Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Bobulinski on Carlson

What a strange video I have watched of a man on Tucker Carlson who was a business associate of the Biden family and claimed corroboration of sinister and greedy motives and crimes perpetuated by a currently running former Vice President who is running for the highest office in the land? If not the world?

With the release of more and more information regarding these criminals, it is a shock at the realization that I am having enough for me to imagine what it must feel to others. And I am a Canadian. I have issues more pressing to be paying attention towards in my own country rather than to these Americans.

But I feel so much empathy for them. The lack of justice in America is demoralizing and heartbreaking. It is not about George Floyd or others of his kind who have been held up as examples of a brutal and racist police force in which reformation came in the suggestion of reducing funds to agencies who are trusted with the interpretation and enaction of justice. It is about much more than that.

Justice has been so evasive of the American psyche in the decades of corruption, lies and acts of treason so obviously committed and carried out by figures of celebrity, politics and media. The crimes so blatantly impressed upon the minds of many, but have gone unrequited and a blackening of hearts towards the virtues of our highest and most storied institutions.

The Americans have been deceived long enough that they are beginning to wake up. To proudly stand for what is fair and just and love and true. Their values. The constitution. Their love for their country and communities. Neighbors and friends.

They're starved for justice.

And they deserve to have it.

But there is such a fear in the air that many are unwilling to observe and understand. It is this deeper, profound fear of a kind beyond our sanest imaginations. We are nakedly seeing the devil and many of us are cowed to their knees with fear and bowed heads.

That it is not what humanity needs to be. Or can be. Or should have to accept.

There are things worth dying for in this world. Protecting. Preserving and being an advocate for. These are values held with severe regard among the early founders of America by which who has inspired the world to become the enterprise that it is. This focal point by which we all dance about to the tune of.

And I thought about this evil and what it really is. I thought about how it can be looked at for the evil it represents as well as the reason for how it desires to exist. 

Then I also considered that in order for us to understand what is important, we must face this darkness and shine forth our light. To acknowledge with tender but stern expression, the purpose and motivations of these dark entities. To understand who it is that we are sitting across and to bow our head, not out of deference to fear but rather to sympathy, to compassion. To fairness and to faith.

Great faith, it seems, from what I have saw in this interview. Both from Carlson as well as Bobulinski who is certain to be facing a test of his faith in what he had revealed on live television to the world.

I was impressed by the courage of this man. He appeared truthful and sincere. I did not perceive any signs of an ulterior motive. I only saw what seemed like a man standing up for what is right and to clear his name.

Bobulinski will not back down from his faith. I can see that. Let us pray that others see this too and hope for him to be an example for the rest of us to follow.

Because we need all the inspiration we can get.

There is a terrible tragedy being forced upon the world. It is a disease that one has to be tested for in order to know they have it. A virus that takes people only one or two days to recover from, should they have it. A virus that normally clears itself out in five or six days. Comes and leaves. Many people are likely asymptomatic carriers and don't even realize it. Perhaps many of us already are immune and have developed anti-bodies to combat whatever this virus is supposed to be.

Because the death count is so low. Hard to believe how low it is for something that kills less people than vehicle accidents do.

It's sad how unjust this all is.

How unfair life has become. How much we've been lied towards. Betrayed and abandoned and ridiculed and divided amongst ourselves.

All the seams are unravelling. We are watching the swamp being drained and we are not liking what we are seeing.

But it has to be done. Evil only has power when it remains in the shadows, unseen by our eyes but known about in our hearts in such a faint way that it is easy for us to brush aside and overlook.

We kind of agreed collectively not to acknowledge the suffering of those that make up the community around us. Sometimes it was too painful to cross that threshold and acknowledge the divine spirit in one another. To see beyond the flesh and into the soul. To not see racial division, income inequality or a lack of opportunity and faith and the pains of love and separation.

We've collectively allowed for the dissonance to happen. For evil to attack us with these spiritual weapons of mass deception. We've collectively agreed to become victims. To wrongly take responsibilty for the transgression of the many as committed by a few. The few men and women who are truly responsible for why the world is the way it is.

A factory. An illusion. A playground. A jail.

There comes a time as all wheels do, to the beginning of the end and the end of the beginning and so we must again reaffirm our faith to that which has placed us here.


A name that is contentious in certain circles and a name that has many other names across the spectrum of human faith.

But despite what it is referred towards, this spirit or entity or state of being and mind, the values are usually the same. 

Love, Truth, Beauty and Justice.

These are eternal values that will never die in the heart of any living being that has a modest affinity and appreciation for the privilege of being alive. To be thankful for what is an opportunity given to us across the vestiges of time and space, to be in this particular body at this particular moment in time.

We have gone through much worse in the past. Many have survived. And we will survive here, also, as we hold fast to what is nearest and dear to our hearts.

Viktor Frankl is an inspiring example of this.

But we do not have to be afraid to martyr ourselves for what we truly believe in. Sometimes we find ourselves uplifted and held high. Watched under the eyes of something that seems to protect us. To service our needs and to reveal opportunity in the places where we are least expect them to be.

So it is impressive and inspiring for me to see a courageous man like Tony Bobulinski get onto the public's radar to speak out his truth. Robbing evil of some of it's power. Attacking it in the light that it now stands. Away from the shadows it once inhabited.

It empowered me.

That is why I felt like I needed to come on here and post some of my thoughts. It felt like a moment worth recording for posterity. 

Such crazy times we live in when we are hated for speaking the truth.

A truth that has never changed in all the days from when man was first born.

A truth we all know each other to have.

A common understanding that permutes us all.

The divinity of our souls.

And I think these are the most exciting times of our lives. Evil is being revealed and we are being given the most important information and lessons by which we can identify and understand what we are dealing with. To not be undecided or amigious about where one's allegiance stands.

We are being asked to make a new kind of choice.

Or rather should I say, to re-affirm an old but eternal kind of choice?

The choice to stand up for or against the Truth.

The hardest choice there is in life. Guaranteed.

And the oldest.

That is why I applaud both Carlson and Bobulinski. Both of them held onto their truth. Let us all pray that they continue to do so because when they do, they will have won. Evil cannot touch them. It can only arouse the darkest part of their minds and test it against the convictions of their values.

Understandably, it can be a Herculean task for some.

And for others, it is the only way to be. The only weapon we have against a terrible evil that appears to be staring us down.

But it is truly the only way it can be.

Because Jesus was wise when he referred to himself as providing "living" water and in his honoring of the Truth.

The Truth carried him far. And perhaps also, the truth is not that he even died to speak it.

That perhaps the truth is he survived. 

And we are not to know any of this.

Much like other information we are not allowed to know.

But things appear to be revealing themselves in 2020. We are seeing the swamp being drained. We are beginning to see the faces of our opponents.

We now have to take a moment on the ropes as our mid-sections are being pounded by a boxer, to decide if we had enough and to fall to the canvas like a wet noodle, in relief.

Or do we conserve our strength and wait for the time to express it? Like a master would. Like Ali did against Foreman with the use of the infamous "rope a dope" strategy?

We play it smart. We play it tight.

We stay strong and keep our heads up high.

We learn to bluff. When to fold. When to go all-in and double down.

To take unpredictable chances using nothing more than our gut.

And our faith.

Thank you Tony. This article was all inspired by you.

I hope I did it justice.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Countdown to the Elections

 As the title says, we're so close to the American elections right now and I really am wondering how the world will change once we get the results.

A lot of people think elections don't matter. That they're rigged. That Donald Trump is "selected" not "elected" and I don't know what to say about all that. It is curious how he got elected in the first place when the polls had Hilary far ahead in the lead. 

There are two explanations for this, one is that DJT was "selected" and the electoral college bowed down to the whims of its globalist masters.

The other explanation is that DJT really was elected and this is the man that the people want.

Still though, I have no idea what is going to happen. Honestly I am surprised that this man is still alive given that he seems to be such a threat to globalism, the deep state and multinational big tech corporations. You would think he is too good to be true, but maybe he is true. Maybe he is legit and sincere.

That's the tricky part about all of what is going on. Do we have a genuine ray of hope to latch onto with all this BS in the world? Is DJT the savior? One thing about all this is that given the obvious amount of evil and corruption in this world, it almost seems like an impossibility for a man like DJT to even exist. But he does, and the question really is if he is the real deal.

In the almost four years since he's been elected, it seems like he's doing a great job. I don't see any policies being passed that hands over more power to Big Tech and the Pharma industry, although I see an increased amount of military spending which may well be necessary to have to have done. So he at least threw the military industrial complex a bone, but it might have been a needed one if as he said, stockpiles of ammunition was next to non-existent.

So these are trying times. Nail-biting times. And to be blunt, feels like the end times.

There is this book I came across at a thrift shop called "Trumpocalypse" which goes into detail about how Trump is pre-ordained by God and is the only man in the way of a New World Order being established. I can see this. What is particularly interesting is that the book came out a couple of years ago and has only proven its case more strongly since it's publication.

But I don't know how it will all shake out. If Biden gets elected, it seems like America will be going down the tubes. However, maybe that is what needs to happen before people wake up.

On the other hand, if DJT gets re-elected, maybe America will actually be made great again.

Last night as I was praying, I thought about what the plan is for all of us. There is no doubt that God exists and that humanity is on the verge of either radical transformation or technocratic tyranny. It seems like 2020 is the year of seeing clearly with 20/20 vision. What seems to be evident is how black and white things have been getting and it is much easier to choose a side than ever before.

Either you side with fear and anger, or you believe in goodness, love and truthfulness.

Many of the Democrats are on the side of fear and anger. As are the big media and tech corporations.

I know that we are under attack. If America falls, so will Canada. So will the idea of democracy in general. All without firing a single bullet. Subversion from within and without.

It is demoralizing to witness the rioting committed in the name of Black Lives Matter when we see no protesting happening for those killed by black on black violence in dangerous areas of Chicago that far out number however many die from police brutality these days.

People are being trained to be reactive, and not to think critically. This is dangerous on so many levels.

The question with this upcoming election is now about determining how many people are able to look past the fake news and propaganda. How many of us are willing to reject the technocratic narrative in favor of what we know to be in our hearts?

These are historical times. It is so easy to see the end of the world should ballot stuffing, media manipulation and foreign political influences manage to get Biden into office. But perhaps even if that were to happen, it wouldn't be as bad as... oh, who am I kidding. It would be bad if he got in.

So we'll see. I am taking today off from looking at any news or podcasts, videos, etc. Sunday is my digital detox day and although I'm typing this out on my laptop, I'll not be scrolling through my phone looking for the next dopamine hit. Just going to try and get myself centered and rejuvenated.

There is also more drama with Fola... ugh. I am so frustrated and confused by her. She has been telling me about this dinner that she was going to make for me and... well, it doesn't look like its happening.

I really don't know what to say about her other than it seems like she does not want us to have a happy relationship without putting any effort into it. Just excuses after excuses. But she sure appreciates the efforts that I put into it. That goes without saying.

So a part of me is wondering why am I still going along with this. Do I hate myself this much? Do I not deserve to be loved in a way that leaves little room for doubt? Am I sabotaging myself somehow? Do I deserve to be punished and disrespected like this?

That is why I got angry with her yesterday. You can't make a big deal about cooking a dinner for someone and then making excuses for not having to do it. Then she gets upset that I get upset... Although I feel my reaction is justified as I will not stand for being disrespected.

And yet, I allow her to get away with this behavior time and time again.

This makes me wonder just how afraid I am of being alone. Maybe that's all it is why that I am still in this "relationship" with her although she doesn't know if we are even in a relationship...

Honestly... she is not a bright individual. She is not compassionate, not very thoughtful or considerate... Just... a hedonist who feels entitled to my affections without having to give anything much in return.

And I feel like she genuinely wants to be abused. No surprise given what her upbringing was like. Big time daddy issues where she doesn't feel loved unless she's being yelled at.

What a messed up relationship we have.

But I believe that it can be overcome. It's hard. But can be done.

And maybe I am an idiot for believing in the possibility of her being healed from all of her BS because after three years, I am still seeing some of the same old issues coming up between us.

I know I deserve better but... 

Yeah... I don't know what that but is for. I can sense a wall come up whenever I get close to the truth of what this actually all is. Maybe I am supposed to break free from her and believe in my being deserving of love. Not this facsimile of it. This pretend version of what she thinks love is supposed to look like.

It's not love to tease someone with "I miss you, I want to fuck you" etc... and then show up at her place where she goes onto her laptop and ignores what was said only hours ago. 

I crave physical connection and she knows this. It sure isn't fun sitting next to her while she's on a laptop for over an hour, hoping she will be affectionate once she's done.

Talk about feeling like a piece of shit when a computer rivals my value.

Just wasting my time... it seems.


I do deserve love and I get these small tastes of it from her. Maybe that's why I am so reluctant to let go because then I'll have nothing.

So maybe that scares me.

I know who it is that I want and I plan on sending her a letter. I hope it achieves something. 

I hope Lena will respond.

It's not something I am pinning my hopes on, but its worth a try.

I do believe in God but I am not sure what His plan is for me.

Sometimes what I want and what I need are two different things.

But I know what I want.

And I will continue praying until I get it.

Even if it may lead to the end of the world without my having received it.

At least then, I can enter the afterlife and say that I have tried and failed. That I've done my best to keep faith alive. 

And whatever shall be, will be.

Well... Let's hope that it won't come to this.

A happy ending is a real possibility, despite how society seems to be splitting at the seams.

I believe in God. I believe that I know who I am.

And I deserve so much more than this.

We'll see...God works in mysterious ways.

And... I've seen little miracles here and there.

So we'll see.


Off I go.