Interesting. I'm a bit stoned and watching that "getting back with exes" show again on Netflix. What a crazy good show this is. You can clearly see the relationship dynamics at work, and really get to know what the baseline expectations are of a good relationship. And further, get to understand what is involved in maintaining a relationship and to propel it and make it grow.
Great fucking show.
I'm thinking a lot about Fola while all this is going on. All these things that she's done to me, all these times she's upset trust; made me realize that she didn't try very hard at building trust back up again. Or to genuinely try not to be antagonistic and contrary and entitled.
I really feel like this is a designed path for me to be on right now. Destiny. We were fated to meet and there is a particular lesson to be learned for the both of us.
She was on the phone with me earlier today asking me about what our "couple's goals" are, and I really couldn't think of much to say. My first thought was that she's looking for me to highlight the focus, but she is unwilling to respect my true reasons and expectations. I know what our goals should be, and she and I talked plenty enough times about my feelings on the subject.
I want her to become the woman I wrote about in my email. To change. And this actually should be her focus. To change. To become that person. Not for only my benefit, but for hers as well.
She is lost, confused, angry and frustrated. I understand the reasons for her feeling that way. And though I do my best to help analyze her behavior and to fill her with hope and reassurance; it doesn't seem to be reciprocated nearly as much.
When she asked me on the phone about how I can be of service to others, she said it in this accusatory way. Like, I am NOT being of service to others and that being of service to others is what I'm expected to pursue. So, she creates this expectation in me (always being of service to others) and then disagrees with examples of how I actually am being of service to others.
I brought up fostering as an example. Taking care of Sadie was a chore at times. I love that dog, I appreciated her company, but when she's following me all over the house and has so much restless energy; I get exhausted after a while. It really was a labour of love that I did mainly out of service to others. She didn't agree because it was a dog, and I should be in service towards humans, in her opinion,
I brought up activism as a counter. You can fight for policy changes, for vegetarianism, for fixing the environment and advocating for social causes, without directly being of service to another human being. Or to be paid money for any of it.
The implication here, is that Fola wants me to figure out a way I can be of service to others and also get paid. It has to be a path that she herself, is interested in becoming a part of or embarking upon.
That's the thing. She doesn't like my ways of being of service to others. And I don't agree with her definition, either. She considers organizing a vision-board party and charging people money enough to make a decent profit with -- helping or being of "service". That's not service to humanity I don't think. She would disagree and say it is, because the party would not have happened if she didn't arrange for it. And yada, yada.
She can manipulate perception all she wants, but the underlying truth is that she has no inclination towards being of genuine service to others. She's not passionate about policy. Social causes. Animals. Or the mental health care system that she is a part of. In fact, she wants to leave mental health altogether. Doesn't sound like a person who genuinely wants to be of service to others. Who leaves the job that allows you actually realize what genuine service can actually be? Who is more desperate and in need of assistance than someone suicidal or depressed or confused that is reaching out for assistance through the mental health system? Who needs help most? The person paying 100$ an hour for Reiki in order to feel "healed" after the pedicure they've had a half hour ago OR the kid who has no hope for the future and made an attempt to kill himself by slashing his wrists. Who REALLY needs more "service" in the two examples I've listed?
It reminded me of how lacking in integrity she is. She didn't think building trust is important. She didn't think she was responsible for the many break-ups we've had. She made many promises of things that went unfulfilled. Always trying her best, as she would tell me each time.
And it's not her best. I know it and she knows it. The problem with us is that she is focusing on the wrong thing. I've told her plenty of times before that relationships are what matters most in life. Who wants to be on their deathbed alone and unloved, but with a rewarding career and lots of money?
And who wouldn't want to be on their deathbed surrounded by beautiful people with smiles who genuinely appreciated the kindness and love showed to them over however many years? I mean... I know what I would choose, but her?
I really think she is missing an extremely important clue in learning how to reverse the situation she is in at the moment. She needs to focus on happiness. And happiness comes from the contentment one feels across the different aspects of our lives. Whether it's career, or finances, or health, family, whatever.
She is not happy with her career. Her finances.
Seems to care somewhat about her health. But stopped doing yoga for a few months now at least. Cut caffeine out. Good for her, I suppose.
Family. Well... no real contentment there I don't think. Except when she is with her sister. I think that Sade is the biggest source of contentment for her right now. Not even her daughter makes her feel as much or more, I believe.
And our relationship? Not much contentment here, either, I don't think. Well.. I might be wrong. I think she enjoys having someone to talk to. I think the sex is amazing more times than it isn't.
Sighs. Not sure what else to say about all this. Should've paused the show because I haven't been paying it attention since writing this, and I want to make sure I don't miss any of the developments these exes are having.
Such a fascinating show to watch. Four couples, really showing the pretty and ugly side of relationships. Demonstrating the potential we all have, and how to aspire towards realizing it.
I'm going back to watch. Feeling like a girl on the couch curled up with a blanket watching soap operas. It's kind of like that, but real-life.
Edit: keep getting these revelations in my head as I'm watching. Realized that Fola is a bit of a control freak and so am I. It's hard to mesh when both people want to control different outcomes.
I suppose we're both stubborn. Although I have poured out my honest detailed thoughts and feelings to her, it doesn't gain me any respect or improve our relationship. It just feels like she enjoys the drama of controlling me. Using sex to manipulate me, as she had once admitted.
It's... Difficult to make this work when she doesn't think she needs earn forgiveness or to build trust. Even when I explain how she could do these things, she chooses not to do them anyways.
I realized that she probably takes all of my advice as condescending and egocentric. Therefore, she has to be in disagreement with me over most of what I say. Just because she isn't willing to swallow her pride enough to genuinely move us forward and towards our goals.
She knows I would support her. That I am supporting her with whatever it is she's aspiring towards, and I can't say the same for her. She didn't support my decision to foster. Instead, calling Sadie "stupid" a few days ago, and confessing her fears to me a few weeks ago about her being in "second place" because I have a puppy that needs to be looked after.
I don't see how we are going to work. Listening to the couples talk on this is eye opening. My heart melts at some of the moments they are having. Jeremy and Meg are my two favorites.
Really love this show. Now, back into it I go.
Edit 2:
Realized as I'm watching these couples, that my capacity to give love was the deciding factor in Fola and I having the intensity in our relationship that we did.
I know it's mutual, but I feel the scales are tipped to me and the energy and effort I first put in. She knows I have my walls up now, and instead of helping to remove them, she is building them up even higher with each created resentment that she is uninterested in resolving or alleviating. Just letting all her misdeeds pile up and compound.
All because she doesn't agree that forgiveness has to be earned, that trust needs to be built and passion needs to be routinely expressed along with genuine appreciation and respect for one another.
She doesn't agree. Argues the opposite, instead. We're supposed to naturally trust each other no matter what. No effort required. No demonstrations.
Naturally just want the best for each other, except when it's inconvenient or takes more effort than we are willing to give.
... I could probably type forever about all this. Constantly pausing the show. Worried that I might lose further revelations to forget about them the best day.
Although I wonder if I'm not going to care anyways, because I am choosing to settle for this relationship the way it is. I've set my foot down enough times. I've humoured and supported her enough. I've demonstrated through words and actions how much she means to be and how important I think all this is.
She hasn't done enough to convince me by.
I don't think she considers us important at all.
I think she considers herself important more than anything.
For no reason of merit.
Just because. She's naturally awesome and amazing to be around.
And she isn't.
Despite the attention she gets from people, there's not much depth to Fola. Nothing truly exceptional or unique about the way she is.
She's not more compassionate than average. Not witty, intelligent or perceptive than others I've dated.
She looks unique, I guess. Mixed race.
Doesn't fit in. Like me.
People do get drawn to that, I guess. She does talk well and knows how to manipulate perception.
Not particularly great at that, either, judging from how I see her act and what clothes she wears. How she feels judged by others and unworthy.
We're both flawed people.
I'm not one to judge other than to admit that I am unhappy with her and her negative way of being. Wish she would... Gain more awareness, somehow. More perspective. And... Wish she would respect and reflect upon the observations over made to help her in becoming more perceptive.
... Back to the show.