The masquerade has begun.
This last couple of weeks have been pretty.. well, intense. I can't really discuss any of it on here, but I should at least mention that things are on the up and up and I have found a greater purpose and reason for being. Really super proud of myself and how I handled the strangeness I've been experiencing lately.
I made mention earlier on my blog that there is a God, and now it is more true than ever before. Not only do I believe and *know* such an entity exists; I also feel more alive and aware for having made this realization.
People are in a constant state of evolution within themselves, I've observed. There are levels of development in which we pin consciousness upon. Some shitty things need to happen in order to reach these higher levels, and once you start making your way up there, then the signs appear. Synchroncities. Coincidences, and the like.
I'm incredibly blessed and fortunate to have experienced what the past couple of months have brought to me. This includes the breakup with Gina, a pivotal moment in time where I had the choice of falling into despair, or shrugging it all off and keeping myself fired up and optimistic about my relationship chances in the future.
Fola is not that perfect girl for me, I don't think, but she is very close. She certainly has the potential to be that person, and yet, I am unsure about where she will be taking herself and where her and I will end up. The future is so uncertain, and that is exactly how it must be, because when I try and fight against the current to bring about an outcome that I think is ideal; I often find myself straying from the path that has been set out before me. I simply am not following my life's purpose, when I try and brute force things. I can only simply be, and move on with faith and gratitude in my heart, hoping and knowing that wherever life takes me, it will be exactly the most optimal outcome possible.
I now have a greater sense of clarity within myself. I will not be going back to my old job. I will forge ahead with a new endeavor, whatever it may be, and I have quite a good idea of the next steps I need to be taking in order to make the most of my potential.
I feel free, but also, I feel like this has only begun. I am taking these tentative baby steps forward and something much greater than myself is looking at me from the other side, urging me to move. So that I will make whatever this entity is; proud.
I want to make it proud.
I will.
It has already begun.