It has been a few months and now I am completely settled into my mother's townhome in Edmonton where I do not want to be.
This place feels wrong. I knew it when she first showed it to me, the day she decided to buy it without asking for my opinion on what I thought of it. One single bathroom upstairs and a toilet in the basement. Nothing on the main floor. My bedroom is small and depressing to be in, it is often chilly at night and the window has no light coming in and a view of the parking lot.
I suppose I like the old trees around the property, but that is about it. One of them crosses by my bedroom window.
These are hard times. Not just economically because I can no longer work in my trade due to mandates, but it is hard mentally and spiritually. My mother is completely asleep. She will not welcome an intelligent discussion about the nature of our reality or can discuss the depths of how I am feeling and what I am concerned about. She spends her days watching reality shows like The Bachelor or game shows like Wheel of Fortune where she gets excited each time people win money.
Her life revolves around the television and eating food. She is a sensory creature and when asked if she thought there was life after death, she thinks there is nothing on the other side.
In short, my mother is... unlike me in every aspect I can think of. Oil and water and...
It hurts. I have trouble being around her. At least before when I had my own place, I could see her once a week and retain my sanity. Now, I see her every single day and I do not want to be here.
I don't want to be here anymore.
I am almost broke. My money is about all gone and I am in serious debt. I have no hope for my future to make a living. I do not want to be a part of this charade any longer the more I read and learn about what this world really is and how it operates.
And it makes me wonder if I had a million dollars right now, if I would feel any differently. Maybe I would. I would be happy to move out of this country and never come back. Spend my days by a beach. Sand in-between my toes, maybe a dog or a pet and... live a serene and peaceful life.
But I do not have a million dollars. All I have is a soul that cries out to the heavens for release from this madness. This... game we are all inside of. Some of us realize this what this place is but many do not. Many continue to believe what is on the television, many continue to believe in this system or that it is worth fighting for and maintaining.
I disagree. This was a beautiful place. I loved being out in nature, seeing the bright warm yellow sun, being by the river and watching the currents rolling by. No longer. The world has become grey and routine and difficult to bear.
It is not solely because of how I've changed but because of how much has happened in the last three years. We have had the curtain pulled aside and we can see those behind the scenes pulling the strings of our "leaders" and manipulating the elections. We see the evil exposed and being brought into the light. Some of us has protested, such as with the Freedom Convoy and some of us have sat at home, oblivious, playing our video games, watching our movies, doing stuff that doesn't really matter.
Myself, I have tried. When rallies produced nothing, when speaking to my family could not prevent them from taking the injections, I turned inward. I studied, learned as much as I could about what was going on. I knew it two years ago but each day since has only increased my worries and certainty that this is a world run by evil and those that are ignorant of it are by themselves complicit in how this all came about.
Brazil, America, Australia, the UK, Canada, New Zealand... my God, it runs deep. The evil has been trying to corral human beings into a digital slavery system of central bank digital currencies, 15 minute cities, concentration camps... Yesterday I watched a video about babies being born in artificial wombs and how parents could alter their baby's genetics however way they wanted and can monitor remotely from an app on their phone. It is sick. Evil. Twisted manipulation of what it means to be a human being.
Everything is going to go digital and then there will be no freedom left once everyone's move is tracked, their spending controlled and they are restricted from going outside of their "zones" as how it is currently being implemented in Oxford, UK.
Australia is even worse. Recreational fishing is now punishable by up to 6 years in jail and thousands of dollars in fines. The digital ID system will make it so that you cannot even buy a cup of coffee at a cafe without a digital fingerprint. No more money can be given to the homeless. No more money can be spent on "unessentials" which will be decided by the government and decided by your social credit score and carbon footprint.
This is absolutely evil and... I have been watching it every day since March of 2020. It only grows worse and worse. Nothing is getting any better. Some of our freedoms have been restored but there are still those who ride around alone in their cars with a mask on their faces. The programming is deep. So many cannot seem to wake up to the scam being perpetuated upon us. The slow boiling of the frogs has long commenced and the water is now close to being scalding hot.
I have taken drastic shifts mentally and spiritually in preparing myself for the times to come. Where I was once optimistic and full of cheer and good energy, I... am now grim and restrained. I see the danger of all this and I have calculated the odds for humanity to pull through. It is not good. Those with money who are able to live outside of the cities, off-grid or being able to grow their own food among strong communities who value freedom and self-sufficiency have the best chances of success.
Even then, if money is removed from the system and replaced by digital dollars, I cannot foresee them making it through. Not when property taxes have to be paid, utilities and cell phone/internet bills.
I am happy when I watch people like Curtis Stone who has gone off-grid outside of Kelowna. If any of humanity should pull through to the other side, I hope it will be men like him. He has the best chances out of all of us. Max Igan, Jeff Berwick... Neil Mckoy-Ward... and others might fare well.
They are the best and brightest of us. They deserve the success they've managed to create for themselves.
Myself... and others who are in a similar position, are not as fortunate.
How can one choose NOT to participate in this beast system? Where we are treated like animals to be tagged, tracked and told what to do and where we can go? What is the option for us who cannot afford to live off-grid and disconnect?
I believe there is no option.
And I think you know what I mean by that.
For the past few months I have shifted my focus to learning about my soul. About the spirit. About where we go after we die and learning about those who have had near death experiences. I am understanding a side of reality that few choose to think about. I believe these are the times to inform ourselves of what lies upon the other side should we inevitably reach the point of no return where it is either homelessness and slavery or death.
Some of us are being pushed to make those decisions sooner than others.
That is why it is so important to understand who we are and where we come from. Understand what we believe in. Ask ourselves if what we believe in is correct and study it from multiple angles. I myself have been raised a skeptical Catholic. I knew from a young age that parts of the Bible did not make sense. But I also knew there was a God and that He/It was good and loves us. I just could not see that God in the Old Testament but I could feel it inside of my soul. I knew he was there.
It wasn't until I began looking into Gnosticism and the Apocryphon of John that I began to value Yeshua or Jesus more than I ever did. Regardless of whether or not he existed, his words DO exist and resonate through the ages. Most especially in Gnostic texts such as the Gospel of Thomas.
I believe his mission was to come here to teach us how to escape. It makes perfect sense, for he himself has said that the ruler of this world is evil. That our bodies are a prison and that the true home of our souls is elsewhere, not here. Not on this Earth.
And they killed him for it, took his teachings, perverted some of what he said, changed him into a judge and arbitrator of souls when contradictory passages exist to say that he did not come to judge us but to save the world. It brings into question Revelation, also, as a text that is worth a critical examination. Will he return? What would happen if he does? How will we know it is him? Will everything be magically fixed once he does? Will the rapture happen? Will the tares be separated from the wheat?
Or are we all being lead into slaughter by words that he himself did not write or speak of. Are we going to be placing our hopes into the hands of "John" who wrote the book of Revelation while locked inside of a prison and claiming that they are true and accurate visions of the future?
So much of the book appears to be coming true right now but it is easy to not consider that it might be a set-up. A script. A blueprint being followed and carried out purposefully. There is no question that a great evil exists upon this planet and that dark forces are pulling the strings. Absolutely no question about that at all. Mind-controlled robots. Psychopaths without conscience. Hypocrites of the highest order imaginable.
Perversion of justice and the officers who have sworn to protect us.
We can no longer place our trust into anything external. We cannot magically hope for a sudden reversal of the economy, the restoration of human rights, the elimination of inflation, high-interest rates and so on.
Our children are still being indoctrinated in schools to believe all the wrong things about the world they are being prepared to enter. They are being read stories by men dressed up as women and cheered on by clueless "woke" mothers who think they are somehow being inclusive to what is a dark agenda being carried out right in front of their faces.
Few people know the truth of how bad it really is. Maybe that is why some choose not to face it. Maybe that is why people like my mother can only watch game shows all day and distract herself with food and shopping and doing haircuts for people.
Because if she really knew... If everyone really knew...
They would be horrified.
Just like I have been. Just like I am now.
There is so much going on that it isn't just politics and the economy we need to worry about. We are being given GMO foods, low-quality and water filled with toxins and drugs and fluoride. It is not going to improve anytime soon. If ever.
The point of all that is happening is a crushing of the human spirit. A replacement of Christians and those who believe in conservative values. Love, compassion, beauty, justice and freedom. None of these values are being reflected in our society today. Porn, Tinder and feminists have destroyed love, compassion has been reduced to supporting pedophiles and deranged men, beauty is no longer present in movies or art or the radiance of a happy soul, justice is eroded and favors the rich and the elite and freedom... you know what has happened to freedom. People still are locked up for what happened on Jan. 6. Truckers have had their bank accounts frozen and people like Chrystia Freeland is on video laughing about it.
These are the times to be preparing to live in caves and cut off from the system. If we cannot do that, if protesting does not change a thing, if half the population is against us and supports mandates and doing whatever they are told to do, then we are ruled by slaves and must act quickly to prevent the worst of what is coming.
The building is on fire and no amount of buckets of water can extinguish it.
Pray for the good souls among us and let us become good souls ourselves. Let us affirm our divinity, our sovereignty, our truth. Let us affirm it as far as we can. For even in Revelation it speaks of 1/3rd of Christians being killed standing up for what they believe in.
Yes, we must go deep within now. Read as much as you can. Test and challenge what you believe in. Gnosticism is useful. Study near death experiences. Find out what the Buddhists say. Learn about the Gods of Hinduism. Examine the crazy ideas and notions that people like Icke put out. GO DEEP WITHIN and do not languish in ignorance if you can help it. Make that time to read each day. Learn. Pray. Connect.
...And I do not know who I am addressing this message towards... I suppose I am ranting... no one reads these messages anyways.
I just know that I am a good man and my heart is pure. My intentions have been pure.
However, the social contract has been broken and I have no allies in real life to lean upon.
I pray for release. I pray for understanding. I pray for wisdom and guidance.
I pray for us all.
I am a sovereign being.
And this place is hell.