Got around to reading it this morning.
Before I opened it, I had a few thoughts going through my mind. Three days without speaking to each other might mean that she took the time to reflect upon our circumstances and was going to acknowledge and apologize for her behavior.
What a mistaken idea that was.
Here is the email:
Evening David,
I opened my email with the intention of writing an email to you because I felt it was time. I saw the weekly Tarot email in my inbox and opened it (see below). Low and behold. I think the topic is fitting.
I have gone through a variety of thoughts and feelings this weekend and it has allowed me to come to understandings of myself and you. I am sending you the email because I believe it's important. I have been digging more into this forgiveness piece - forgiving myself and you and others. Forgiving myself for the things I did not do and did do. The email goes about explaining why it is important to forgive ourselves and others. Speaking with my friend about prayer (Catholics) this is part of the process. Forgiveness of sins (of us missing the mark). We don't always hit the mark but we can keep trying; just like an archer continues to practice.
I honestly don't even know what the whole Thursday fight was about, but clearly it had to be let out. I have been purging so many negative things; our past, my negative thoughts and anxieties/worries. I could sense something was up and had my own thoughts and opinions that wanted to be put out on the table. I am fine taking the time needed to recenter and figure our what we both need to accomplish and work through - I hope you are too, which I assume you are because I haven't heard back from you. Though I won't lie it's been emotional, but not as bad as it has in the past. I trust that this is the step that needs to happen - just stepping back so we can both reconnect with our higher Selves more clearly. I pray that you continue to do the great work you're supposed to and that you are stepping into your power. I will not put expectations on you without clearly stating my desires or hopes in terms of what I need in the future. I hope you can continue to move into speaking your truth as well and being vulnerable.
I feel my ego has many more things to say, but I won't put them here because they aren't beneficial. Thanks for your reading this and the time we have spent together.
Also, as I appreciate the help you provided me with my website and that, I am offering my support with reading your book. The offer is always standing if you want to send a chapter or two a week, I will read and give you my thoughts. I am not going to push that matter any more.
I am going to spend the rest of the week doing some more uncovering of myself and the things I learned the other weekend and clearing whatever baggage is left behind. I trust that the things coming together are for the betterment of both of us and the world. I just continue to ask that you remember you are here for a reason and that is to BE OF SERVICE TO OTHERS. God didn't give you gifts for nothing. Share that light always.
That is it.
<3 div="">
After reading this, my gut impression was that she is insane.
I don't think she gets it and ever will.
She then attached this long thing about forgiveness as interpreted by a lady who drew a tarot card and blasted out an email to a bunch of people.
Apparently I am supposed to be forgiven for...
I don't even know, man.
Forgiven for being treated like a piece of shit and voicing my complaints about it? That's what I should be forgiven about?
Forgiving herself she also says... For what? For treating me like a piece of shit and taking me for granted?
As I read this and think about the last couple texts I sent her, I can't understand how she wrote this type of email. What does she expect to happen from it? "Oh! It's about FORGIVENESS" and this light bulb goes off in my head like it's nothing I haven't considered? And all is well in this world because she figured out this formerly elusive idea?
Give me a break.
"low and behold" ... is how she starts it off with. Grand introduction. She thinks the "topic" is fitting.
Second paragraph. She has "gone through a variety of thoughts and feelings" to "come to understandings of myself and you". Wonderful. She's thought about her actions, her complacency and has taken the time to figure things out.
"I honestly don't even know what the whole Thursday fight was about"
So much for coming to understandings about our situation.
My last big text to her wasn't ambiguous. It wasn't difficult to understand what my concerns and complaints were. It also isn't hard to know why I was upset that day. Multiple things have happened. Not just then, but leading up to it.
This is par for the course. I might as well give up on her ever developing a normal sense of empathy, awareness and compassion.
She hasn't a clue what impact her actions and lack of them have on our relationship. She won't take responsibility for them. Wouldn't address any in her email, which is what I was hoping she would do.
And then suggest means to fix or improve on what the issues are.
Instead, she writes me this... This... rant or spiel on forgiveness, but makes it more about her than about us.
No proposed solutions. No direct acknowledgement of what the real issues are between us.
Just this... self-centered... ignorance...
"We don't always hit the mark; but we can keep trying; just like an archer continues to practise."
Trying. She says. Yeah... I've seen how she "tried" after each of our breakups in the past where she promises changes that never seem to manifest for more than a couple of days or a week
And then she forgets all about them. Just like she will forget about this email and has already forgotten about what lead up to our dispute on Thursday.
No self-awareness. Little capacity for reflection and understanding. Willful ignorance.
Hardly any empathy. I suspect she doesn't know how to place herself in someone else's shoes. She favourited a video on YouTube called "how to do empathy". I think that says enough.
"It's been emotional, but not as bad as it has been in the past"
Great. Translating that statement means = "I'm not as bothered by all this like I used to be"
Which means she doesn't really give a shit.
Nonsensical statements as well. "I will not put expectations on you without clearly stating my desires or hopes in terms of what I need in the future"
Wow. Made it all about her and her "needs" in the future.
Doesn't address or consider my needs. Doesn't understand how neglectful she's been.
It doesn't even make sense what she wrote. No expectations without clearly stating her desires or hopes of what she needs?" ... I can't understand what this is supposed to mean.
Not a very thoughtful email. I can plainly see that she didn't put much effort into it or is treating anything with seriousness.
Is going to be a fad for her. Just like everything else is.
Yesterday I wrote about how she needs to hit bottom in order to change. I think this still stands. I think she has a ways to go before that happens.
I thought briefly about replying to her email, but realized that it is not going to do anything but perpetuate the problem. It would be my ego looking to protect itself and lash out at her ignorance.
Same old, same old.
Not going to fall for this trap.
I can tell that she wants me to get upset. To get angry. To really vocalize my frustrations with her and to describe in detail everything.
But I won't. I will not pander to her lazy way of thinking.
Spoiled and self-entitled.
Careless. Thoughtless.
"I feel that my ego has many more things to say but I won't because they're not beneficial."
Translation: "I want to insult you but I'm holding my tongue because I am a mature woman capable of self-control."
"Thanks for reading this. And the time we've spent together."
Translation: "I needed to vent and want to express faux-appreciation for all that you've [I] have given me [her]."
Why doesn't she express that appreciation openly whenever we are together? Not distance herself? Not show up at my place empty-handed, going to her laptop, comparing me to her ex, leaving dirty dishes...
Telling me that she feels "disgusted" by sex.
Telling me to "think about it" after she left. As if I am the one with the problem, here.
So utterly clueless.
And she... Oh... this part:
"I am offering my support with reading your book"
Back story here. I sent her a chapter of "No Love Left On Earth" about a year ago. When I asked her for feedback, she said it was "good" or something along those lines. Didn't ask any questions. Didn't comment on the flow. Didn't comment on the ideas or the style or the characters.
Didn't care.
Then months later, when I told her I channeled a couple of books, she asked to read that too.
Commented on one line I wrote. That was it. No overall summary of her thoughts. No suggestions. No questions asked.
No useful feedback that I can take and use. No encouragement, either.
And it was only recently that I brought this to her attention. That she wasn't interested in my writing because she hasn't asked for anything since I showed her those chapters.
I already know she is not interested in reading them, so to see her say she is "offering her support" in reading my book, is downright insulting.
With Gina, I could see the excitement on her face as she talked about reading my chapter. She asked questions about the story. The characters, and asked to read more.
Not so with Fola.
And... that statement of hers... "offer support to read" ... is like this huge favour she is offering to do for me. This... burden she is willing to undertake in exchange for her reading whatever I send her.
I bet the feedback is going to be about as useful as it was a year ago.
"It's good."
Not going to bother. She's not interested and she's pretending to be.
That is not the type of woman I want to be with.
A liar.
An entitled self-serving.... ignorant...
I am not really that angry as I type all this. I feel this resignation in me. I know I have to accept that this is how she is and likely this is how she always will be.
She will always be that hummingbird flying around dipping her beak in one thing before moving onto the next. Never staying for long enough to make use of the nectar she's gathered. Or to...
It doesn't matter.
"I hope you to can continue to move in speaking your truth as well as being vulnerable"
No. You do NOT want t hear my "truth". You've demonstrated enough times in the past that you are easily defensive and wounded by words that I consider to be true. Like these ones.
Why the hell would I open myself and be vulnerable around someone who doesn't respect truth? Who is so easily damaged by it?
She is going to be spending the rest of the week "uncovering" things about her and her baggage.
Okay, Fola. I've heard you say this enough times already. About how you're "purging" and "releasing" which are thinly veiled excuses for "I am irrational and I am negative and eventually these things will work themselves out"
You'll always be "purging" and "releasing".
Until you understand that the world doesn't revolve around you.
She capitialized all that.
Coming from the woman who left dirty dishes at my house three times in a row.
Hasn't offered to help with anything around my place, despite my having done it for her.
That's being of service, alright.
I am considering dropping her things off at her sister's house and moving on.
But the time isn't right yet.
Maybe in a week.
In the meantime...
I'm just going to honour who I am and what I stand for.
I believe...
I believe.
I've seen enough to believe. Though... sometimes I wonder about it. But that's normal.
I met Christina for a reason.
I have had a line of credit offered to me at the right time for a reason.
Things are happening.
Things are moving.
And I will flow along with it.
I don't think she gets it and ever will.
She then attached this long thing about forgiveness as interpreted by a lady who drew a tarot card and blasted out an email to a bunch of people.
Apparently I am supposed to be forgiven for...
I don't even know, man.
Forgiven for being treated like a piece of shit and voicing my complaints about it? That's what I should be forgiven about?
Forgiving herself she also says... For what? For treating me like a piece of shit and taking me for granted?
As I read this and think about the last couple texts I sent her, I can't understand how she wrote this type of email. What does she expect to happen from it? "Oh! It's about FORGIVENESS" and this light bulb goes off in my head like it's nothing I haven't considered? And all is well in this world because she figured out this formerly elusive idea?
Give me a break.
"low and behold" ... is how she starts it off with. Grand introduction. She thinks the "topic" is fitting.
Second paragraph. She has "gone through a variety of thoughts and feelings" to "come to understandings of myself and you". Wonderful. She's thought about her actions, her complacency and has taken the time to figure things out.
"I honestly don't even know what the whole Thursday fight was about"
So much for coming to understandings about our situation.
My last big text to her wasn't ambiguous. It wasn't difficult to understand what my concerns and complaints were. It also isn't hard to know why I was upset that day. Multiple things have happened. Not just then, but leading up to it.
This is par for the course. I might as well give up on her ever developing a normal sense of empathy, awareness and compassion.
She hasn't a clue what impact her actions and lack of them have on our relationship. She won't take responsibility for them. Wouldn't address any in her email, which is what I was hoping she would do.
And then suggest means to fix or improve on what the issues are.
Instead, she writes me this... This... rant or spiel on forgiveness, but makes it more about her than about us.
No proposed solutions. No direct acknowledgement of what the real issues are between us.
Just this... self-centered... ignorance...
"We don't always hit the mark; but we can keep trying; just like an archer continues to practise."
Trying. She says. Yeah... I've seen how she "tried" after each of our breakups in the past where she promises changes that never seem to manifest for more than a couple of days or a week
And then she forgets all about them. Just like she will forget about this email and has already forgotten about what lead up to our dispute on Thursday.
No self-awareness. Little capacity for reflection and understanding. Willful ignorance.
Hardly any empathy. I suspect she doesn't know how to place herself in someone else's shoes. She favourited a video on YouTube called "how to do empathy". I think that says enough.
"It's been emotional, but not as bad as it has been in the past"
Great. Translating that statement means = "I'm not as bothered by all this like I used to be"
Which means she doesn't really give a shit.
Nonsensical statements as well. "I will not put expectations on you without clearly stating my desires or hopes in terms of what I need in the future"
Wow. Made it all about her and her "needs" in the future.
Doesn't address or consider my needs. Doesn't understand how neglectful she's been.
It doesn't even make sense what she wrote. No expectations without clearly stating her desires or hopes of what she needs?" ... I can't understand what this is supposed to mean.
Not a very thoughtful email. I can plainly see that she didn't put much effort into it or is treating anything with seriousness.
Is going to be a fad for her. Just like everything else is.
Yesterday I wrote about how she needs to hit bottom in order to change. I think this still stands. I think she has a ways to go before that happens.
I thought briefly about replying to her email, but realized that it is not going to do anything but perpetuate the problem. It would be my ego looking to protect itself and lash out at her ignorance.
Same old, same old.
Not going to fall for this trap.
I can tell that she wants me to get upset. To get angry. To really vocalize my frustrations with her and to describe in detail everything.
But I won't. I will not pander to her lazy way of thinking.
Spoiled and self-entitled.
Careless. Thoughtless.
"I feel that my ego has many more things to say but I won't because they're not beneficial."
Translation: "I want to insult you but I'm holding my tongue because I am a mature woman capable of self-control."
"Thanks for reading this. And the time we've spent together."
Translation: "I needed to vent and want to express faux-appreciation for all that you've [I] have given me [her]."
Why doesn't she express that appreciation openly whenever we are together? Not distance herself? Not show up at my place empty-handed, going to her laptop, comparing me to her ex, leaving dirty dishes...
Telling me that she feels "disgusted" by sex.
Telling me to "think about it" after she left. As if I am the one with the problem, here.
So utterly clueless.
And she... Oh... this part:
"I am offering my support with reading your book"
Back story here. I sent her a chapter of "No Love Left On Earth" about a year ago. When I asked her for feedback, she said it was "good" or something along those lines. Didn't ask any questions. Didn't comment on the flow. Didn't comment on the ideas or the style or the characters.
Didn't care.
Then months later, when I told her I channeled a couple of books, she asked to read that too.
Commented on one line I wrote. That was it. No overall summary of her thoughts. No suggestions. No questions asked.
No useful feedback that I can take and use. No encouragement, either.
And it was only recently that I brought this to her attention. That she wasn't interested in my writing because she hasn't asked for anything since I showed her those chapters.
I already know she is not interested in reading them, so to see her say she is "offering her support" in reading my book, is downright insulting.
With Gina, I could see the excitement on her face as she talked about reading my chapter. She asked questions about the story. The characters, and asked to read more.
Not so with Fola.
And... that statement of hers... "offer support to read" ... is like this huge favour she is offering to do for me. This... burden she is willing to undertake in exchange for her reading whatever I send her.
I bet the feedback is going to be about as useful as it was a year ago.
"It's good."
Not going to bother. She's not interested and she's pretending to be.
That is not the type of woman I want to be with.
A liar.
An entitled self-serving.... ignorant...
I am not really that angry as I type all this. I feel this resignation in me. I know I have to accept that this is how she is and likely this is how she always will be.
She will always be that hummingbird flying around dipping her beak in one thing before moving onto the next. Never staying for long enough to make use of the nectar she's gathered. Or to...
It doesn't matter.
"I hope you to can continue to move in speaking your truth as well as being vulnerable"
No. You do NOT want t hear my "truth". You've demonstrated enough times in the past that you are easily defensive and wounded by words that I consider to be true. Like these ones.
Why the hell would I open myself and be vulnerable around someone who doesn't respect truth? Who is so easily damaged by it?
She is going to be spending the rest of the week "uncovering" things about her and her baggage.
Okay, Fola. I've heard you say this enough times already. About how you're "purging" and "releasing" which are thinly veiled excuses for "I am irrational and I am negative and eventually these things will work themselves out"
You'll always be "purging" and "releasing".
Until you understand that the world doesn't revolve around you.
She capitialized all that.
Coming from the woman who left dirty dishes at my house three times in a row.
Hasn't offered to help with anything around my place, despite my having done it for her.
That's being of service, alright.
I am considering dropping her things off at her sister's house and moving on.
But the time isn't right yet.
Maybe in a week.
In the meantime...
I'm just going to honour who I am and what I stand for.
I believe...
I believe.
I've seen enough to believe. Though... sometimes I wonder about it. But that's normal.
I met Christina for a reason.
I have had a line of credit offered to me at the right time for a reason.
Things are happening.
Things are moving.
And I will flow along with it.