Tuesday, May 29, 2012

the madness continues

So this happens to be the book I am reading now:

Yep, I have terrible taste in novels, that's not the interesting part. What's interesting is in the first few pages that I've read today, the name John Carter popped out at me. Interesting, I thought, because the protagonist in the novel I am writing happens to be Jack Carpenter or J.C. for both. So they have the same initials, no big deal. Novel is set on Mars too, right?

When I came home from work today, I loaded up NeoGaf's off-topic discussion forum and whats the first post on the page?


John Carter (of Mars) is a movie that was released in March of this year.

Synchronicity, got to love it. But really, what does this mean? Having dreamed about Alan Rickman and then coming across John Carter (of Mars) while reading a book written in 1979 that mentions a John Carter on Mars.. Well, that's coincidental.

It's things like this that makes me wonder what is responsible for such coincidences to occur. It's tempting to suggest that I am creating my own reality moment-by-moment and that time is not linear, or that something is guiding me towards a particular outcome or understanding -- but who the hell knows? I like to believe that I influence things on a non-physical/non-local level, where I attract related ideas and events to achieve some kind of outcome, and perhaps that is what is happening here.

Or maybe, I'm just reading too much into it. There is no question our minds can influence objects / ideas / persons / events on a subliminal level. But the real question is, to what extent and purpose does such influence hold? If one were to believe that things happen for a reason and that nothing is random, then perhaps a deeper understanding of the forces at work is needed before rhyme and reason can be given to such occurrences.

And because it's difficult, if not impossible to prove anything factual in divine intervention or the law of attraction; it may come down to personal judgement. That if YOU feel it to be true, then it is. Science can confirm the observer effect, that simply looking at a particle can influence whether or not it appears as a particle or a wave and when not observing such data, it could end up being something else altogether.

In short -- everything is a mystery, but one thing that seems blatantly apparent to me, is our capacity to create and attract things by sheer mind-power alone. And I'm really leaning towards the idea of non-linear time also. It just seems to make the most sense, despite little evidence to support such theories.

If only something more dramatic than Alan Rickman and John Carter would present itself, we'll see what happens in the next few days as I pay extra special attention to my surroundings.

Maybe things are more coincidental then we might think.