in 2 minutes, I couldn't do it in time.

And now I am paying the price for that one decision. Lost my sanctuary, lost my money, most of my possessions, my passports, my peace of mind, my dreams and my heart.

I have no heart left.

It feels like my soul has already left the body and I'm... just a shell. 

Waiting for... something. No plan in mind. Just... 

It hurts thinking about all this. So many things are hurting me right now. Where I live is like being inside of a toxic fishbowl that I can't leap out of or remove myself from.

My day is spent ignoring the world around me by staring at my phone. I hate myself for doing what I once tried to limit the use of. 

But the alternative is worse. If I'm not on the phone hunting for something to keep me occupied, the reality of my situation sets in and I start touching on all of the trauma that comes along with it.

I've lost it all. I have nothing left. 

And what hurts even more is understanding where I went wrong and... 

All the lessons I've learned. About myself, about spirituality, religion, relationships and God.

The lessons that I wish I had learned three or four years ago.

Like, religions are all control systems. The New Testament is a different book than the Old Testament which is entirely different from the Quran.

And they all have in common the idea of a "God" that we must pray towards and this God can punish or reward us depending on whether it likes us or not.

And even if it likes us, there's no guarantee of safety no matter how righteous and moral we are in this life. The book of Job proves this.

There are so many contradictions in those three books. The Abrahamic religions. The Old Testament was about subservience to "the Lord" no matter what happens in life. It is about animal sacrifices, food offerings, circumcision, not eating pork, "thou shalt not murder" but with stories where God tells people to murder. The Old Testament depicts a cruel and jealous God called "Yahweh" or "Jehovah" who appears to be a tyrant. 

The New Testament is completely different. There is no mention of Yahweh or Jehovah and instead Jesus calls it "the Father". There are no animal sacrifices or ritualistic food offerings, God is non-existent and doesn't appear in the story at all unlike how it was with Moses and Noah; and we are told that Jesus is the "son" of God but also has him saying that we are all the sons and daughters of God. In the end, God does not save his beloved son from an early death at the age of 33. A cruel injustice allowed to happen and we are told that it was a voluntary suicide to atone for the sins of mankind.

The Quran is... completely different than the Old and the New Testament. Mohammed is given the status of a prophet and the ONLY and LAST prophet of God/Allah. The book is impressively written and presumably was dictated by Mohammed upon guidance of the angel Gabriel, I believe. In Islam, one can marry multiple wives and age doesn't seem to make a difference.

Judaism is the worst of the three. I don't even want to bother bringing up the heinous acts that Rabbis promote, such as sucking the blooded penis of a freshly circumsized infant. Or calling themselves the "chosen ones" despite acting like vampiric ghouls preying on the gullible and weak.

All three of those religions don't mesh with one another. Jews don't recognize the messiah known as Jesus and Islam calls him a "teacher" rather than any kind of divine emissary, prophet or God himself.

So which of the three religions are correct? The answer is none of them. They were each designed to spiritually enslave mankind.

It is a genius move. Create a story, attribute it to the "divine" and insert nuggets of truth here and there to make the text looks legitimate and believable. Otherwise, you'll go to hell if you disobey what it tells us to do.

According to Judaism, we aren't the chosen people but are the "goyim" and are condemned. 

According to Christianity, if we don't accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior, we are also condemned.

And Islam.. well, if you don't believe Muhammed was the last and greatest prophet, you too are condemned.

Isn't that interesting how it all works? Each of those systems of control have a "do this or you're going to hell" rule and rules within it.

That means they are fear-based. 

What happens to the people of the world who don't believe in Jesus? Who don't accept Muhammed's words? Who don't abide by Yahweh's commands of keeping the sabbath and slicing off the foreskins of our babies?

Because those three books are FILLED with examples of "do this or you'll go to hell but do this and you'll get to heaven".

I now realize the truth. They were all distractions. They were designed to keep you from worshipping the true God.


And I don't mean that from a blasphemous, "screw everyone but me" perspective because that is not at all what worshipping ourselves mean.

It means to honor the spirit within us. To cultivate it. Express it. Share that bright light with others we come across. Loving others enough to share ourselves with them. 

Because the true God is not some male figure up in the clouds managing the video game like the Architect in the second Matrix movie.

God is a network. God is the totality of our connection to one another through the spirit.

We were duped into worshipping the "internet" rather than being made to understand that the totality of consciousness is made up of individual parts and that each part connects to one another.

The collective consciousness is "God" or the "Creator".

When we pray, we give thanks to being a part of the human experience. We express gratitude for the connection that our spirit has to others.

Because it is exactly like God. It is omnipotent and omnipresent. 

It knows all and is everywhere.

Because it is US. Each and every one of us.

No, not one person knows everything. No, not one person is everywhere.

But people as a whole know everything. People are also everywhere.

So are animals. Anything alive has a consciousness that is plugged into the spiritual network.

That we connect to and call "God", not realizing that the secret those early designers of the Abrahamic religions wanted to keep from us is to know that we are all parts of God.

Collectively we are God.

This is some of what I've come to realize these past couple of years. Our only responsibility is to become the best versions of ourselves that we can. That's it. There is no only reason for being here.

The "best version" includes moral integrity and righteousness. There is no need for the Ten Commandments because morality doesn't need to be taught but it is understood on a deep, unconscious level.

The most destructive force in the world is that of division. Division of status, of religion, of political affiliation, of gender preference, of sex, money, materialism.

Despite the manufactured nature of these religious control systems, they do have to include some truth in them so that people will think the rest of the BS is also true and must be followed.

One of those truths is really to love one another. Love thy neighbor, as Jesus commanded.

That's hard to do at times but it makes perfect sense. Love is unity through acceptance. It brings people together. It elevates the poor and wretched because should a world be based on this principle, we would not allow for people to suffer.

We would love them or at least help them learn to love themselves.

That's the true gift one can give. Helping someone love themselves so that they can love others.

When we help someone's spirit burn a bit more brightly, they affect the world around them.

That's the truth of how humanity is to save itself. How we must conduct our spiritual affairs.

"Do no harm" and "love one another".

We don't need hundreds of pages of stories to know these things.

Imagine if we knew with certainty those words are all that needs to be followed. Everything would be so different. There is so much abundance in this world that we wouldn't allow for poverty to exist.

It doesn't mean that everyone gets a Ferrari but we all could be driving amazing, cheap cars if we really wanted to.

Humanity has so much potential that it has been deliberately kept blinded from realizing.

And that is another thing I have realized from studying religion. If we only knew to focus on ourselves, improve and live life with honor and integrity and help others to do the same; we would become so powerful in this world. There wouldn't be any "elites" like Bill Gates to worry about. We just wouldn't allow them to impact our lives.

Because they are doing "harm" and that is in violation of the rule.

It's tricky to conceptualize all this. Capitalism doesn't work because there is no limit to the amount of wealth one can gather.

Socialism doesn't work because there is no incentive to strive and work hard.

I'm rambling but I need to get this off my chest.

So. My life feels over. I can't recharge my batteries. I can't connect to my spirit and to "God" the way that I used to. 

I wake up in the morning with no purpose. No options that I can think of pursuing and no reason to want to exist.

All I have is a thin sliver of hope. That somehow a miracle can present itself at any moment in time.

But, in thinking about spirituality and such, I realize that I'm asking for things without a good connection to humanity/God.

I can hardly take care of myself. Let alone care about others.

And that is another thing I've learned. Heaven and hell aren't in some grand old spiritual realm out there.

They're right here. We can create heaven or hell on this Earth if we wanted to.

Starting with our own lives. 

And that is another thing those stories kept hidden from us.

Imagine if they said, "go create heaven upon Earth, make your life into something you are proud and happy to be living while helping others experience the same" instead of, "be fruitful and multiply" which everyone seems to think has to do with having multiple children and teaching them to be Christian.

In any case, I am living in hell. 

I did not ask to create it. It just happened.

I don't pray much at all these days. Didn't seem to work all that well for me in the past but that is probably because I was giving my energy away to a blank wall and putting my hopes into something that I couldn't see. 

Rather than putting that energy into myself. Realizing that I am a divine being that I can mold myself into the image I desire. To be in good shape, to conduct myself with honor and integrity, to express gratitude and seek out experiences that makes me into a better more wiser human being.

To believe in myself more than to believe in a "God".

That is what I have failed to learn all those years I've been praying ever since I was a child.

I could have designed my own prayer.

It would have been filled with the goals I have and the rules my life is to follow and abide by. 

It would express gratitude for the opportunities I've been given.

And it would express love for being a part of the human experience.

Instead, I prayed the prayer that was taught to me written by some guy I have never met.

I prayed out of superstition rather than praying out of respect.

Respect for myself.

I used to often realize that I placed more faith in God than I did in myself.

What a mistake. God is just a network after all. 

A network that when tapped into, can provide all types of miracles.

Because each person "uploads" their experiences into the collective consciousness each night as they fall asleep. Animals do this too.

And it all becomes a part of the system we can each access.

When I say something nice about someone, that person sends the compliment up into the cloud at night and the entire world can access this compliment if they really wanted to. They would know someone/somewhere said something nice about so and so.

But our psychic connection has deliberately been suppressed.

And we are given GMO foods, vaccines, unclean water and unfulfilling jobs to keep us distracted while we pay more and more taxes towards causes that we do not support or experience any benefits from.

This is truly a hell when we allow for others to do the thinking for us and not saying a word in opposition.

I didn't mean to write so much about religion but I felt like I had to.

I love who I once was. 

Sitting and staring at the stars in the sky was a joy of mine.

Now I can hardly sit still for more than a few minutes without reaching for my phone to distract myself with.

Now I know why I was prone to daydreaming in the past and why I had such a vivid imagination.

Because I was connecting to God.

My spirit was reaching out and communing with the divine.

Gathering up all kinds of treasures.

This is why meditation is considered useful but wasn't the method that I used.

Now I can't use any method. 

Too many noises in this environment. Too many interruptions. No privacy.

No peace.

I'd love to go out in the woods right now, build a fire and stare at the flames while looking at the sky.

But I know that when I return from this, any nourishment of my soul is going to be drained out once I'm back in this prison of living under the thumb of my mother.

I have no heart left.

Just a little for Princess.

And even that is hard to come by at times. Sometimes I can't pet her for more than a minute before feeling the urge to distract myself with a phone.

Because I can't bear the thought of reality coming into focus.

The reality of how shitty my life is.

And how hopeless my future looks like.

And remembering what I once had.

But is now gone.

Everything is gone.

I'm dead and yet to be buried.

God save me.

I need you all.