Thursday, August 04, 2022

The Remnants

It still keeps going. The heavy weight of this world continues to press down.

I am in-between a rock and a hard place. I have about a month to get everything out from my house before new people move in and there is so much here to deal with.

Heavy furniture, books, shelves, electronics, stuff in the garage, stuff in the basement...

It's all so much. So overwhelming that I am not getting as much done as I would like.

My cousin Justin is coming over here today to have a look at what he would like to keep for himself at his new home. I'm looking forward to seeing him here for the first time. In all the years I've been here, few of my relatives have come by to see my place. 

There is a deep sadness inside of me now. A dark cloud where before there was light. Yesterday I thought a little about how I have reached this point and seriously questioned my purpose and reason for being here on this planet.

What have I done with my life? All of those years I've stood and drew breath? 

What have I truly accomplished other than to write on this blog and to have written novels that are unfinished and won't ever be published? 

I knew early on in life that my gift was the use of imagination and an ability to paint pictures with words. I loved reading and using my mind to imagine worlds and experiences that I may not ever get to enjoy.

Experiences like falling in love with someone who loves and cares for me as deeply as I do for them.

Experiences like finding a career that I enjoy and feeling proud to earn a living with.

The experience of bringing myself ever the more closer to understanding God and the supernatural realms that exist between myself and Him.

44 years of my life has come to this. This disheartened state pf confusion and worry.

I am an overthinker and cannot help but imagine the future, not just for myself, but for humanity in general.

Like it was said in the last post, it is not looking good for us. 

And... a part of me is wondering if I might be wrong, and that this is all theatre as a prelude to the Great Awakening where everyone understands the Truth of how we have been deceived through our institutions, manipulated by technology and forced into digital servitude.

What kind of life will our children be inheriting from us? People like me who are at the cusp of this global transformation and enslavement? I feel both responsible and helpless for the predicament we've found ourselves in.

Seeking and speaking the Truth has always been important to me. 

But it does not seem to be important to most of the people I am surrounded by. My family are content to ignore the going-ons in the world to focus their attention instead on other matters. 

The War for our Mind and Souls has been in effect since the very beginning of our birth but so few of us have realized that there is a sinister and organized intelligence in the world who wants to corrupt and destroy us.

With this "Great Reset" Satanic agenda being rolled out, it should awakened most of us to see that the world is not what it appears to be. That perhaps those "conspiracy" theorists were telling us the truth all along. 

But the damage has already been done. The economy is being wrecked. Unneeded vaccines have already been shot into most people's arms. Governments are corrupt and failing. The flow of information censored and controlled by a select few.

There will be a reset by active principle force, or a reset of slow necessity as we try to salvage the remnants of our old ways of life.

The generation of kids born after the year 2000 have not known a world without the internet. Without cell phones. They did not experience the trauma that was caused to us collectively by what happened on September 11th, 2001.

Because it was trauma that was intentionally inflicted upon us. The opening bell before the formation of a surveillance state that tracks our every move, knows our every purchase, knows our friends and families better than we know them ourselves. 

A state that has access to everything about ourselves except our thoughts, and it is only a matter of time before they might be able to access our minds as well.

I believe the keys to the planet have been given over to artificial intelligence. It controls the food supply, the distribution of goods, makes decisions based on our behavior. This AI has access to the entire internet and can categorize the collective mood of the planet.

Years ago I remember reading about AI being able to write articles and social media posts. Now, it is without dispute that social media is infested with bots. Some of whom are easy to spot and not others.

News articles can now appear genuine, video footage can be faked, voice samples from human beings are harvested to create fake dopplegangers that are close to if not completely believable.

Imagine the power that an artificial intelligence would now have if given these tools of manipulation and deception. No one could ever determine what is true and what is not. A nuclear bomb could go off in New York City and no one would ever know about it if this AI decides not to release the information.

It could even fake stories altogether, complete with audio and video footage of a person who may or may not exist. Imagine politicians who look and speak like real people, but do not actually exist.

That is a scary reality we are heading towards. One that is completely controlled and without accountability. 

How can humanity survive all this intact? When we place trust into that which is unworthy, we buy into the deception and muddy our understanding of the world we live in. We cannot make educated decisions when the information being given is false or misleading.

There will come a point in time when it will be impossible to know what is truly going around us unless we talk face-to-face with people that we know.

And even then, it would be such a small window of insight.

I was searching for news on Sri Lanka today, trying to find out how bad the situation is there. It turns out its pretty bad. People are lining up for days, sleeping in their cars, waiting to purchase fuel which is rationed and controlled by an application on their cell phones.

But, that was all I could find out about the country. Aside from that, how is it really in the country? How many people are starving? How many are out of work? How many have died as a result of failed green policies that have crippled their island?

In Alberta, they released statistics recently showing that "unknown" deaths are the leading cause of mortality in the province. How can it be "unknown" when the common denominator are these vaccines being forced upon everyone?

What is happening to us is sick. It's scary, and it does not seem to be ending anytime soon.

Technology only gets better and more refined with time. 

And it is far superior to that of a single human mind no matter how badly this one mind wants to push back against it.

I fear for this planet. Humanity has been painted into a corner.

People like myself are an aging breed and we are among the last to know what life before the digital age was like. 

It was filled with warmth, hope and awe.

It is no longer any of these things.

May God have mercy upon us and strike down those that are responsible for this enslavement.

Because we cannot hope to do it on our own.

Should this be the "end" of the world, so be it.

Humanity will have no freedom left if it continues along like this.

And no meaning or purpose to live for.

Other than to exist.

To consume.

And to seek out pleasure.

All provided for by the great AI in the sky. Watching, controlling and managing our every move and perceptions.

God help us.

We need you now.