In my ruminations, I understood and was amazed at being able to pick out these tiny elements of believabilty in its acting/writing. Take for example, a small part near the beginning where Drew Barrymore's character (high school teacher) walks through the hall with a stressed out look. The camera then shows her about to enter a classroom where she inhales deeply, lights up her eyes and shines with self-confidence before she enters. Its subtle things like THAT I'm noticing (and loving) right now..
For the most part, I sometimes can't really tell who's a "good" actor and who's a "great" actor in the sense of actually being especially proficent. But while stoned, these things are made readily apparent, if not blatantly obvious. I think that the guy who plays the father in Donnie Darko-- while he doesn't have a whole lot of screen time-- is the one with the most numerable, and is the most adept at pulling off all the little "gestures" that signify realism to the character. The body language is dead on for the situation, and it actually feels like you're watching real people and not seeing actors try and mime a genuine human being.
Speaking of miming, I have found what is undeniably the coolest mime ever. Even cooler than a cryogenically frozen Vanilla Ice. I'm talking about David Armand of Hollow Men, which is a new show on Comedy Central. Click this biznatch and see what I mean.
Best Mime Ever
So yeah, the ability to recognize and process every little variable that you encounter is an awesome effect of weed. You are fully concious that it took you around two seconds to exhale your breath, that you looked to your left and felt a tiny sensation of some indescribable sort on the back of your neck, etc. You start feeling "feelings" that you've disregarded a thousand times, but only becoming aware of just now.
Its pretty cool. And no, I'm not a pothead. *coughcoughDoncough*
So, thats my awesome observation of the day. And remember kids, crack is whack.