Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. After Thanksgiving I kind of forgot about this >^
I've always played with the idea of some side business that does relationship coaching for men, but I've never really put much effort behind it. I doubt you live in Montreal though :P If you do know of any potential clients, send them my way :D
The first step you need to take is accept the fact that as you are right now, you're terrible and you need help. This doesn't mean you're hopeless, it just means you have a lot of work to do. This is nothing to be ashamed of. Guys today don't have Cary Grant, they have Justin Bieber. Guys just don't know how to act like guys anymore and women aren't attracted to the emotional metro-sexual. You need to walk in to this with the mentality that 'I know nothing' otherwise you'll start challenging ideas based on what you think you 'know' when in reality you're very wrong. You trust your ego and your emotions and these two things hurt you constantly when it comes to romance. Once you get a set of tools, things will start to make sense. Until then a lot of the concepts that I'm going to get you to read will seem foreign to you, but they will start to make sense very quickly.
Step two: start reading everything. There is a ton of stuff on the internet and most of it's garbage. You need to start reading all of it so you start to get a picture of what it is guys are doing, good or bad. Be wary of selling tactics and tactics that prey on your emotions or feelings of insecurity. You can break all this down into 3 parts: basic interactions, relationship, sex.
Basic interactions: this is how you flirt and interact with a girl of interest. You need to start reading about techniques guy's use to flirt with girls and pick and practice the ones that feel right for you. The PUA stuff is great to get you started and I strongly recommend a book called 'the game'. The problem with the PUA stuff though, is it's just a guy putting on a scripted show. When he runs out of material, the show's over and the girl gets bored and leaves. A PUA doesn't care because he goes and gets girl #351 while failing to realize he's going to be single for life. The important part of all this is to learn how all this crap that they're doing is working. What is it about that scripted story they're saying is captivating the girl? Why are they wearing that outrageous hat? All these things are important. Do your best to look at it from a girl's perspective.
Relationship: There is no one better to read than this guy: Read everything he's written - all 763 (and counting) articles and I'd buy his book. When reading the articles, start trying to predict his advice.
Sex: I can't help you out much here because to be honest, I don't know how to teach it. I'm lucky enough to be a guy that just 'gets' it. Read 'Pandora's Box' which you can find off a torrent. It will help you identify what kind of girl you've got and how to connect with her properly. Just try and focus on her and not yourself. If she has fun, you'll have fun ^_^
Hope this helps.
And here is what I wrote back:
Ugh.. I appreciate hearing from you after so long, but.. You advocate the PUA approach to relationships? I kind of lost a little respect after hearing that.
Because, look. (I've read the Game, as well as other PUA championed resources before) These methods, while effective -- do not enable a meaningful relationship that is not based on deception.
You pretend to be something you are not. The best side of yourself, which may include being emotional, sensitive, loving and caring; is FORCED to have a blanket thrown over and kept hidden from view. Because, chicks don't dig vulnerable guys. According to the PUA community.
They do fall for the "appearance" of a vulnerable guy -- who is often just a puppet acting out lines in his script and throws tidbits of "I cry during this movie" and being overly interested in pets, when they really are anything but.
You're giving me advice on how to get laid. I don't need or want to get laid. It takes a certain mindset to make that the sole focus of your life, and it reflects poorly on your character if you feel that an orgasm should be the highest priority. At least when it comes to new relationships.
That is the PUA method. The Mystery Method. The Game. NLP. Dating coaches. What have you. Their ultimate message is:
"Don't be yourself! It doesn't work!" .. And I can't bring myself to accepting that. Because I am a pretty awesome guy, who deserves someone just as sensitive and loving as I can be.
I'm not just looking to get my dick wet. There's more to life than fucking girls.
And that I believe, truly separates the men from the boys. If you have to live your life each day, manipulating your girlfriend or wife into thinking you're this complete alpha-male macho guy when you really are not; it's going to bite you in the ass later on. I guarantee it.
But in the meantime, you can continue to enjoy thinking that you're the ladies man and that any girl is putty in your hands. The only differences between you and I, is that I don't aspire towards being anything other than who I really am. I understand we both have similar interests, but very different philosophies on achieving what we both want out of life.
And really, happiness is all that we seek. I however, won't sell my soul to gain anything by manipulating others. You would -- and already have. I am not judging you negatively on this, but I feel compelled to point out the immaturity that your post exhibited when I asked you to "teach me" the ways of being successful in a relationship.
Will those methods work? Sure. But faking confidence is not the same thing as BEING confident. Faking honour is not the same as actually having it. Faking sincerity.. well, now that's just lying. Both to yourself and the girl involved. If you feel comfortable saying things you think she wants to hear, by all means, continue along with it. But if you are like me, and wish not to be anything but the best YOU can be without having to put up a front; then you will not feel at all happy about having to pretend to be something you are not.
I think the whole PUA community and relationship gurus miss the real point of what they are doing. It's not about getting laid. Or picking up 10s. Or negging your way into some girl's pants. It's about facilitating a connection between yourself and someone you are interested in getting to know. But it's layered with deceit. Some of it is practical, as in how to have a conversation. Other things like negging; are outright manipulative.
So.. The real question is, get laid? Or get with a real woman who loves you for who you are.
I'm opting for the latter.
Appreciate the advice. I'll look into that Pandora's Box you mentioned. But Dr. Love annoys the hell out of me with his "as my cousin in .. my brother in... would say" bits of faked anecdotal advice. I bet you all that guy cares about is making money. It wouldn't surprise me to know that he's probably in a failed or failing relationship himself.
Those that can't do, teach.
Thanks anyways. Take care.
I think I said the right things to him. No. I DID say the right things. That is how I feel about relationships and I don't want to pretend otherwise.
I am sick of pretending. I am tired of being disappointed. I am weary of trying.
So, maybe I should just be.
And let the right girl find me.
I still think of Lauren.. Tina.. the two girls I've earnestly said "I love you" to. And it's sad. It's not healthy revisiting the past. I've learned from my mistakes already, and there's no need to impose upon myself any more heartache than I have already experienced.
I am going to let it be.
I am going to be me.