More of nothing again today.
I'm currently listening/watching a five hour video on how the moon landings were faked and although I knew this way back when the documentary "A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon" was released more than a decade ago, I'm still finding new evidence to look at and not be surprised about.
We've reached peak absurdity at this point. The difference between a conspiracy theory and a conspiracy fact is about six months, so they say.
I can hardly count down the number of rabbit holes I've gone down in my life exploring the weird and the wonderful. Ever since that first book on UFOs I found as a six year old, the decades kept rewarding me with interesting material. The 80s were about UFOs, the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot and Satanic "panic" where the 90s had the infamous alien autopsy film, shows about ghosts, discussion about psychic powers.
Then 9/11.. well, that one lasted for years. It still is a big thing. Whatever happened to building 7, right?
I still remember where I was that day. Working and hearing about how World War III was going to happen. I followed it all closely. Wondering why they immediately shipped off the steel beams to a junkyard and placed it under heavy security before sending it all away to China under the presidency of Bush.
I didn't understand why molten lava was reported as glowing at the base of the two towers for weeks after. I didn't understand where the plane was in the footage I saw of the Pentagon and I couldn't fathom what might have happened with the plane that crashed in a field in Pennsylvania apparently en route to the White House.
Didn't understand any of 9/11 until years later although I kept picking up all the red flags along the way it took the movie Loose Change to place them altogether in context for my mind to grasp.
In the years that followed, everything became suspicious but I still couldn't quite grasp how seriously awry the world really was. I didn't take George Bush in the 80s seriously talking about a "New World Order" and although Bush stole the election from Gore in 2000, I didn't realize elections were always rigged and that politicians who get up to that level of power are selected rather than elected.
I had no idea that every US President with the exception of Trump has ties to royal bloodlines, yes, even Obama is a cousin of Bush who in turn has a royal relation of which I cannot recall at the moment.
Obama's birth certificate was missing, another red flag. His campaign of "hope and change" was an absolute lie when he promised transparency and a reduction of government lobbying. Then we had the debacle with Julian Assange and Edward Snowden under his watch.
It's all so ugly and that's just politics.
Aliens... Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, hidden technologies such as free energy and cancer cures, evidence of psychic powers, evidence of our history being scrubbed and misrepresented, strange tunnels found underground that opened up to entire cities built hundreds if not thousands of years ago, melted castles and fortresses that suggest a weapon was used, faked moon landings, the assassination of JFK being done by the CIA with the amazing magic bullet they tried to pass off, the Bilderberg group, the Carlye group, the Trilateral Commission, the Bank of International Settlements, the United Nations, the Bermuda triangle where rockets launched from Florida are sent, the Mandela effect, blood sacrifices, child sacrifices, transgender celebrities blending among us, "elite" families, Jews, the lies of the Catholic church, the list goes on and on and on.
It's all so much.
Money is fake. Politics is fake. The media is fake. Religions and governments are fake.
Everything is fake.
I never thought in my lifetime I would see the truth coming out like it has these past four, five years.
Part of me is glad that people are waking up. Some people, anyways.
Another part is deeply saddened and disturbed by how little we truly know about this place. Is the world flat? Is the moon real? What caused the Great Flood? Who built the pyramids?
Is reincarnation real? Is Yahweh an alien? Is Jesus a character named after Zeus?
How much of our history is real? Where did the knowledge of building all of those beautiful cathedrals and palaces come from? How advanced was humanity thousands of years ago carving giant blocks and assembling them into pyramidal structures? Why? What was the point?
Are we the fallen angels? Has Christ already returned and reigned a thousand years? Is this a simulation? A dream?
Are we creators? Co-creators? Property?
Did the Annunaki create us? How can evolution explain the platypus? How does natural selection allow for a creature like a sloth to exist?
And the conspiracies of what happened in 2020... my mind is numb from how many things happened. That fake looking plane in Afghanistan when Biden pulled the troops out. Such fakeness. Looked like an inflatable balloon and a bunch of actors surrounding it.
And of course the balloons that were allegedly to be in China that appeared last year in 2023. The Maui "wildfires" that melted cars and disintegrated homes but trees were left intact.
I've always known that the world is a mysterious place but when I stop to connect all of the dots together I'm amazed at how many pieces of the puzzle there are. Everything from religion to banking to education and corporations and politics have been lies stacked on top of lies.
Anyone with half a brain capable of critical thinking can see that.
It seems everything is unravelling at this point. Most people elected to take the vaccine and most people believe the media. Democratically, most people have chosen to believe in the electoral process and to trust doctors and politicians and priests for everything that is told to them.
If its on the "news" on television, there is a reason for it. Where are the 95% of other more important stories that aren't being covered? There are riots right now in Germany over the farmers having their operations shut down and farmers from places like Poland are there in support but nothing on the mainstream news. Just like it was with the Netherlands last year.
The Canadian trucker convoy is in the past and yet two years later four men are still jailed without bail for the most minor of offences. I heard one of them ran over a traffic cone and somehow that constituted public endangerment.
It is obvious now that the world has always been outside of our control. We are the sheep being overrun by the wolves. Wolves that constitute less than 1% of the population but appears much larger because of the power they've consolidated which includes all the major branches of the government and media being in support of decisions that go against the best interests of the public.
It is painfully obvious how this planet or realm was never "free" and have been ruled by a tiny minority of extremely influential and powerful people. Many who choose to remain anonymous, and they have ruled over us for hundreds if not thousands of years.
You cannot plan for something like the Federal Reserve to happen by accident. The sinking of the Titanic with members of political influence who were in opposition to the Reserve conveniently were onboard and went to their deaths.
Again, another day of nothing. Nothing but learning more about all of this even though I already have researched those subjects to death.
There's nothing much else I can do. I daydream about the past, wishing I would've sold those stocks and moved to Ecuador. Wishing I would've rented out my house. Wishing I didn't stay with my ex for as long as I did. Wishing I wasn't being manipulated by dark forces and not knowing that they existed or that I've caught their attention.
I wish I knew then what I know now.
I loved who I was. I loved being in connection with my soul, the holy spirit, with nature and with my mind and heart.
I felt protected at times. Although not when I most needed it.
I was still lead to temptation and evil. Despite my prayers.
I guess I should've been more vigilant. More aware. More willing to forsake finding a loving relationship for myself and aware of how important it was to stay true to myself and share what I know with others.
To learn and to teach.
To grow my soul and to help the souls of others through these turbulent and confusing times.
I'd give anything for deliverance and a second chance.
Anything but my soul. My life is meaningless without purpose. Without resources. Without options.
I await a blessing. A deliverance. A redemption.
A response.
There is goodness out there worth preserving and protecting.
And there are people out there who can really make a difference.
I would like to be a part of that change. To participate in the transition.
I've been wanting it for most of my life.
Would like to receive a response. A sign. A blessing.
I don't deserve to be in this hell. Now that I know what I am up against and how I should move forward, I would like to put into action what I have learned.
But I can't do any of that being broke. Floundering and without purpose.
Relationships should be reciprocal. They should never flow one-way.
Forgiveness should be considered.
I have repented of my sins and would love the opportunity to demonstrate how far I've come.
I believe my arrogance is gone.
But my soul is weary. It begs for restoration.
For deliverance.
I pray such a thing will soon come to pass.
So that I can get back into the fight.
And show that I am worthy of the kingdom.
I've known this was a spiritual war early in 2020.
I'd like to do my part.
With your help.
Yeshua... The son, the messiah, the redeemer, the savior... Enki...
Whatever you call yourself.
Hear onto me.