Looks like I am writing another post on the same day. Strange how I neglected this blog for so long and now I am rapidly coming back to it.
My gut tells me that if I cannot make much of a difference in the world, I can at least put my thoughts and experiences to paper and sort myself out.
Maybe down the line someone will read all this and understand who I am and what I've gone through.
I don't think it is sympathy I am hoping for because it is never gratifying to be looked upon with pity. It is gratifying to be looked upon with respect and appreciation.
But I have not been able to earn those two things.
Well, perhaps appreciation in the small ways I seem to impact certain people's lives.
A few weeks ago a man named Michael called over to me from his car in the park where we were both sitting.
"Hey, how's it going?" he shouted from twenty feet away outside a rolled-down window.
And... I responded without much interest or care because I remember not feeling social or if I was, I wasn't confident in my ability to engage with someone without presenting myself as a social misfit.
But something happened. A small dog named Dina popped it's head out the window and looked at me.
That did the trick.
"Is that your dog?" I asked, feeling my mood brighten.
And that was when I felt my soul lift itself up to go over and pet this cute little chihuaha which prompted a conversation with the man who later introduced himself as Michael.
He had an interesting life. Was handicapped and we had a good nostalgic conversation about the times he lived through, being that he was in his late 60s/early 70s.
I really enjoyed talking with him. We ran into each other a 2nd time about a week later and he kindly offered me a piece of Kentucky Fried Chicken which I declined because my appetite has gone to shit and I seem to have developed an aversion to heavily processed and fried foods.
But I helped him clear all of the takeout bags from his vehicle when he invited me to sit with him. He seemed extremely grateful for this small gesture of mine that I thought very little of.
And... It's strange how that works. How someone appreciates you for a gesture that you paid little thought towards.
Those small gestures make a big difference in people's lives.
And with that said...
The realtor lady came by to take pictures of the house and to officially list it on MLS starting tomorrow. She was impressed with the work I've done with the place and...
Well.. she was kind of... detached. In a personality/emotional type of way. I can't quite describe it but it felt like I was interacting with a person mimicking a human being.
Oddly enough, she was a former newscaster on a local TV station for many years that I did not recognize but my mother did. Andrea Engel of Global News.
Yet both times I've met her, I couldn't help but think that there was something quite off about her. Today she showed up with what looked like a herpes sore on her bottom right lip. Not that it particularly matters but it did make me wonder a little about her personal life.
I told my mother the first time we met her that I suspected her of being on drugs. Meth or cocaine... I'm not sure as I haven't done either of those, but she was overly-energetic, somewhat jittery and detached as I mentioned, in an engaging sort of way.
Like a caricature of sorts.
I don't want to judge people but it is what I observed.
She was nice as she toured my house, complimented many things, placed a sign on my front lawn and left after photos were taken.
Sighs... I can feel my mind struggling to keep typing. I don't know why that is. Some type of resistance.
I feel like I have a lot to say but not much interest in saying it.
Two years of being unemployed throughout this plandemic has affected me. Every bit of news I read, podcast I listen to or video that I watch all have to do with lies and corruption. Hardly any of it is good, but I would rather be informed than to be kept ignorant.
And perhaps that is a large part of why I am struggling right now trying to find meaning and hope for the future.
Viktor Frankl in his memoir "Man's Search For Meaning" was an incredible book I had read many years ago that described what he went through as a concentration camp survivor. When there was no hope to be found, he still held onto it and the entire book can be summed up by a single sentence as to how this was done.
"He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how."
Anyone who has a strong enough reason to live can endure just about anything. In Viktor's case, his reason for living was to someday be reunited with his wife and after several years, this did happen.
However, Viktor also survived because he was a doctor and did not suffer as much as his peers in the same camp. His skill set aided in improving the chances of his survival.
That, and his having a wife to dream about and look forward to seeing again.
I don't have a why to live for and I am having difficulty imagining what I could come up with that will allow me to bear almost any "how" as Frankl has done.
What reason do I have to exist? Did I come onto this planet to eat, shit and die? Will this be the legacy I leave behind? That I made some people happy, other people angry and... I had a few mystical experiences in life that hardly anyone knows about because I would sound completely crazy if I described it to them?
I tried confiding in a woman named Natasha in a Telegram group for anti-vaxxers/no-mask mandates after a few weeks of conversation. She didn't reply to my saying that I thought I was Jesus or that I felt the spirit of Christ within me at 8 year intervals, 3 times in my life.
And she was religious. She was quoting Bible passages to me prior to my deciding to tell her a little about my experiences.
No response, and it's been over a week. Telegram has marked the message as "read" so I know it was seen.
I'm tired... I don't have a tribe that I fit into. I don't have a vocation that makes me valuable. I do not have a wife or a girlfriend to look forward to seeing. No kids, no job and soon no money.
What is there for me to look forward to in this world when it all seems to be falling apart?
I listed to David Whitehead earlier of the Truth Seeker podcast and I greatly enjoyed his take on how mental health can be preserved and the importance of having faith.
But... He's blessed for being a good talker and an attractive, athletic man who is highly intelligent and aware with a wife and kids that seem to love him.
I am not a good talker, I don't know if I'm particularly attractive and I do not have a girlfriend or kids.
I still do not have a "why" to bear almost any "how".
David in his podcast suggested that if someone did not have a mission or direction in life, then that it what their mission becomes. To find a mission and goal to aim towards.
Easier said than done, David.
I have tried finding my mission in life. I thought I would be a writer. Wrote hundreds of pages of stuff and nothing really worth publishing.
Besides, who reads books these days anyways?
Is it possible for me to earn a living writing? Certainly, but as a fiction writer I would have to publish book after book and market them accordingly and...
It's like hoping for a lottery ticket to pay off. All that work and effort and a less than 0.0003% chance of winning the grand prize.
Or any prize really.
I can't say that I didn't try, but when my ex-girlfriends didn't express all that much interest or enthusiasm towards my work, I felt like it wasn't worth pushing forward with.
Why write to the ether if nobody truly cares about the things that I say.
Except as this blog is now made public, perhaps someone will stumble upon these words and...
Be entertained by them? What else would they be.
And then what?
I wrote on Medium for a year or so and that didn't bear much fruit either. Wrote some pretty good stuff on there I thought, but little engagement and a low number of subscribers.
When my ex Fola has 200+ subscribers and barely writes anything at all, it's quite demoralizing to see her sub count against my double-digits.
She didn't even have to try to get those subscribers and I'm certain that many of them are bots or from Facebook friends and people that she works with.
I have no interest in struggling to get eyeballs onto my work. That would be as difficult as writing itself and I wouldn't have the time or the willingness to spam my writings all over the internet in the hopes of getting people interested.
I believe that "if you build it, they will come" and for all the hard work and effort I put into my writing over the years, hardly anyone has come.
So why should I bother being excited about becoming a writer? Can't earn a living with it. Can't get enough people interested in reading.
But it is a form of therapy for me. It can be, not always, but sometimes makes me feel better for having laid my thoughts out in a way that I can crystallize and understand in more detail.
And preserve... for whomever comes across these words in the future.
Maybe my writing makes a meaningful difference, maybe it will make a difference down the line. I don't know... I don't really care and that complacency I feel towards the craft has reduced my ability to really make these words shine because I'm not caring enough about what it is I'm saying or how I am saying it.
Because this is not for others to see, only for myself.
Others are welcomed but not expected.
And this reminds me of my youth and the effects of having emotionally-neutered/distant parents growing up.
I thirst for the approval and love of others. I want people to value me. To sincerely appreciate the gifts that I share with them of my thoughts in detail enough so that they are entertaining, engaging and courageously vulnerable. If that makes any sense.
My eyes feel tired at the moment, like I am trying to stay awake. Too tired to pause long enough to find the "right" words and I'm typing off the top of my mind. Not caring about how this all looks.
I keep thinking, though.
What am I meant to be doing here? What was it that I am supposed to learn?
And can I exist in this world without fear of being homeless and never being able to get a job or to rent or buy a home once I declare bankruptcy and give up most of my material possessions, including my vehicle and maybe phone and laptop?
Where's the light at this end of this tunnel? What dream could I aspire towards that will put fuel in my tank and a spring in my step?
What is my "why" so that I can bear almost any "how" ?
I would like to know what it is.
I prayed twice today... Asking both times to be shown what my path is to be.
And I plan on bringing it up again when I go to sleep.
Why am I here? What is the point of not getting a jab if I do not expect myself to live for much longer?
I am not kidding when I think that I might starve to death, or die in some premature way.
Because... if that is what the outcome will be, then my life...
Has not been lived as well as I would've liked it to be.
I have a mother who is unable to engage with me on an intellectual or spiritual level. Emotions seems to be all that she knows. The spectrum of discourse between us is a sadly narrow one. She has no greater thoughts or considered opinions on anything important.
I don't want to judge her, but this is my observation. As much as I appreciate her helping me to live in this house, I can't help but feel like she enjoys watching me fail. I don't know why that is but... I feel it. Especially when she perked up in thinking that she would be the "boss" over me should I move in with her.
"I'll be the boss!" she smiled, as this subject was discussed between us.
It is difficult having a mother who feels like a weight rather than an asset.
As I'm sure she is to say the same of me. Having been unemployed and without a relationship for about two years now.
Without any source of happiness, either. I don't feel happy listening to conspiracy podcasts and others that are in relation to what is going on in the world today. Truthfully with no BS. Uncensored and uncompromised.
It feels like this is all theater and I am watching a horror film play itself out. Everyone on the planet gets jabbed by an experimental concoction that was rushed through FDA trials and has a list of over 1,500 adverse side effects including "death".
As if Justin Bieber's facial paralysis and his wife having had a stroke isn't evidence enough of how horrific of a movie we've all found ourselves watching and playing a part of.
There will come a time when my mother will pass away and with that, leave me all alone in this world.
My half-sisters rejected me, despite how badly I wanted to develop a relationship with them.
My cousins are off doing their own things. Having rejected me, despite us having wonderful times together in our childhood.
I don't have a rapport going with any of my aunts or uncles. Some of whom I haven't talked to in years and neither has my mother.
I am already alone and isolated.
I do not have a "why" to bear almost any "how".
But... for the grace of God Himself... who appears to be silent in my greatest time of need.
I don't know what else to say... to look forward to...
To feel comforted by...
Just having a girlfriend who is sincere and appreciative would help. But who would want to date someone like me? At this age of 44 looking down the barrel of a gun that the World Economic Forum is slowly squeezing the trigger of.
It is not just about me. It's everyone who is being affected by this.
Everyone except the willfully ignorant... Who aren't reading articles or paying attention to the roll out of a dystopian future planned for the enslavement of humanity.
It's so much like a movie it's ridiculous. Klaus Schwab... the villain... Bill Gates...
Such a parody... and maybe this is really what it is.
Just a show.
But as curious as I am about the ending, I don't feel like I will be able to make it far enough down the path to be able to see how it all unfolds.
And whether or not a miracle will somehow present itself to reverse the damage that such corruption and lies has wrought upon us. The betrayal of our institutions and the destruction of our old way of life.
Everything is going to shit. Music, movies, books, television shows, comedy, politics, health care....
This truly is the apocalypse and I am at a loss for what I should do.
Other than to continue cleaning out my home which feels like a constant, never-ending battle.
So much stuff... I stand guilty of the crime of materialism without ever realizing it... And it's not even really materialism, but... knowledge and beauty and truth and wisdom that I appreciate seeing in physical forms. Whether it is a statue or a book or a song.
I appreciate the heart of humanity inherent in each of these things. The soul behind the written words, the sculptor, the voice that sings, the creativity and skill of a film director and writer.
I appreciate all of the good and beautiful things that represent Truth in this world and resonance with creation.
Should that be a crime, I stand guilty.
But that is now coming to an end.
As I get my house in order and hope for it to sell.
Lord help me on this quest and may the God inside of myself find courage and reason to once again emerge from it's hidden burrow.
And point me to where I need to go.
Point me to where I can be used best.
Point me home.
I'm tired... can barely keep my eyes awake.
I am soon to call it a night.
Time for bed and hope for blessings.
A new day tomorrow is soon to be born.
And perhaps opportunity and blessings shall come.