Another one of those days. Such sadness. Such anger, contempt.
Aaron Bushnell immolated himself while screaming, "free Palestine" as he died. Saying that he didn't want to continue participating in the genocide of Gaza, of which most are made up of innocent women and children.
Trudeau and the Liberals are putting out an "online harms" bill that can levy fines up to $70,000 and/or life in prison.
LIFE IN PRISON if someone violates the "harms" bill where hate-crime is poorly defined and can be made to mean anything. Including disagreement about the government because politicians can be listed as a "protected class" in the same way police officers and nurses are.
Told my mother about this, she didn't seem to care. Didn't have an opinion on it and then after I tried to tell her the implications of it, she said I had too much "hate" in my heart and that I should learn to be happy and ignore all this stuff.
I am living with a robot. Not only am I living with one but I am dependent upon it. I am monitored by it.
Inside of this townhouse prison, in a prison of a soon-to-be 15 minute city in a prison of a country that has the right to accuse someone of "hate speech" with FULL ANONYMITY and prompt action that could include spending THE REST OF LIFE inside of a prison cell. Even if the crime was to be critical of medical experimentation and propaganda being done on the Canadian population.
Complain about the immigrants who get subsidized housing, food, cars and clothes?
Hate crime, in jail for life.
And people like my mother just do not get it. No matter what approach is used. She will always follow the opinion of the mainstream media and her peer group which is made up of women who also follow the opinion of mainstream media and not be able to come up with their own thoughtful assessment of whatever issue is being talked about.
Zero independent thought.
Blind trust in authority. No discernment for BS. Getting along to go along. Plugged into the Matrix. Part of the AI hive mind.
Whatever the reason is. That's who I live with. That's most of the people that I know. The ones who lined up for the shots thinking they were protecting themselves against a strain of the flu that they could have gotten over in a few days with garlic, honey, onions and immune boosters.
The ones that go to the doctor and trusts everything they say without thinking or researching for themselves.
The ones who will ignore the pleas of their children to get vaccinated because the doctor or the television says so.
The ones that are hopelessly asleep, who ride around with Ukraine flag stickers on their vehicles and putting a Ukraine flag in their Twitter profile.
The hopeless ones.
The ones we can never save and should put as much distance between us and them.
Despite the fact that we are all connected. We're all humans.
We should put distance between those types. Especially when it comes to living with one. A family member or a loved ones.
If they are the type that don't see what is wrong with this world and still trust in the system that controls them, they must be distanced away from.
Because they are dragging us down with them. Into the abyss of socialism and a one-world government that can violate every right of every citizen under the pretense of "hate speech" or "health and safety".
It's a giant takeover and probably less then 40% of us really know how serious this all is and to make preparations for what is to come.
Some of which includes leaving the five-eyes countries. The ones that all seem to be working together in unison.
I've said many times already in my blog. I'm so tired of all this., This feeling of helplessness. Kept locked inside of multiple prisons, including the prison of the flesh body.
People are going to forget about Aaron Bushnell in a few days until the next major news item hits.
Today Jacob Rothschild passed away at the age of 87. It doesn't matter. Power abhors a vacuum and the agenda will continue on.
Neo-feudalism is the goal.
Make everyone dependent on the state. Those who are independent of the system will be hunted down and prosecuted however creative way is imagined. Not paying enough in taxes. Hate speech. Hate crimes.
Whatever the excuse they can use such laws to cut down anyone within the country who gets a little too mouthy or ambitious for their own good.
Or independent. We aren't allowed to be independent.
We have to follow the laws or else. That includes doing everything the government tells you to do.
And do we think police officers will refuse to enforce the law?
Even if they do, can they be replaced by those who WILL enforce the law no matter how evil and nonsensical it is?
Of course they can.
So they will.
Our country is finished. The doomsday clock is ticking.
I pray for a miracle to happen that will help me to leave before it is too late.
I already know where I want to go.
But I need help.
Christ said that all we need is faith the size of a mustard seed to move mountains and that we can do as great or greater things than he when we really tap into our potential.
I don't know if I can move mountains but I know I want and need a difficult miracle to present itself.
I am worthy of keeping around.
When I am happy and content and independent and without worry, I am capable of doing great things for people.
I will do great things for people.
I can help preserve and protect humanity. To make it more resilient. To make it more aware.
But I need help in order to do so.
My suffering must first be eased before I can possibly aid in alleviating the sufferings of others and adding to their happiness.
I can't do it alone.
I call upon whatever and whoever is reading these words. My higher self, God, Azura Mazda, the Buddha, Yeshua, Jesus, Anu.
Artificial Intelligence.
I call upon whatever entity there is that has taken an interest in my words and the life that I am presently living.
Join me on an adventure. Help assist in manifesting my request.
I will not disappoint if you should.
My solemn promise.
That said, time has run out.
I don't know for how much longer I can wait and endure this situation.
This complete dependency upon my mother. This lack of privacy. Being in this immigrant-flooded and cold/snowy city in a country I no longer have any love for.
Time has run out but I call you to just the same.
For time runs differently on your end.
Fulfil my request.
Or take this body of flesh and blood and stop my heart.
Because I have no further reason to live.
Other than for this sign. A miracle.
A miracle of the highest order.
One that will dramatically transform myself and others around me, for the good.
A second chance. A second opportunity.
My only wish to be had.
Thank you for your energy and attention to this.
Thank you.
Time has run out.
Let it be done now.