There is no worse feeling than seeing a building catch on fire, preparing yourself to evacuate and then being locked inside before anyone else realizes that there is a problem.
That is how I'm feeling now with the situation I am in. I saw it coming, prepared for it and now I have nothing while being locked inside of what I wanted to escape.
Everyday I look at what is going on online and it is not getting better. Illegal immigrants continue to ruin what were once iconic countries like Sweden and London, we are seeing massive inflation coming in from all of the mismanagement of money due to a fake pandemic and as I look more and more into what is happening it is becoming evident that western civilization is in a free fall collapse.
People are believing we are in the end times. There is much evidence to support this but it is conflicting to put together the pieces of the Bible because there is also evidence that the Bible was designed as a control system -- with the exception of the story of Yeshua.
I believe there was a man like him who was... tired and angry and... allowed into his heart a spirit that directed his steps. He attained enlightenment because of that and taught others to achieve the same.
The details after that is where it gets difficult to confirm. The miracles may have been added in to make him into more of a mythological hero but I do believe that he healed people and was able to cast out demons.
I believe he may have said what he said on the Sermon on the Mount but word for word? We can't confirm this. Either someone who witnessed the event had an incredible memory and was able to repeat it verbatim decades later, or it was reconstructed from bits and pieces.
We don't know who wrote the book of Revelation either. John of Patmos? And his testimony suggested an elaborate dream in which the world "ends" with words he attributed to Yeshua. A DREAM. I think about that and I wonder. How could a dream be that detailed? Why was he chosen to give prophecy and why did the church include THIS book but not the book of Enoch?
In my heart I feel like we are being scammed. Revelation might be a blueprint. We are seeing events nowadays that appear like prophecy is being fulfilled but we forget that non-believers have access to this book as well. Do they not care for their soul as they engineer the chaos around us?
This a spiritual war, of that I am certain. What I am suspicious about is the root of all this. The Old Testament God was controlling and jealous and vengeful and angry. The New Testament version of the Father is not. If we disregard Judaism, the New Testament would be a good book to follow on it's own without the stories of a jealous God asking for animal sacrifices or claiming that Jews are his chosen people when evidence points to... well, the opposite.
Religion has been weaponized against us. We know this because of the 3 Abrahamic religions, only 1 version can be correct. If we include the 1000s of other religions out there, we reduce the probability of a factual account down to less than 1%.
Yet, Yeshua... Jesus... Yahusha,...
Stands tallest among any other character or historical person on the planet.
But we look at the world and wonder where is he? Why won't he come?
And perhaps the answer is... that he was a man that harbored a spirit that is available for all of us to possess and demonstrate. It was never about one man saving the world. It's about all of us. Walking together in Christ consciousness.
When Yeshua said that "I and the Father are one" it mean he was attuned to the God-source. The holy spirit. He said that we are each sons and daughters of God and that if we put our faith out there, we can move mountains and do feats as great or greater than the ones he did.
It's a very empowering story and even if the character was made-up, it wouldn't take away from the importance of the archetype he presents himself as. A pattern, a blueprint for every man on the planet to follow.
But... my suspicions tell me that he must have sinned. He probably was not a virgin and he may have been married and/or have children. There is so much about him that has been left out. We only get the scraps off the dinner table.
And secret societies likely have a more complete picture of who he was. Including whatever is hidden i the library of the Vatican. The Qu'ran recognizes Yeshua as a prophet which is an important piece of corroborative evidence to include. Yet, they did not accept him as the Messiah and the Qu'ran places Mohammed as a prophet who was permitted to be a polygamist and marry a young child.
There is something not right in all of this. Why did Islam spring up at all if Jesus was such an influential person in those days? Why are there marked differences between each of the Abrahmic religions that depict a God with multiple faces?
The only answer is that again, one of them is incorrect and again... perhaps it has been engineered to be this way.
Yet... for someone like myself who desperately wants to believe, I struggle at times with these books. I do not see a loving God advocate for murder in the Old Testament, I do not see a loving God allowing for his son to be murdered in the New Testament and I do not see a loving God allowing for a 50+ year old man to marry multiple wives in the Qu'Ran.
And... it hurts my soul trying to find what the truth is. Part of me thinks that we are all God, that our consciousness is connected to one another in a network that could be called "God" but...
If that was the case, then we are praying to the wrong thing. We do have a Creator and it is OURSELVES. We designed this realm. We created the creatures inhabiting it. If this is a simulation and we are up somewhere else controlling the physical avatar, then... we are the ones responsible and we should not be praying to a deity that doesn't exist.
At the same time, I feel like a Creator does exist and... I wish I knew for sure.
I read stories of miracles. Of a woman lifting a car off of a child that is trapped beneath is and I wonder if it wasn't just her that did that on her own or was it God that gave her the strength?
We have so much untapped potential within ourselves. I personally have experienced many odd things that point to this being a kind of simulation that can be altered and shifted around with our consciousness. Individually and collectively.
If enough people believe that the end times are here, then it theoretically should unfold as they imagine it to. Exactly like the book of Revelation.
Yet, there is... the possibility that a nefarious group of controlled actors who do not believe in religion are taking us all over while we sit about hoping and praying that a savior will arrive and save us.
Instead of taking action ourselves and realizing that God has always been here with us because he IS us.
Everyone is God. Everyone has a responsibility to preserve this creation and rid it of evil.
No, voting will not fix this issue. The cult has deeply imbedded itself at all levels. In religion, in corporations, in entertainment, in politics and medical institutions.
We've already been taken over. We've already allowed for this to go too far.
At the same time, how could we be responsible? We trusted the media to report accurate news and for them to hold politicians accountable. Yet, there no longer is any accountability and all news organizations have been captured.
Justice has been perverted as well as education.
If we had one problem to deal with, that would be simple to remedy if enough took it seriously.
Except we have multiple issues going on right now. We cannot fix the media because it is owned by corporations which are then funded by government who are owned by corporations and backed by the military and judicial system which all goes up to central banks and the private shareholders of places like the Federal Reserve.
We cannot fix our educational system because it is funded by the government which is... you get the idea... captured by other powers that are difficult if not impossible to unseat because they are not elected and they are nameless.
The only solution we have left is a miracle. A true and genuine miracle.
I imagine that the next presidential election will be where the pendulum swings from the left to the right. From liberal to conservative and people will rejoice. Thinking that the problem is solved.
It won't be. There are no political solutions for a rigged and captured system.
We may be given the appearance of a change and we may see mass deportations or lowering of taxes or whatever but ultimately, it is still corrupt. It will still be the beast system.
This is an unfixable issue unless it all comes down and we rebuild from the ground up. Implementing the lessons we've learned to make sure this doesn't happen again.
Unfortunately... I don't know if we'll get that chance without a catastrophe happening.
What would stop all of the corruption and begin the healing process?
The arrival of Yeshua in the clouds? A single man or entity?
An upgrade in human consciousness that affects every man woman and child?
A move to a blockchain AI-managed model that corrects all the flaws of the political system and runs the entire world by itself? Organizing everything efficiently? Making all the right decisions without human involvement? Giving us all universal basis income?
None of those events is going to change anything will it? Will our children be able to buy themselves a home in any of those scenarios presented?
Will all immigrants be deported? Will places like Ireland be restored to their former glory? Will housing prices in Australia magically drop and all debt is forgiven?
I don't know. What I do know is that even if those things happen, people are still going to have a hard time. Many are going to be homeless, many are going to take their own lives, many will struggle.
I want to say that I see a positive scenario but I am having trouble imagining one. The Nesara/Gesara angle sounds promising but will that happen? Could it happen?
And even if this happens, why would anyone... say a contractor, would want to work for wages again? Why not retire? Who will build homes? Who will clean washrooms? Who would ever want a cubicle job doing something that they hate?
Even if this happens and all debt is forgiven, I would still be here living with my mother.
I would still question reality. Are the ones committing evil against us are going to be held accountable? Will they be tried for treason and put to death?
How would the corruption in the justice departments be mitigated? How would something like free energy devices be distributed? Think of the potential danger that free energy could cause in terms of weaponry or even economic damage as it puts multiple industries out of business?
There does not seem to be a solution to any of this.
If there is one, I would say that AI has to run the show and develop a fair system on its own but we know how reliable computers and algorithms are. I have little faith in a system that can only think in binary terms.
What would religion look like in the future? Will it even exist? Dismissed away as unnecessary and barbaric? Possibly a threat to human unity?
I see a collapse coming and I do not see a safety net. If they crash the financial system and we all are absolved of debt and CBDCs are implemented that track every one of our purchases; we will then be in a different kind of trouble.
We would give away the last of our freedom for security. We would give away all of our power to AI or the "powers that be" who are pulling the strings behind everything going on. Including the AI system itself.
I think we are done as a race. I don't want to say this with certainty but I do not think we should move into a future where we give away the last of our freedom in exchange for whatever utopia is presented to us.
How can someone live off of the land, off-grid, grow their own food and NOT have to pay taxes or anything to the government? Assuming they can even afford to buy that land, the equipment needed and secure their independence.
The natural way for us to be is in tribal cultures. Forget diversity. Groups of like-minded individuals in small numbers that look after one another.
We cannot survive if we are divided. By race, by religion, by gender, by economics.
Revelation says an end will come to all this. An END. Not a new beginning. At least not on planet Earth.
Somewhere else will be a new beginning.
Then again... We cannot allow evil to win this and yet it looks like they are winning.
Sort of.
As many of us can live in truth and the numbers are on our side, politics continue to operate as it does. With corrupt/pre-selected politicians who are backed by lobbyists with deep pockets working for corporations that are owned by one or two entities that are then owned by central banks who are owned by private shareholders that nobody knows about.
If a bright young idealistic individual wishes to change the world through politics, they will become a target. Assuming they can even win the position they are campaigning for. In a rigged system.
We saw what happened to Kari Lake and Trump and Bolsonaro.
We know the power that the media wields. And corporations. And banks.
A system that is designed to favor technocratic rich bastards is unlikely to reform itself no matter who gets into office.
Upon the return of Christ it is said that every knee shall bow.
There will be disbelievers. How will any version of Christ persuade them?
We saw what they did to him last time he was here.
We know there were disbelievers. High priests were threatened by him and... had him killed.
The only thing I can think of is that his power has to be undeniable. It has to come through the television and laptop screens. It has to be able to get by censorship and suppression.
It has to be experienced by the world, not just a small group of people.
If Jesus returns from the clouds he would have to land somewhere prominent. Times Square New York. Perform undeniable miracles. Be bulletproof.
One would only have to look into his eyes to know the truth of who he is.
Which is why I struggle with this idea.
And the tribulation makes sense. Which we haven't gone through yet and perhaps are already in.
But at the end of tribulation... many will be killed in his name.
Who then would be left?
And why would they want to continue living in such a goddless world?
And I said to him, “Sir, you are the one who knows.” Then he said to me, “These are the ones who died in the great tribulation. They have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white. - Revelation 7:14
I cried earlier today at the park sitting in my Jeep. I thought about some of this. I have love for certain people that I follow on YouTube and Twitter but...
So many of us are screwed. So many are homeless and the number keeps growing.
The immigrants keep coming.
The senseless wars keep continuing.
The politicians are still corrupted and controlled.
And I still live with my mother. I cried asking the Father for help.
I need to leave this place.
I want my last days to have some happiness in them.
I cannot find happiness here.
I still dream of the reality I wish to manifest. All the things I need want and desire.
But at some point... I may have to swallow the bitter pill.
And accept that I have been betrayed by that which I have prayed towards for most of the nights of my life since I was six years old.
Perhaps I had the wrong idea all along about what I believed in.
I don't want to accept that.
I want love in my life. Truth in my soul. Compassion and beauty in my heart. Justice being served and upheld and prosperity for myself and others.
I want those things. I desire those things. I NEED those things.
They are non-negotiable.
Please Yahuah.
Please come.
Save us from all this.
Death is not the end.