Sunday, May 22, 2011

tangential overdrive

Once in awhile I like to visit the far corners of the internet and peek into the windows of the fringe.

In this particular case, I hit up, a website devoted to the pursuit of Truth and rich with topics ranging from the validity of Obama’s birth certificate, to the latest UFO sightings and recordings of strange sounds which may or may not be emanating from the bottom of Hell itself (it sounded like seismic activity to me).

But rather than going over the latest Jersey Devil sighting, I explored a less controversial topic entitled “The Enlightened Ego: Solving The Problem of Awakening” which dealt with the spiritual roadblock that usually emerges when a person who actively solicits enlightenment, comes face to face with an ego that bills itself as superior to everyone else merely for achieving some measure of insight into the human condition.

What’s fascinating to me is the entire process of seeking The Truth, which I can’t help but capitilize and fight the urge to insert a TM in enclosed parenthesis after.

There is a huge market, stretching back to the dawn of time that deals with this pursuit. However, due to to the experiences I have had in life, I am convinced at this point that the very seeking of enlightenment is an egotistical and ultimately fruitless endeavor.

If reading hundreds of self-help books, religious documentation and implementing various means of finding The Truth has taught me anything, it’s this.

There are no words ever written that will fully reveal what The Truth really is. Simply because, it evades a precise definition.

Consider how defines the word truth, for instance.


the true or actual state of a matter: He tried to find out the truth.


conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement.


a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like: mathematical truths.

Let’s start with number one. The true or actual state of a matter.

What does actual state, mean? Indisputable? We can agree a rock is solid and hard to the touch, but is that really The Truth as we know it? Or as we perceive it? There is a very important distinction to be made there. Who’s to say that reality is a subjective experience and that our brains are projecting forth tactile feedback onto what may simply be holograms created by six extraterrestrials who have created a computer program called “Earth” populated by beings who consider themselves self-aware and of free will yet are in actuality, bots that act in a predictable, self-serving fashion?

I do admit, such a proposition would be a silly one to earnestly believe in, but one can gather up “evidence” to support such a bold accusation if so inclined. Reality is what you make it.

Conformity with fact or reality. Fact: We cannot prove anything with any degree of certainty in this world. Everything is taken on faith, even science. In fact, had it not been for faith, science and humanity would largely cease to exist. Just because something is measurable, repeatable and is accepted in droves -- does not necessarily means it conforms with facts or reality. Not even the fact that I presented above with could be considered a "fact" . It is a line of questioning that serves to inspire intellectual discourse within one self. Nothing more.

Number three lists verification and being indisputable as components of Truth. This too, is an entirely subjective judgement.

With all of the above in mind, would it not be safe to say that given the resources we have available and the vastness of the universe; that pursuit of the Truth is an ultimately fruitless endeavour? Finding The Truth implies achieving an understanding that transcends the need to question and wonder about. However, in the context of seeking enlightenment, it is only a construct of the ego to seek out a permanent, unchangeable notion that will shape one’s individual makeup in ways that an ego perceives as enlightenment.

This is ironic and to apply an analogy to better digest the above point with, picture if you will a man driving a car loaded up with fuel that can last for the lifetime of the engine. The man, in the spirit of progress, drives his car towards a destination that is rumored to contain an immensity of riches beyond imagination. He has a map, purchased or gained from an individual who claims to have arrived at this particular destination.

However, the man drives for hours, days, weeks, months and years. His curiosity wanes over this period and at some point, the search is abandoned in favour of something more appealing and realisticly attaintable.

This, is the search for enlightenment. No matter how much one perseveres, physical death is the only certainty we have.

What I found interesting about the particular topic being discussed at AboveTopSecret, is that ego inevitably clashes with itself when looking for answers. Motives are called into question, and despite benevolent intentions, humility often degrades itself in the process.

Which is what enlightenment is all about, I suppose. The attainment of humility and understanding of one’s place in the world. Yet, how would it be possible to become enlightened and not feel proud or honored by it? Should absolute power corrupt absolutely, does this not also apply to those who claim to have discovered what the meaning of living is?

I enjoy thinking about this kind of stuff, and I realize that in order to be fully awakened, contentment and self-satisfaction are crucial components. One must be happy with who and what they are and respect the world around them.

The Truth IS out there, but it cannot be found just by looking for it. And even if one should think that they’ve attained it, I can assure you that anyone who makes such claims can safely be ignored because they likely have not achieved enlightenment at all.

The wise man is the one who knows nothing, and accepts it gladly.

Or perhaps true wisdom is only the honest expression of one's true desires.

But don’t take my word for it.

Find out for yourself..