Thursday, April 28, 2011
wake-up call, the threequel?
Monday, April 25, 2011
wake-up call redux
It’s 2:39am and after falling asleep an hour ago, I woke to a message.
In my dreams, there was a young woman -- perhaps 16, holding a disfigured, bawling baby. The lady seemed confused about what to do with the child and I felt a sense of concern for it’s well-being and suspected abuse.
Then, the child .. changes, the more I interact with it. It ages and matures into a being I can intelligently talk to. This would have been a miracle, had the “baby” not described what happened. That she “willed” herself to assume her present form. As I, and the young mother express our disbeliefs, it later becomes known that this child is special and has the ability to “will” change. The room was littered with toys (mostly from the 80s) that appeared out of thin-air; created by her imagination.
She asked me to look into her eyes, and I was mesmerized by their shifting colours and shapes. After about a minute of this, I was then asked to look into a mirror -- for what purpose, I could not ascertain. But there was something important about my doing so and I had the sense that I was being tested. The child reacted with surprise while I was staring at myself. She excitedly jabbered something to her mother about my being special (if I’m recalling correctly), or “the one”. Something along those lines.
The parallel’s between this and Lauren, are painfully obvious. Though the mother in question did not resemble my ex at all.
Another fragment I’m remembering had to do with my being underground and able to exit through a drainage ditch to the world outside. There, I’m confronted by piping of the sort that I insulate on a daily basis. Before me lay a grassy, serene world with these pipes blighting the horizon and I remember thinking, “was this worth it?” or maybe, “I did it all for this?”. There was some resentment about those pipes (my job insulating) that I don’t remember enough of the details.
As I’m standing here, looking at these pipes; small parachutes drop from the sky. They are each attached to palm-sized bombs that resembled miniature imitations of Fat Man -- the infamous nuclear bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima. I watched each of those small parachutes land to the ground and seemingly become absorbed by it. They did not detonate and I was able to hold one momentarily as I caught it from the sky. They were all spaced apart at distances no less than 15 feet and so, there were thousands of these landing as far as I could see.
While I’m left wondering why they weren’t detonating, I became aware of something happening. A fire in the distant horizon, and it appeared to be coming towards me at an alarming rate. Perhaps these bombs each detonated with a delay and I had the queer suspicion that this was the end of the world I was witnessing.
I quickly ran to the drain tunnel and made my way back underground. Here, things were well-lit and I was soon met by a stranger whom I asked “are you security?” and he responded with a laugh, saying no. He wasn’t. Soon after, a man approached and asked my name. I then was escorted to an office and saw “David” being scratched off of a notepad once my identity was confirmed.
Intrigued at this, I fished around for clues as to who was looking for me and what happened. It appears that the outside world had no interest to these folks, and being underground had it’s own group of people living a sheltered life. However, the man would not offer me any other information except that there was some “15x3” (a size that doesn’t exist at my job) that needed to be done someplace. Apparently, I was an employee and was expected to insulate.
Then.. I woke up, letting the thoughts sink in and anchoring these fragments into my immediate awareness so I could type them onto my laptop before I forget what I dreamed about.
It just seemed important that I write all this down. The first part of the dream really did feel like a reference to Lauren and her daughter Sophia and I feel that maybe -- it’s either wish-fulfilment/prophecy/remote communication or an imaginative commentary on my present situation -- I was expected or would have been, a good father/mentor figure for this child. I was spurred briefly to re-establish communication with Lauren in an almost mild panic.. that’s how convincing this metaphor / parallel was.
The 2nd part of the dream, I’m guessing to mean that the world will come to an end should I continue with what I do for a living. Perhaps “the world” is more “my world” or my life. In that context, it makes much more sense. And the underground part of it is safe haven from the end? I don’t think so, because as I was looking at the pipe in the dream -- I remember feeling sad that insulating somehow caused it to happen. That I ended “my” or “the” world. Maybe it alludes to a perceived destruction of self potential.
Perhaps it all served as a warning.
It’s interesting to think about. Back to sleep I go.